I have read that the satellite measuring system, employed only a single decade ago, has found no warming. Whoever said it has been recording temperatures over several decades is just lying for ideological reasons. Planetary warming is trivial. So trivial that it could change to cooling easily. You would prefer warming, I think. It is the biggest misinformation campaign I know about. It has captured the entire planet.
UAH has been measuring temperature via satellite since 1979. The linear warming trend since January, 1979 remains at +0.15 C/decade (+0.13 C/decade over the global-averaged oceans, and +0.20 C/decade over global-averaged land).
This was the most spectacular fail. The actual contract documents are reproduced for review. Greenpeace enlists Justin Gillis & John Schwartz of the NY Times in Journalistic Terrorist Attack on Willie Soon – Miss Target, Hit Smithsonian Instead by Kip Hansen I cannot bring myself to quote from this unconscionable piece of journalistic malfeasance: Deeper Ties to Corporate Cash for Doubtful Climate Researcher By JUSTIN GILLIS… Instead, I simply let my title and the following excerpts from the so-called “supporting” documents offered by Greenpeace speak for themselves. Their [non-]journalist lackeys: Justin Gillis and John Schwartz of the NY Times, apparently didn’t actually read them – or they might have noticed that the contracts are between the Smithsonian (not Soon) and Southern and if they had stretched themselves, might have uncovered the definition of “deliverables”….I can’t believe Gillis and Schwartz allowed themselves to be duped again. . . .
No. I identified the facts that prove the smears of Soon are dishonest fabrications, facts which have been cited in this forum many times, including in responses to your repeated false claims about Soon.
Which satellite measuring system is that? The UAH satellite system has been operating for ~45 years. Evidence? All true, and I suspect that when the sun gets over its current highly active phase (did you see those Northern Lights?), El Nino transitions back into La Nina (if that isn't too transgendered for you), and the water vapor pulse from the Tonga volcano condenses out of the stratosphere, it is going to get rather uncomfortably chill out there. But that doesn't mean the satellite temperature data do not exist. Then you are not familiar with neoclassical economics. I only consider the CO2 climate narrative the second biggest scientific hoax in history.