Christians, how is it that all Gods are myths except your literal idolized God? Literalism or literal reading of holy books has been the stimulus for many Holy Wars and Inquisitions. Gnostic Christians and their superior thinking on this were almost decimated by early Christians. Christianity has been responsible for the annihilation of many religious sects who just wanted to read their Christian scriptures non-literally. They also destroyed many cults who had non-Christian Gods. Has this belief in a real and literal God and Jesus, --- external instead of within us, --- hurt religions overall or has it helped? Jesus taught that God was within each of us and that we should seek him or her out, within us yet Christians killed many who did not agree with Jesus or those who believed that particular biblical teaching. John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. Is literal reading a good idea or is it destructive to clear thinking? Are scriptures representing myths with messages or are they pointing to a real literal God? Has Christianitys callous destruction of others who believed differently, even within Christianity, actually help build respect for Christianity and their God? Regards DL