Great news, look like yearly war - contributions which Kremlin kleptocracy pays to this Muslim state is not enough anymore..., is this just an independent declaration or Chechens are ready to legalize their already de facto independent status? " Lawmakers in Russia's Muslim-majority, North Caucasus region of Chechnya have voted to allow schoolgirls to wear traditional Islamic head scarves, or hijabs. The Chechen parliament announced that the amendments to the regional law on education were adopted on March 30. ... Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Moscow on March 31 that the Kremlin did not have a unified stance on Chechnya's move, adding that the issue was being resolved in different areas differently. The issue of hijabs for schoolgirls has been a matter of heated debate for some time. In January, Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva faced harsh criticism from the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, and Russia's Islamic clerics for her call to ban hijabs in schools across Russia, asserting that it is a secular state."
How ridiculous to ban headscarves. They would never be banned in the US... although if the liberals had their way they would go against our Constitution and freedom of religion and ban crosses. Since Russia consists of different Republics and each one must be respected accordingly, then it should be up to each Republic.
zhanna i knew that´´d love the implantation of sharia law in Muscovy, whats about Islamic patrol in Moscow ? do you like it too`?