Could Trudeau's script writers be out to wreck the G.T.A. real estate industry?

Discussion in 'Canada' started by DennisTate, May 13, 2024.


Does Trudeau want to wreck the Greater Toronto Area real estate industry?

  1. No

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  3. I certainly do hope not????

    0 vote(s)
  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    A logical possible reason might be to get Canadians sufficiently desperate so that they will accept the Canadian version of the Biden Digital Currency??????

    Anybody with a little understanding of economics would know that what Trudeau has been doing since he became Prime Minister of Canada seems to be exactly what a significant percentage of billionaires want.......
    A BEAR MARKET!!!!????

    Fox News: “This is a deeply troubling development.”

    Biden To Order US Dollar Replaced with Trackable “Spyware” Version?
    Former Advisor to Pentagon and CIA:
    "Your life savings and freedoms are at immediate risk. Do THIS today..."
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Alberta would never actually become Quebec.......

    but there are artistically inclined people in Alberta.......

    who understand that "A film devoid of conflict is boring!"?

    So....... the residents of the province of Alberta.....

    could at minimum LEARN FROM how the political leaders in Quebec.......

    effectively used the THREAT of Separatism - Independence........

    to benefit residents of Quebec.......

    Although Ottawa is to a significant degree a "Swamp" of sorts.......

    I have high expectations for Pierre Polievre and I have the feeling that he will try his best to

    even go beyond Stone Cold Prime Minister Stephen Harper...... [who at minimum behaved in a rather "Davidic" manner

    during the G-8 meetings of 2011]?!

    I believe that Ottawa... can be MANIPULATED in a manner that is win, win, win, win, win, win , win for essentially ninety nine point nine percent of us

    forty one million Canadians!

    And just as the hairball Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau decision of 1974 made life WORSE for all Canadians and all Americans.......

    the example that Alberta... could pressure Ottawa into.......

    for the next ten years... could actually be win, win, win, win for essentially all of us.

    Many Albertans already know all that Ms. Betty Krawczyk wrote here:

    Albertans know about what Ms. Betty Krazczyk wrote due to their own Premier [Bible] Bill Aberhart......

    "My plan to pay off the deficit at the rate of twenty billion dollars per month? "

    [Ms. Betty Krawczyk] ...
    Here are some good graphs on this page that explain quite clearly the "MAGIC' of Compound Interest over Time!?

    Last edited: May 20, 2024

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