China's economic progress comes at the expense of the environment. The industry economy grows quickly; but pollution becomes more serious. Unfortunately, the great majority of people here are insensitive to the pollution. China is imitating the West's high pattern of consumerism. Chinese hope per a people owning private car and Motorcycle,living big and big house. Consuming large power source as Western nations do. The Chinese government is making effort to realize this aim.“human congestion, cars screeching and high rise flats going up.this Is political achievement". China is producing large cars and motorcycles, large cement and brick.Exploiting large coal mines and oil field, large ore mines. Building large multi-story buildings and huge highway construction patterns. Enlarging blindly more and more area of cities and towns land. Large areas of land are damaged by the exploitation of natural resources. Car and motorcycle traffic is increasing greatly. The population in China is multitudinous"1400000000".is five times as the population of the US. China is short of cultivated land. in spite of this case,The Chinese government is developing the private car industry greatly, new highway construction will take up large areas of land. Traffic accidents increased greatly. In 2003 200,000 people died in traffic accidents in China. Building development is in mass confusion. Building technique is primitive and building in consuming large amounts of materials. In 2003 China poured 44% of the world's cement. Building a house will consume more amounts of cement brick and decorative colorful brick in China than The Western Nation. But these houses make little use of insulation letting heat flow out in the winter and letting the heat in during the hot summer months. House repairs are more difficult, too.chinese concerns beauty of own house very much,but chinese don't concern about environment round the house.they spend large money on their own house,but they are stingy in cost of the environment around their house. Garbage removal is primitive.chinese don't know Garbage classification.waste plastic bags is visible everywhere. The Chinese people like to use plastic bags and batteries just once and then throw them away.china government pay great attention to beauty of city.they afford large money in images structure of city.but they pay little attention to garbage classification.large amounts of garbage is made by large consumption. River is polluted by chemical fertilizer,pesticide,herbicides,chemical synthetic detergent(washing powders),industry waste water,human excrement and urine,garbage.waste water excrement and urine flow directly into river without any sanitation practices.the most river in china is unsuitable for drinking.many china people is harmed by drinking water in polluted river. Education in protecting environment is blank. People's understanding and concept of protecting the environment is quite low. China's people are poor, but they are not frugal.Chinese are concerned the beauty of house but don't concerned the beauty of environment,Chinese are concerned about their own health but don't care about environmental health. They like to inject and swallow more medicines,eat more wild animals, but they don't realize that the polluted food, water and air is threatening their health greatly. The population in China is multitudinous, 1.4 billion(perhaps 1.5 billion)people, five times the population of the US. China is short of cultivated land. The actual situation demands that China doesn't imitate the West's high consumption. China should develop electronic information consumption. Should develop economizing energy industries. If not, the Chinese would ruin their own environment,in further more, affect the global environment. The Chinese don't realize that pollution is their most dangerous enemy. _________________________ I like green. like science. like internet. I adore a life which is simple but rich in spirit. oppose high consumption ADDRESSeople hospital.huangchuan County.henan Province.china. My hot post:, telephone:008613598583618
China is going through the same steps every first world country did. The quality of life in poverty is very bad, as life starts to improve, pollution seems to be a necessity. But, prosperity will bring awareness. Because the path is known, China (and India) will they will go through those same steps much faster. They are not imitating the west. It is human nature to want more, not matter how much you have. I was invited to dinner in a large, Western style home, near Kunshan, owned by the Taiwanese factory owner. If they had heat, they weren't using it. We ate dinner with our coats on. I got the impression, they were very concerned about the status of their house, not so concerned about their personal comfort. Many of the factories do not use air conditioning, and keep their heat very low in the winter. As the norm becomes nice houses, heated and cooled houses will become status, followed by high energy costs, followed by better construction. Someone good at retrofit will make a lot of money in 10 to 20 years. The last time I was in China, I attended a Tzu Chi meeting. It started by showing the locals how to sort trash into recyclables. As the people of China become wealthy, they will stop polluting, even faster than the west for 2 reasons. They know the path, but more importantly, the one child policy. I was in Hong Kong just as SAR's broke out. The government lost face from their denial. As far as eating medicines, if China follows japan, that won't change form many years. Today, poverty is China's most dangerous enemy. As the economy improves, and the people have disposable income, pollution will be cut back.