I'm a conspiracy denier BECAUSE I am a skeptic. I have yet to see a conspiracy theory that doesn't set off my skepticism detector.
You do realize that liquid fueled rocket engines bring their own oxygen. They have two tanks--a tank of fuel and a tank of liquid oxygen. You are proving my basic idea that most conspiracy theory folks don't know enough facts in order to really skeptically look at the situation. Ignorance makes it easy for those conspiracy creators to fool you. Read the basics about liquid-fueled rockets before you keep posting that crap. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid-propellant_rocket
Rockets do need oxygen--they take it with them. Are you really that dense as to not know the basics of rocketry? http://www.rocket.com/space-shuttle-main-engine Note the LOX which is liquid oxygen.
hopefully you'll still be alive by the time comercial space flights will be accessible to most. But then maybe you'll come up with yet another consiparcy about how once you get into the plain they put you to sleep and plug you to a virtual world where you can see a round earth instead of flat.
The other day I came upon an article by Thierry Meyssan, one of my favorite journalists. Now I wonder, if it would fit and be accepted in this thread. The title reads.... What lies behind the anti "conspiracy theorist" discourse The State Against The Republic At the request of President François Hollande, the French Socialist Party has published a note on the international conspiracy theorist" movement. His goal:: to prepare new legislation prohibiting it to express itself. In the US, the September 11, 2001 coup established a "permanent state of emergency" (Patriot Act), launching a series of imperial wars. Gradually, the European elites have aligned with their counterparts across the Atlantic. Everywhere, people are worried about being abandoned by their States and they question their institutions. Seeking to retain power, the elites are now ready to use force to gag their opposition. January 27, 2015, President François Hollande made "conspiracy theorists" responsible for the crimes committed by the Nazis against the Jews of Europe. He called for a ban on their freedom of expression. http://www.voltairenet.org/en --------------------------- Does that mean we can't question the official versions of history anymore? Like a herd of sheep we are not supposed to think for our selves, not to doubt and question "their " version of events and facts? Just march in the direction the Authorities point out for us. And Hollande uses the Nazis to justify this draconian new law!!! What else can the Nazis be blamed for? I hope I am not reading it right. This would be one hell of a blow to people's rights of freedom of expression! Surely, it will not be limited to France and Europe.
I can't smile, because it is not just words, it is going to be the law to shut up and not question anything! The President of the French Republic, François Hollande, has assimilated what he calls "conspiracy theories" to Nazism and called to prevent their dissemination on the Internet and social networks. Thus he declared, on January 27, 2015 at the Shoah Memorial: "[Anti-Semitism] maintains conspiracy theories that spread without limits. Conspiracy theories that have, in the past, led to the worst "(...)" [The] answer is to realize that conspiracy theories are disseminated through the Internet and social networks. Moreover, we must remember that it is words that have in the past prepared extermination. We need to act at the European level, and even internationally, so that a legal framework can be defined, and so that Internet platforms that manage social networks are held to account and that sanctions be imposed for failure to enforce". Several ministers also decried what they called conspiracy theorists as so many "fermenters of hate and disintegrators of society." Read more here: http://www.voltairenet.org/article187030.html ------------------------- If they manage to push that through, then we know the brave NWO is upon us! PUUUTINNN... help us!!!
So then you have no problem with conspiracy facts? http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=400392&page=3&p=1064835084#post1064835084
Don't expect a beer worshipping troll like that stooge to answer you. Your vocabulary and sheer amount of knowledge intimidate him, so he would rather avoid you.
Hah! Beer worshipper. Seems the word "conspiracy" is used as a cop out by the worshippers. Disturbing, because it seems likely that conspiracies will cause the extinction of the human race. OF course, logically, no one will know its happening until its too late, because the conspiracy deniers will confuse people.
The biggest enemy of truth is the two headed monster, Republican Party and Democratic Party. Because of the two party system, only information that is either damaging to one or the other is deemed credible. If it condemns both parties, it's lunatic fringe stuff.
I found several flights between Buenos ares and Sydney with a single stop--in Chile (which is right next to Argentina). No conspiracy involved, and they did have tickets available. - - - Updated - - - Have you ever looked for them? I will admit, I lived 30 something years before every seeing one--why? I never thought to look. - - - Updated - - - Validation boy, why did you ignore this response? is it because it totally proved you to be a believer in untruth? - - - Updated - - - What is a beer worshipper? Is it because I don't partake in the herb?
IF facts were presented, I'd have no problem with them. I just read paranoid meanderings of a delusional person.
Hey, you started the insults (beer worshipping, etc.). I read through about a page of his bull. When I got to the part about him claiming to remember something different, I knew he was delusional. I don't think you're delusional though, you're one of the funnest trolls to prove wrong on here. BTW, you can get direct flights from Santiago, Chile to Sydney, Australia.
I'm just trying to help people. Calling me a troll actually makes you the troll. BTW, you're lying about those flights.
it's easy to look up.BOY,round trip from Santiago to Sydney is close to 1900 bucks...google Qantas if you don't believe it
Its possible I'm actually older than you. I guess calling me BOY gets you off. Funny thing is, I called myself that before you ever did, so it really doesn't have the effect you're hoping it does. Yes, there are plenty of flights like the one you speak of, but that doesn't mean the earth is round in any way whatsoever, youngin'.
/Calling you BOY illustrates what I think of your maturity,and yes,the earth is round,there's too much proof for you to say otherwise
Conspiracy theories are but conspiracies wanting to be proven. And if it involves a corporation, a government, the elite or bankers, it has a better chance of being a conspiracy than not. "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore, not popular." -- Carl Jung Or one of the most powerful parables ever spoken: "Do not suppose that I [truth] have come to bring peace to the Earth, I [truth] did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I [truth] have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me [truth] is not worthy of me [truth]. Anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me [truth] is not worthy of me [truth]. And anyone who does not take his cross and follow me [truth] is not worthy of me [truth]. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my [truth] sake will find it." -- Jesus (Matthew 10: 34-39) [Emphasis mine]
But it was an inside job, much like Gulf of Tomkin, Lusitania, USS Maine and so many more. Proof, will be be around in another five decades when all the players are dead and the records are released? And if one cannot see the massive inconsistencies and constant maneuvering to obliterate facts and evidence, then go ahead and take another sip of the cool-aid. I wouldn't doubt that even Preston Bush had his fingers in this all the way from the grave. I put absolutely nothing beyond that family.
So in other words, conspiracies can only be true if the conspirators stand up and admit it. Otherwise it would fill one of your other categories.