Well, since every major historical event in American history like 9/11 and the Oklahoma City Bombing is apparently a false flag operation or some other plot. I've decided that the Columbine Shootings really weren't done by a pair of twisted teens. Actually, it was a pair of US Government CIA assassins who were sent in to make it look like a couple sick teens murdered their peers in order to gain legislative control over the video game industry. Klebold and Harris were actually just young looking undercover CIA operatives who had infiltrated the school and set the whole thing up over a period of several years. Proof? I don't need any proof. I just KNOW it.
I didn't personally know any of the kids killed, but I knew and worked with one of the fathers that lost a child. What conspiracy theorists rarely realize is that they are mocking and using the deaths of the victims to push their agendas. It is disgusting. I wish they had to go face to face with the families and loved ones of the victims they mock.
Those two guys were reckless, idiot, (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s. I'm glad they're dead. I pity their parents to have to live with it. So sad for their victims and affected families.
While I enjoyed this theory, I'd just like to point out that I've encountered real CTer's who've spewed something on par with this regarding other school shootings. The Virginia Tech shooting comes to mind as one instance. I saw quite a few "theories" stating that Cho was clearly under mind control by the government.... I'm crapping you negative.
Whenever there is a mass killing of some angry nut bag running amuc it is often an Irish or a Korean. Irish seem to hate the US government and will take out a bunch of students and anyone with authority with them when they jihad. Koreans on the other hand go on a shooting spree in schools when people make fun of them, and don't take their own lives. What is up with these short tempered people with no copeing skills. Aparently they did not learn their place in life. My Irish neighbor says, if there is a mass shooting it's likely an irish.