Conservatives tell us how you have suffered because you are white

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by TheBlackPearl, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Actually it is folks like you who try to tell black folks they way they should feel and act.
  2. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Their actions and views represent those of the House Negro.

    Well if they were white I wouldn't need to because they wouldn't be black.

    There is a difference between opinions and actions.

    Actually it effects their opinion on blackness.

    This my give you a better understanding:

    See the mindset is I will turn on my own or attack my own to be accepted by others. Now would you turn on your own brother to be accepted by one of your friends? Probably not.
  3. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I didn't realize I was putting that much effort in it. But since I didn't say anything about white guilt, I still am unclear why you are trying to make it my issue. If, as you say, there are numerous posts about it in this thread, wouldn't it make more sense to inquire about it from someone who actually talked about it, rather than someone who didn't mention it?

    Your line of questioning is puzzling, to say the least.
  4. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Poor white kid from the wrong side of the tracks now has to compete with
    minority for a place at the scholarship table.Makes no nevermind that the poor
    white kids had superior SAT score and GPA and even extra-curricular.
    The fix is in for blacks.Plus blacks can always just prove how they can ran faster
    and jump higher and get athletic scholarships w/ a free ride out the wazoo.
    Explain how 4 decades of that { 70's,80's,90's and 2000's } hasn't been a complete
    bummer for hard studying white kids.Because they'll never even get a crack at
    Harvard or Yale or Brown.Unless they Are Brown or Black.
  5. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Ha, that's an illuminating statement!

    So their opinions are OK, but it's their actions that are bad? OK, what are their bad actions?

    I suspected that you wouldn't be able to explain it to me, and I don't totally blame you for that. The language of the left seems to include a lot of shorthand, and as soon as someone like me who is not in the know tries to ask specifics, I get shut out. I don't know whether it's because you don't really want to define your issue specifically, or if you've never really thought about it, and have just been repeating talking points by rote. But in any case a simple question like what I asked I can see is never going to be answered by you. That's OK though, I'm sure there probably wasn't much behind it.
  6. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Because it's all he's got.Like all Al Sharpton and his constant race-baiting and
    attempts at Boycotts.In fact that's what his National Action network is.
    It's a way to institute on the spot boycotts.Talk about Unamerican.
    A group that exists to boycott,usually big companies.Isn't he still trying to
    extort money from Macy's.
  7. ErikBEggs

    ErikBEggs Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    By the same token.. I am the only black person at my firm. If I do something extraordinary I am either a credit to my race, or "why can't other black people be more like <me> is."

    White people don't have to go through that. That is one aspect of white privilege.
  8. SMDBill

    SMDBill Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2013
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    Do people at your work actually say that you're a credit to your race or wonder aloud why other black people can't be more like you? I'm imagining that happening where I work and I think there would be wide eyes, dead silence and an expectation that someone lose their job immediately following. The government sets a high bar for behavior and it's quickly apparent when people go below it. Things like that just are not tolerated, nor should they be.

    One of my closest friends is black and we often go back and forth about things like BET without a WET, among others, and it usually comes back to, "Because you don't need it. It's already for you." I don't disagree, but I see a lot of irony with going out of the way to create something that racially separates intentionally, such as, on the other hand, is just for everyone and I'm pretty sure the country would be outraged if it were made only for white people. But we go deeper sometimes and we discuss things like perception, such as being followed in a store by loss prevention or pulled over more often for suspicion of about anything. We talked one day about walking down the street and what reaction we get when passing someone of the same and then someone of a different skin color. He told me about how often he hears car doors lock when he walks by a car with a white person in it, or how women will clutch their purses more tightly when he walks by. He was shocked when I told him the same types of things happen to white males as well. I see people cross to the other side of the street to avoid passing too closely, they lock doors as I approach on foot, and they clutch purses or move them to the arm opposite where I am.

    In the end, he is sometimes surprised to find out that I have encountered some of the things he has as well, even though we agree it happens to him more often and in more ways. Racism will never be gone I'm afraid but at least we can talk about it and encourage better thinking and behavior from others.
  9. ErikBEggs

    ErikBEggs Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    Definitely not at work. I experienced this comments mostly in high school in college. At work that is grounds for termination and lawsuits. I agree with you on that point. I do get the "credit to your race" comments among groups of white "associates" during school. "Why can't more black people be like you Erik?" It isn't a compliment.

    That's where a lot of white people misinterpret the purpose behind those initiatives. Catering to a black audience is not exclusion. It is actually illegal to exclude and they would get a lot of slack for that. Examples: vs. - I actually made a blackpeoplemeet page out of curiosity once. There actually were white females on there, as well as latino, asian, and every other race. The focus is on interacting with black singles. Nothing was exclusionary. I am still friends with a young lady today I met on the site, and she is a South Asian-Canadian who has a preference for Black Males.

    National Society of Black Engineers - I am an alumni member of this organization that I joined in college. Again, nothing is exclusionary. At the national conference I met two white men who were members. My school had an asian girl in this organization. The organization mission is:

    "To increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community."

    The "black focus" comes from the founding history. It is not exclusionary. Anyone who supports the mission may join. There are many professional organizations similar such as NABA - National Society of Black Accountants.

    The Best Man Holiday - This is an example of a movie to cater to the black audience, however nothing about it is exclusionary. I encourage you to read this review article on it from a white woman who saw it.

    So I ask you honestly, have you shared this thought about movies that feature an entirely black cast?

    That isn't because of your race. That could be you personally looking imposing. I personally don't know anyone who feels that threatened by the presence of a white male. I am not intimidating (I'm only 5'7, 155 lbs), but I have been racially profiled in stores and in my own suburban neighborhood by the police more than once. What is the explanation for that?
  10. SMDBill

    SMDBill Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2013
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    I agree. They're just slamming all other black people who don't mirror their image of what they think all should be.

    Without question I understand that television and much of what we see has been catered to whatever we can term white culture because those things were begun when the culture that controlled our entire country was white. Movies and television shows followed life, but today that shift has been significant. It's very easy to find shows of diverse casts, all black casts, etc. Most of the stigma from the white race side is that things named for black people creates a division that may not even be there, but is perceived to be. Just as BET casts a light that television on that channel is for black people, NBC, CBS and ABC, for example, diversify intentionally to satisfy the viewing desires of their audience. BET may do the same, but their naming convention creates a division, even if unintended. It's surely meant as an invitation to black people to have a place that better caters to their culture, but for those not perceived as "invited" by the name it implies something different. That's the very reason we have no white American college fund, no white entertainment television, etc. It just would not be allowed. But by their very nature and history, television and college funds were already in place to cater to white people so the naming as such wasn't necessary. Today, with such a better diversified culture and things in place to demonstrate our diversification, the choice to create organizations that cater, even if they accept others, to any race is a bit difficult from other angles because creation of similar organizations for white people would be seen as racist and demeaning to other races, even if they had the very same intent to better the white race while including other races just like you mentioned about those created for black people.

    As long as "rich white" remains a stereotype I think white people will be limited in doing anything that benefits their own race while watching Latino, black and other cultures doing the same and acceptance fully expected. While white people have a perceived advantage in our society, anything that improves the white race will be seen as negative versus another race that is seen as disadvantaged trying to improve itself in exactly the same manner. The reasoning would be, "You don't need to!" but the reality is we all can improve greatly and I'm not sure it should ever be dependent on the color of our skin to organize and improve, particularly because our races are merging on a scale we've never seen before in history. Even our president isn't just African American, yet we've labeled him as such, some because they hate black people (disavowing his white side) and some because they love black people (claiming his visual appearance as if it fully belongs to the black race).

    It's tough stuff to think about and even harder to mention without people assuming you are racist just because you want to discuss it with peers in other races. I think it's productive and gives us all a chance to see things from other points of view, maybe even making us better as a result.

    Most likely fear that you too will fit some stereotype that leads them to believe you'll steal something or commit a crime. We can thank the media and Hollywood for a lot of what happens. After all, the Knockout Game wasn't nearly as popular until it hit the news. Now we see it happening in many more cities and the concerns are becoming national that it's coming to a city near us, putting a bad light on an entire race of people for the actions of a few.

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