Cold Fusion 23 Years Later Some of you are probably not too young to remember what happened nearly 23 years ago, on March 23, 1989. It was a dramatic announcement of the discovery of the so called Cold Fusion. Some people think that this was the greatest fiasco of the last century; others believe that this discovery was an important step toward future technology of pollution-free nuclear energy. The link to my free online book about Cold Fusion is: Please forward this post to those who might be interested. Thank you in advance. It is my third book written after the retirement. .
You make no effort to explain why something that has been totally discredited should grab our attention . It seems that the vast consensus of International experts ( about 99.8%) believe that the original proponents acted in good faith but regretfully made very flawed experiments . Is it possible that you are obsessed?
Write a full book about Stanley Pons and the other guy and their lives after the announcement of cold fusion. This has been an inspiration for my failures in life. Although I have made some radically stupid and disrespectful decisions in my career (i.e. quitting many jobs immediately, trying to publish papers without professor approval and demanding a three-fold increase in salary), I can at least go to my grave knowing that everything done in the 6 or so academic papers and two patents I was involved with are 100 % repeatable.
Just because those experiments could not be replicated every time does not mean cold fusion is not possible with today's technology. Do you really think we understand the universe very well? Every day, there are new discoveries that surprise scientists that thought something would not occur.
Maybe there is some new branch of nuclear physics that makes cold fusion experiments hard to replicate. Wouldn't this be possible? If you don't even give it a chance to prove something with it, how will we ever know? I don't think a few million dollars thrown at cold fusion and an attempt to give a fair evaluation of it would hurt. Compared to the enormous benefits of it actually working, and how much wasted spending we have in other areas, it would be a great investment.