Chik-fila-a: Boycott or not to Boycott

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Zosiasmom, Jul 24, 2012.

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  1. woodystylez

    woodystylez Banned

    Jan 25, 2012
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    The owner has rights just like everyone else. I feel uncomfortable around gays and don't identify with them at all. But since the owner came out and said this, I will never eat there unless it is impossible for me to eat elsewhere. I was raised Christian and we were taught that being judgemental was a bad thing. The attack on gays is out of hand, let them live their lives and get your noses out of them.
  2. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    You are exaggerating... there are no Hitler-loving Nazis in this (except in your imagination). If politics can be wielded to stop a Mosque from going up in New York; then politicians have a right to question what opening a Chic-fil-A (considering all things) might do to their 'community'.

    It is certainly smash-mouth politics to a degree, but it is a part of American culture and an integral aspect of the process we call "democracy".

    It really wouldn't hurt.

    The above is nothing but a visceral and vulgar expression of ignorance on your part. (You surely aren't serious about the topic.) That is disgustingly-ludicrous stuff you're relating. That has nothing to do with what I was pointing out. (If you're really curious about the mechanics you so graphically displayed above... I'm sure you can find someone to give you even greater details and pointers. Who knows? You might even enjoy what you're describing so vividly. :)

    I'm considering the "mental process" that generated such nonsense in your response above. :(

    Talk to credible scientists about it; maybe they'll set you "straight". ;)

    1. BS
    2. Irrelevant here.

    Remember that "mental process" I referred to above? (I hope someone gets that looked into by a professional.)

    Dan Cathy of Chic-fil-A might want to play that game (whatever it is).

    Look, if you have some BREAKING NEWS on what may or may not explain homosexuality, then share it. Until then... it is better to stick with what has already been researched and widely verified by many scientists. Sorry, not interested in some single theory at this point.

    Ha-ha!! Really?

    Have you seen what heterosexuals do? I have to admit that it is interesting what does or does not turn people 'on'.

    LOL!! I swear this is (at least) hilarious. :)

    I think you really need to be educated on what experts already know about human sexuality (specifically homosexuality). You aren't making much sense here.

    Chic-fil-A is good food; the values of the person benefiting from the POLITICAL POWER he garners from that corporation... is NOT GOOD (IMO).

    1. Irrelevant.
    2. I DO NOT care.

    Surely irrelevant.

    What does that have to do with a Chic-fil-A boycott? (Nothing.)

    What you're saying is just silly.

    Actually, I'm going to hang out with my camera and see if I can get some pictures to sell to the local news outlets.

    After what Dan Cathy promoted in his views; I'll try very hard to make sure he never gets more of 'my' money; and I'll be activistic in encouraging others to abstain from paying him more money.
  3. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    No. Attacking the business he works for because you don't like what he said does.

    Killing a black man isn't a hate crime. Killing him because he's black is. Intent matters.​
  4. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    No. Beating up a guy isn't denying him free speech. Beating up a guy because you don't like what he said ... yea you're sending him a pretty clear message. You do it publicly, in front of other guys who may be considering saying the 'wrong thing' too, well ... now that's the kind of free speech Sadam offered.​
  5. Agrona

    Agrona New Member

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Boycott or not to boycott, that is the question. My answer? I couldn't care less. Anyone who even tries to eat that chicken fried 'chicken' needs to have their cholesterol checked.
    If you wanted people to address the article, you should have changed the title.
  6. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    Assumptions are generally false? That doesn't seem likely. When you sit in a chair do you assume it will hold your weight? When you wake up do you assume it's morning? The guy you know nothing about, do you assume he has two hands? That he's alive? That he had parents?

    I'm guessing your problem with that guy isn't that he's making assumptions, but that he's making reckless ones or that he's simply assuming incorrectly.

    In any case, "assuming things" (even "things you cannot possibly know about") isn't slander. Slander is making false and damaging statements.
  7. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    Imagine you're talking to a five year old about a disagreement he's having with his school mate. The advice you're giving him is to completely disregard both what he thinks is right and what the other kid thinks is right, and instead simply hurt the other kid to remove his ability to express himself and to make him capitulate. There are most certainly other ways to effect people and their opinions.

    "hit them ... where it counts." Seriously?

    I do expect people to not fight Dan Cathy. I expect them to fight his ideas. You don't do that by hurting his family or burying his ideas, you do it by offering better ones. I don't think I'm expecting too much of people.​
  8. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    5-year-old's don't have disputes over gay rights. (So much for that notion.)

    No, not a valid analogy. Likely nothing which kids that age would argue about, has the importance which this issue clearly does.

    Look, the problems we are arguing here are old and complex. The longer the problems persist, the more people will up the ante to make a change.

    How long do you think denying homosexuals equal rights will be tolerated by more and more Americans?? (My guess is, not long.)

    But people aren't necessarily going to choose the ways that YOU think are best/right.

    Yes, "seriously". Money in politics = VOTES (for the most part). Why hand Dan Cathy more 'money', if he's against the very things you're fighting FOR?

    In some perfect world, that would work. In this reality, Cathy will likely take revenue from his Chic-fil-A business, and use it to support anti-gay causes. Now, YOU can approach this in a more creative, amicable or academic manner... but I'm not going to, at this point. Less 'money' for Dan Cathy = less political power/influence for Dan Cathy. That is not difficult to fathom... even if it IS difficult for those who agree with him to accept.

    He's hurting people; I don't see how he is going to avoid the very reciprocity that was surely coming his way. He gets no free pass, using his stature as President of C-f-A, to promote his views.

    Well, you think, say and do what your conscience dictates. If I seem somewhat intransigent in all of this, it is because I've fought this kind of battle for nearly all of my adult life. I know that playing softball-politics perpetually, leads to little or nothing changing.

    I for one, am not in agreement with your views on this. I don't see you as a bad guy for that... I only see that we disagree.
  9. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    Dan Cathy is not hurting anyone. He's expressing a point of view that's different from your own, that's it. That people are not "necessarily going to choose the way that YOU think are best/right" does not justify hurting them, their family, the company they works for, and the people who work with them. It doesn't justify jumping over the real and necessary work of dealing with those old and complex considerations to find consensus and simply demanding folks give in to your point of view.

    Make the kid 15 or even 25 if you want, the wrongness of the lesson is still clear. I'm glad you don't think I'm a bad guy; I don't want to think you're one. But imposing your point of view with force, regardless of cost to others, is what bad guys do.​
  10. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    I'll have to disagree and leave it there. I don't think we'll ever stop arguing.

    What I want to see (in time), is homosexual couples being allowed to legally marry.
  11. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    If you can show me how Dan is doing anything more than advocating his beliefs, I'm willing to look at it. And I expect (in time) we'll both see same sex marriage recognized by law. It's inevitable at this point.

    But the key to getting there is the fundamental guarantee of equal protection for all our citizens, the promises of fairness our constitution embodies. I'm not willing to sacrifice those promises for a quick end to this particular debate. The rights you're looking for today, and the ones future generations will look for, will only last if we respect and preserve them.​
  12. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Someone said the following, and it reflects pretty much how I feel about the whole thing:

    And that is all I'm advocating primarily, is that people not buy products from an organization which supports negative attitudes toward homosexual people.
  13. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    What if had said he does support mixed race marriage? You don't want to buy from him, fine. You don't want to rent your room to a black guy or mixed race couple, fine. But start a campaign to get everyone in your town to not rent or sell homes to mixed race couples because of their race or to not eat at businesses because of their owners beliefs and I'm concerned. I've seen where that road leads.

    There are definitely parallels here to what happened in the 60s. But they're not the ones you think. History tells us attacking folks because of their beliefs, instead of discussing those beliefs in open and free debate, is the wrong way to go. ​
  14. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    It's going to boil down to whether or not people will do business there.

    We know that controversial positions lead to issues such as this, and those who agree or disagree will act according to the dictates of their consciences.

    What's left now to see, are the effects of the actions which people will take in the days and weeks to come.
  15. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    There have been death threats against people working for the company, and the recent attempt on the part of politicians to coerce desirable speech or punish for undesirable speech shows me that this boycott is not self-policing. Boycotts should be just that, a boycott of purchase. Not threats. Not using political power to punish or coerce.

    I am loathe to tolerate the infringement of the Constitution, and I am loathe to tolerate death threats and terror to make a point. I would feel the same way if it was discrimination against women, blacks, etc if these same tactics were employed.

    Ask me to not eat the food. Sure fine. I did that for months. Make me inadvertently a part of a movement that is now setting a precedence against the most important of all amendments, the price is too high. It's a single restaurant. The First Amendment is my sacred cow.

    I am more than willing to help the gay cause by donating money, writing letters, and donating pro bono hours to gay marriage litigation.
  16. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    I'll never support violence in situations like this; I abhor that.
  17. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    I can see that Bloomberg and others with a similar view have some valid points. It doesn't mesh with how I 'feel' about this... but when I zoom out from myself, I can say that views such as Bloomberg's are fairly rational.

    Personally, I will continue to boycott and encourage others to do so.
  18. expatriate

    expatriate Banned

    Feb 11, 2012
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    a few quick points in the form of cliff notes, to avoid the book metaphor continuing:

    1. Maybe you can't f*cking read... I have said that I would not personally support the boycott, so your suggesting that I am outraged by people who do not support it is really pretty stupid, doncha think?

    2. you can go shove a fid up your rectum, pal. People who dare question my patriotism do so from behind the safety of the internet only. I moved to Mexico for a variety of reasons, but NONE of them had to do with me losing my love for my native land that I well and faithfully served for a long long time.

    3. Do you honestly believe that there are only a handful of liberals in uniform. Wesley Clark ring a bell? Joe Sestak? Mike Boorda? There is no political "mold" for career military officers. You are a professional and your politics have no place onboard. During my quarter of a century in uniform, I met many conservative and not quite as many liberals but politics was always irrelevant at sea. There is a job to be done and who you vote for or don't vote for has no bearing on what that job is or how you do it.

    4. I love that "served in the military during wartime" line... we both know what that means, remf. I could give a rat's rectum whether you can identify with me. For you to suggest that there is a "typical" naval officer is, in itself laughable. Professionals come in all shapes and sizes and ideologies.

    5. And again... you obviously don't know squat about my "ideology" because I absolutely disagree with the idea of the ends justifying the means...and I always have. I absolutely DO agree that any citizen has the right to boycott a restaurant for whatever f*cking reason they chose. And, since I have said that the more I read about CFA, the more I am impressed by their corporate ethic and performance, I would not join them in their boycott of CFA. I do not slam companies and their products ever for political purposes. I sometimes express my disgust with places like McDonald's for their disgusting food, but not for their politics. I don't drink Coor's beer and I hate the politics of the owners, but I hate their beer more because it is lame beer, so politics does not come into play there either.

    6. People are free to hate Mr. Cathy because he doesn't like gay people... and people are free to hate the people who hate Mr. Cathy because they don't like gay people or they don't like people who hate people whom they admire... it's all part of the hurly burly public discourse that is American politics. Don't like it? Get offended by it? Don't participate... it's not gonna change.

    7. Don't like the cut of my jib? I don't like you much either, but that won't stop me from word-whipping you every chance I get. It's kind of a guilty pleasure for me, though... like poking fun at a retarded kid... it isn't quite as gratifying as I would have hoped it would be. Like I need to go wash my hands or have a drink. gnite.
  19. Jenda

    Jenda Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    You know protests have taken a stupid turn when Chick-Fil-A becomes your battleground.:frustrated:
  20. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    absolutely correct and accurately stated. Ya'll fighting in a chicken sammich shop. Take out to the parking lot, at least
  21. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    My wife had this posted to her facebood account. I thought it would be an interesting share
    ... When our home in Harvest, AL was destroyed on April 27, 2011 people were left without power or many resources for food. But each day as we went back to pick up our lives piece by piece, groups of people started showing up with water, sandwiches, and simple meals. But on May 1, 2011, which was a Sunday, people from Chick-Fil-A came through with hot chicken sandwiches handing them out to us along with hugs and well wishes. I thanked the lady and told her we were very lucky because not many people can say they got a hot Chick-Fil-A sandwich on a Sunday served with a hug and a prayer! THANK YOU CHICK-FIL-A FOR ALL THAT YOU DID FOR OUR COMMUNITY. I don't care if you support gay marriages or not because that day, you showed support for mankind!!!
    This is significant in as much as CFA doesn't open on Sundays....
  22. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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  23. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    The Chick-fil-A appreciation day seems to be going over big in my town. I rode by there this morning and the parking lot was packed and also a long line at the drive-thru.
  24. MisLed

    MisLed New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Are they reducing the prices on their shakes today?? They're doing something. Going great here too. What a wonderful week. A successful Glenn Beck restoring Love rally, Cruz win and people are supporting the right and decent things by supporting christian business and traditional marriage.
  25. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    I'm heading out for a shake and waffle fries. I will pass many places on the way but the drive is worth it.

    It's time for the gay movement to understand just how ridiculous they have become
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