Well if the corona virus is in full fling in November, it would be irresponsible to send millions of people to voting stations where they will be infected. The election should be postponed now until 2030
It should be postponed because if not it is very likely that if the virus is still not contained until November Trump and the rest would be in deep trouble and would likely loss the elections.
There is NO legitimate reason for postponing the election given that everyone can just use a mail ballot instead.
I say no it shouldn't be postponed. That said, if it were to be postponed I would expect it to be codified, starting in the House. No chance of allowing such a thing without bipartisan support...
Coronavirus will be ancient history by then.. However, if the election were to be postponed Democrats would blame it on trump trying to be a dictator. So i chose option 1. Patriots will vote, so unfortunately will nonpatriots of which there are a lot... hell, I'm not even sure I'm one. Just because i feel all warm and fuzzy about the constitution doesn't make me a patriot does it? What have I done for my country? Pretty much nothing, paid some taxes, worked hard at my job. Talk is cheap action proves the truth. There are damn few real patriots, nearly all of them served in the armed forces. The rest of us? Just blow hards.
If the coronavirus is still in full blown stage in November, i don't think there will ge a government to hold elections.
I live in Colorado, and we've had mail-in ballots for several years. Why don't ALL states have mail-in voting?! Anyway, I couldn't vote in the poll because none of the choices were germane to those of us who live in states with mail-in ballots. It goes without saying that, "no", I don't think we should postpone the November election.... And as far as the Democrats having the power necessary to blow off the election...? NO WAY! Those poor, disorganized, panicked jerks couldn't even come up with a better candidate than a senile, corrupt moron like Joe Biden! They have nothing but chaos and stupidity running their party now....
Daniel, he asks if the election should be postponed. What is your opinion? I lean right and don't think it should be postponed. It's a dilemma, however.
We have mail in voting in Colorado, so risk is low unless someone mailing them out was hacking on the envelopes. The good and bad of mail in ballots. Good, you can do it from the comfort of your home. Bad, democrats are adept at ballot harvesting, they go to the colleges and collect blank ballots, and then they suddenly arrive with only a few hours left during election day 100% filled in with democrat names. Funny how that happens.
Perhaps, but it is definitely what democrats do every election in Colorado, as long as dems have the house, senate and governor that will continue unabated. If Republicans are doing it in NC doesn't make me wrong about Colorado.
You have FAILED to establish any wrong doing by Dems in CO whereas there has been CRIMINAL wrongdoing by Republicans in NC.
The states don't have to hold primaries, the state legislature can choose the electors for the state. "Election day" the Tuesday after the first Monday is set statutorial and Congress could postpone that date but only for so long as the State Electors must cast their votes the Wednesday after the second Monday in December and the State has to have time to have the election and get through any election contest.