This happens a lot, and loses a lot of people time they could be using otherwise. traffic accidents could be cleared quickly if the traffic clearing people were to come from the front - if the traffic has left a 'gap' between the front of the broken down vehicle and the back of the traffic that has already taken off forwards. How about traffic in general? to get 'rid' of traffic congestion, they should build more fly ways, yes? but that doesn't clear it up, it just decreases it! To clear traffic up, so there will be hardly any congestion, all businesses could start at different times? this would see it half if there was an hour gap between start of work, yes? it would see it reduced to forty percent at least if there was work beginning at 08:00, 09:00 and 10:00. Also, they should do away with robots and have officers direct traffic. this will mean, that, when one way is congested, and the other is free flowing, then there will be more balance, yes? Then, they could also observe that the problem with traffic is that they always converge on the same spots. with minimal reconstruction, they could make the side oncoming traffic into slip ways, yes? this will see the traffic naturally all get onto the same roads and then there will be no more need for intersections. then, the most used routes will have slip ways, and then they can divide the off roads into more slip ways, without robots!
Or, they could double the load by having over head fly ways, like a double decker bus? Maybe they could encourage car pools? maybe they could set something up in the central business district where they find and help find new car pool partners? like a cell phone app or application or something - everyone has cell phones these days! - - - Updated - - - Maybe they could limit the use of petrol to registered cars? then you would have to have a car pool license or be listed on an app?
I think the real problem comes from the central business district where there are bottlenecks from people already there - this filters back into the traffic and holds it up, yes? the solution needs to be in the c.b.d. if you ask me. I haven't been to other cities before really, well, not to the c.b.d. but i know that in cape town's c.b.d. there is hell of a congestion getting into the city. This is why we should build lots of roads 'outside' the city. like all around it, so that the traffic can ease up. i liken this to an ant colony where the ants make many 'roads' leading to or into the nest, or, make new openings for the nest to maximize their summer ritual of collecting food. this means that we need to make extra entrances to central town and hope people will use them.
I'd settle for installing zappers in car seats which zapped rubber neckers on the order side of the road slowing down to take a gander at a fender bender. I remember years back sitting in about 45 minutes of slow rolling traffic, thinking "Ok there must be an accident up ahead blocking lanes". Nope, accident on the other side of the highway, just every dumbass passing slowed down 20 mph to take a look.
or global warming believers get rid of their cars and walk to work so it will save the planet and solve the traffic problem...
Speaking of walking to work, today i was made aware of the cycling lanes tat are being used by cars as parking spaces. this is terrible in some areas, as, there is not enough place to park. my first suggestion is that the cars park up the road from the lanes, as, there is plenty of space on side roads. but that means walking from your car to the business or whatever. Maybe if they cycling lanes were for cycling at certain hours, and, after hours, with signs, then it would all work itself out? i mean, cyclists usually ride to work, or for fun in the early morning or at night? then again, in a twenty four hour city like we have, maybe the schedule will just be for getting to work by the cyclists? maybe we need a serious solution to the problem? If the lanes were not on the main road, but, rather on side roads, then maybe there would be a solution? why do cyclists have to ride on busy main roads? they are much safer on the side roads.