i got that from a person in a PM (as quoted) can someone explain what that means. My thoughts are that, a consciousness is combining memories to a single entity enabling a presence of self and previous experiences. It is constantly evolving with time. So what could that line item represent?
It's nonsense. Entropy might be decreased locally (for example, by building something), but only because it's increased elsewhere. Consciousness--operating a brain--requires energy.
to start with, i am not a second law kind of adherant. Just to disclose up front. Planck screwed up in his 1901 pub combining that direction of (the law) to the description of energy http://www.chemteam.info/Chem-History/Planck-1901/Planck-1901.html read the pub yourself. that math is bound to a direction of d/t of energy. which is ignorace to suggest energy disipates without cause. And the paradigm that it created is what we live in, scientifically. So the first order of merit is to contemplate that he is wrong before hand ie... the EPR paradox was the genesis of this century sharing the scope is a joke. the logic that anyone can comprehend is that 'life abuses entropy' (ie... the emergent property) and the method of proving it is that there is no closed system anywhere in existence between 2 points of mass (because of gravity/entanglement) energy is not bound to speed............... ie.... a resonance of a photon (per se unit of electromagnetic energy) is not bound to speed but the 'f' of the occilation. There is a 4pir2 scope of the sphere between the nodes of a unit 'state' (photon) of energy. (the 'size' is relevant (d/t)) ie...... that relation to the f and fields within time/space (d/t) of energy is directly proportional to the energy of measured unit. For 3 decades i have played with the scope of the math and the problem is not that i am unqualified as i was doing field equations before i had hair on my yahoos, it is because i do not conform to publish the math of the transistion between mass (atom), energy (em) and time. There is a specific process between the three, and i will not put it to pen again. And for the last three decades, i have watched the evolution of the sciences progress, simply to notice that many are comprehending the identifying of the energy between "mass" as the em (light) (ie.... the em is the specimen and the mass can be used to manipulate it and vise versus) Science is good when it assists mankind with understanding. Science is bad, when it is used to vindicate.
Consciousness is a complete and total mystery. Consciousness has to be there BEFORE you can combine memories. Otherwise, it's like having a paint job without a body panel.
You beat me to it. The thought process requires energy, which is emitted by the human body, and increases the overall amount of entropy.
You're all wrong. There'd have to be some sort of giant ball of energy in the sky to make up for the decrease in entropy and you'd think if that was true scientists would have discovered it by now!
so overall, to you, existence is 'cooling'? or equilibrating, so to speak? Let me give you a thought to prove that idea wrong. IF the BB started from a single point and all that exists began at that point and exploded outward from that central point, then why is there any mass combined into clumps if the law claims an equilibrium (entropy) as natural? what is bringing the mass back from that initial outward explosion? ie.... if there was 'nothing' and existence is expanding, then what brought it back? It should have just equilibrated from that day forth. That thought process is how to ascertain the model is incorrect and be logically comprehensible. otherwise, people are just lying to themselves as i had worked thru the math decades ago and like on this thread point to exactly why the error exists (walking the planck). Now to address the opener; a conscious life can experience both memories and NOW at the same time, coherantly. Think of the coherance as a resonance state of the collective energy upon the mass of the mind. Some consider it within the groin, some in the heart, while others 'the brain', i observe it as a sort of aura of the collective life. From feelings, to sight, to taste and touch the central point is coherant to the memories held as fixed structures that can be reassessed and comprehended and mathematically described within the current sciences iof the soliton/exciton/polariton descriptions.............. ie...... as found in the sciences sharing the states of "energy upon mass." The energy of mass, aint the speed. It is the wavelength upon that structure and as soon as the idiots get their heads out of their butts, more will begin to read what is currently occuring within the sciences versus following the old beliefs just to be accepted within the 'community'. real science takes thinkers not believers (ie.... if you believe that what you have been taught is absolute without practical application, then you are no better than a religious wingnut) .