COVID Masks | Do Masks Help?

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Robert, Sep 28, 2021.

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  1. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    It is already almost two years as we are with COVID-19 and no single, real evidence have been presented how masks help against airborne infection.
    James California and Eleuthera like this.
  2. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Yes it has. There are countless studies and data.

    Science Brief: Community Use of Cloth Masks to Control the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 | CDC
    EPA Researchers Test Effectiveness of Face Masks, Disinfection Methods Against COVID-19 | US EPA
    "In one study, the researchers sought to determine whether alternatives to high-efficiency N95 masks reserved for health care workers could offer similar protection for hospital personnel in the event of shortages. They tested the filtration ability of expired N95 masks, N95 masks that had been sterilized for reuse, and dozens of other face mask alternatives. The results show that both expired N95 masks and sterilized N95 masks provided the same level of protection as new N95 masks with greater than 95 percent filtration. Other alternatives provided less protection. For example, surgical masks with ties provided 71.5 percent filtration, while surgical masks with ear loops only provided 38.1 percent. Knowing the relative performance of alternatives to new N95 masks will help hospital administrators make evidence-based decisions to protect their staff."

    Universal Use of Face Masks and Related Challenges During COVID-19 in Developing Countries (
    "Universal use of face masks can contribute to the containment of the virus in the community if adequately available and properly used and managed after use. Encouraging local production with clear guidance, demonstration, and awareness creation helps to improve the accessibility and effectiveness of face masks particularly among the vulnerable population."
    Cosmo likes this.
  3. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    Yea, but where is studies?
    Minimal delay in penetration of viruses when person is breathing through the mask does not remove viruses from the surrounded air.
    Unlike flu infection, transmitted directly through the droplet, airborne infection stays in the air similar to smoke or particles of dust.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  4. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Masks don't work and the shots don't work (except to harm the human body).

    James California likes this.
  5. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Work at what exactly? Slowing the spread and offering varying protection? It takes a certain profound ignorance to suggest that they have zero effect. Is that your claim?

    Yes they do. Proven so with downward curves all over the world. Thanks for sharing your conspiracy batshit outside the conspiracy forum.

    Are you saying people haven't died of covid-19? Define the scam, define how it is enforced and the numbers needed to do it. Go into detail and explain how the vast numbers are kept quiet!
    Cosmo likes this.
  6. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Nope. Masks do not limit the spread of viruses. Viruses are currently, and continue to spread, all over in the air everywhere regardless of whether or not someone is wearing a mask.


    [1] local health services are overwhelmed beyond capacity.
    [2] local health services are NOT overwhelmed beyond capacity.

    You need to clear your paradox in order to discuss this matter rationally.

    It is not a conspiracy. Labor and product shortages (caused by vaccine mandates) are quite literally happening. A hospital in New York had to pause maternity services due to a shortage of staff that was caused by vaccine mandates. There are shortages of workers all over the place due to vaccine mandates (and other tyrannical COVID rules/regulations), which causes a shortage of products.

    Nope. Masks are 0% effective with regard to viruses.

    Yes, they are. A mask with pores of diameter 3+ microns are not going to stop/slow/prevent the spread of viruses that are roughly 0.1 micron in diameter.

    Then why are you acting as if it is? COVID is in the air all over the place.

    Yes they are. COVID viruses are all over the place. You do realize that people can be exposed to COVID viruses and not get sick, right?? You do realize that people have immune systems, right? Granted, people getting the mRNA jabs are messing up their immune systems, but for those who haven't gotten jabbed, their immune systems are as rock solid as ever.

    Nope, that's your issue, obviously. COVID-19 can remain in the air for hours (even longer in prime conditions).

    Masks do not protect anyone from viruses. If they did, then mask wearers would not be getting sick. Viruses are so small that they go right through mask pores.

    Yes, you DO act as if an immune system and natural immunity don't exist. QED of this is when you asserted earlier in this exchange "if that were the case everybody would be infected."

    Nope. As evidenced in this set of exchanges, you live your life in fear and in denial of virology, immunology, logic, and engineering.

    Yes, I do.

    Made up numbers are not data, dude. I love when people sling the word "reality" around without even being able to define it properly... Go ahead and define "reality" for everyone participating in this forum. I bet you can't.

    You can't base an argument on a buzzword (in your case above, the word "reality").

    Masks are only effective for their intended purposes (filtering out most dust, pollen, sand, wood, etc...) ... They are not effective with regard to viruses. Viruses are far too small.

    Your opinion about my opinion is irrelevant. See how that works?

    To a complete extent. These mRNA jabs are not properly tested and we don't know anything about long term side effects. What we DO know is that, per past animal tests that have been done, those animals tested developed ADE and got really sick and died.

    Far worse, actually... The jabs are killing and otherwise adversely affecting more people than the virus itself is. Additionally, there is no good reason for a perfectly healthy person who can easily contract and fight off COVID to receive a COVID jab. It is simply not necessary.

    Yes, they are. People die from vaccines all the time.

    What "drop in deaths" are you talking about? For the people like you who accept these numbers as gospel without putting any thought into the methodology behind them:

    OCTOBER 1st 2020: 0% "fully vaccinated" --- 712 deaths (7-day average)
    OCTOBER 1st 2021: ~56% "fully vaccinated" --- 1,883 deaths (7-day average)

    Looks to me like deaths (according to government "data") are actually increasing rather than dropping...

    The media's mantra of "pandemic of the unvaccinated" is a complete and utter lie. Again, you need to be aware of the methodology behind any sort of numbers that get presented to you. When vaccinated people are all but not included and unvaccinated people are always included, of course you are going to come up with an astronomical number that skews towards unvaccinated. I have a relative who experiences this first hand and she tells me that there are a **** ton of vaccinated people getting hospitalized with COVID and that the media is lying. I believe her. I also believe my own research into the matter that yields the same results as what she's telling me.

    Additionally, a recent UK study found that, of the 2,542 total deaths that occurred within 28 days of the "positive [Delta] specimen" date, 1,613 [or 63.5%] of those deaths occurred in people who were "fully vaccinated" (iow, people who were 14+ days beyond receiving their 2nd dose of a COVID jab). HARDLY a "pandemic of the unvaccinated".....

    The mainstream media is lying to you and manipulating you.

    Nope. I am providing you with logic, science, and engineering, all of which you are rejecting.


    It does not filter viruses. See the specs for the mask that you are wearing.

    Completely relevant. The intended purposes of wearing masks is completely relevant in this discussion.

    Completely relevant. The intended purposes of wearing masks is completely relevant in this discussion.

    Completely relevant again. The intended purposes and design function of masks is completely relevant in this discussion.

    Standing six feet apart from another person does not stop or slow the spread of a virus, dude. Viruses travel through the air much farther than six feet.

    Your issues, not mine. I have summarily dismissed your holy link, as I do not accept WebMD as a valid source. You cannot use WebMD as a source with me.

    No they don't.

    ... but the virus is not always transmitted via respiratory droplets. It is not always located within nor is it forever-bound to a respiratory droplet. Respiratory droplets can and do evaporate very quickly, thus its the virus that needs to be filtered, not just the respiratory droplet.

    I suggest that you take your own advice. Random YouTube video dismissed on sight.

    Not even mostly... and the mask is NOT effective at anything virus related.

    There is no such thing as a magick mask.
    Eleuthera and James California like this.
  7. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    How about this guy. He just repeats the whole thing again. Oh well........

    Yes they do.

    No, they spread slower when there is something there to block them.

    Look up the word. It doesn't mean what you think it means. Do you mean contradiction?

    Some are, usually in areas where clowns refuse vaccines and don't wear masks or social distance themselves.

    Getting better, usually where sensible people have vaccines, wear masks and social distance themselves.

    You just made up a contradiction.

    Yes it is.

    Not satanic though and this is not by any means a widespread issue.

    Tedious repetition. They have varying degrees of effect. It is moronic to suggest it is zero.

    Tedious repetition. You got that from a nutty conspiracy website. The viruses travel via air as respiratory ejections in droplets, much bigger than 0.1 microns. Even 0.1 microns can be stopped by the fibres in the gaps latching on the spikes on the virus.

    Not everywhere though huh? Sheesh, this is more teeth pulling.

    Yes, irrelevant.

    Yes, irrelevant.


    Really? You do realize that not everybody has a"rock solid" immune system don't you?

    So you admit that it does have a finite suspension time! And not always at breathable height via masks.

    And again repetition of tedious proportions! Mask protect to varying degrees.

    Idiotic claim. To varying degrees, plus the user has to be sensible in not touching their faces and ensuring they sanitize themselves

    And again repetition of tedious proportions! The viruses are carried by respiratory ejections. Smaller than the pore viruses can latch onto fibres and be trapped that way.


    Nope. No QED there. You do realize that people can catch this without symptoms because they have robust immune systems. All irrelevant.

    You need to work on your comprehension. I do nothing of the sort. I am content that I am protected to the max and that your idiotic claims prove nothing.

    You have not proved they are made up, dude.

    Imagine living life like this gfm7175 guy - that ISN'T reality.

    I can base it on things that are true, you seem to think your useless opinion is the truth. It isn't.

    And again repetition of tedious proportions! The viruses are carried by respiratory ejections. Smaller than the pore viruses can latch onto fibres and be trapped that way.


    How dumb. No thought to background circumstances or the number who haven't been vaccinated. The pandemic is lessening worldwide for the hard of understanding.

    If you are going to quote the NY Times and why not, read the damnpage:

    "Reports of new cases have been falling steadily in recent weeks as much of the country moves past a summer surge. That progress has been especially pronounced in Southern states that saw the highest infection rates."

    Source for this. It's customary to post links, otherwise it looks like plagiarism!

    A little but not manipulating me. The crazy batshit community has sucked you in totally and indoctrinates you with garbage.

    Nope, none of that is accurate.

    My god, yet again. And again repetition of tedious proportions! The viruses are carried by respiratory ejections. Smaller than the pore viruses can latch onto fibres and be trapped that way.

    No it isn't.

    Yes it does. They travel mainly from respiratory ejection and gravity helps out here. Google gravity.

    Scared to be wrong, noted. It explains why masks work. Learn something, stay away from batshit

    Not magic, basic science, way, way way above your head.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2021
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  8. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    That's what you're doing, so of course you're going to get the same answers back when you repeat the same stuff back at me.

    Nope. Masks do not limit the spread of viruses.

    Masks do not block viruses. Viruses are in the air everywhere. They are spreading around all the same regardless of whether or not people wear masks.

    No, I mean paradox. I mean that you are attempting to simultaneously assert two mutually exclusive positions. In this case, you are trying to assert that local health services are simultaneously overwhelmed and not overwhelmed. It can't be both... it can only be one or the other...

    Bigotry. Also, like I already told you, hospitals are not overrun. The only issue with hospitals is ones where they are now short staffed because of vaccine mandates imposed upon the staff that they used to have. That is not "overrunning a hospital". That is, rather, a self imposed (or a Democrat government imposed) staff shortage issue.

    Nope... see above.

    Nope... You argued yourself into a paradox. YOU must clear it in order to argue rationally again.

    Nope, not a conspiracy. I gave you a real life example of it. I could give you numerous others.

    Mask and vaccine mandates (iow, medical tyranny) IS very Satanic. Tyranny is the way of Satan. Freedom is the way of Jesus Christ.

    It is a rather widespread issue and will only get worse in the coming months... Thanks Democrats!

    It is zero. That is because viruses are much smaller than mask pores.

    Nope. I got it from science, logic, and engineering.

    RAAA. (repetitious assertion already addressed)

    RQAA. (repetitious question already addressed)

    Completely relevant to the discussion.

    Yes, they are messing up their immune systems. They are developing ADE as well as becoming dependent upon booster shots because the foreign matter that they are being injected with is suppressing their immune system's natural functions.

    Never said that everybody did. Pay attention. I said "as rock solid as ever".

    I'm admitting that a virus only remains intact for so long.


    Even with doing all of that stuff mask wearers still get sick. Masks do not protect people from viruses.



    QED was present. "Asymptomatic cases" are just made up bullshit. The word "asymptomatic" is just a fear mongering way to say the word "healthy".

    No you aren't, because you are mad at other people solely because they are choosing not to mask, distance, and/or get jabbed.

    You wouldn't be mad at them if you felt "content" and "protected to the max" from the masking, distancing, and vaxxing that YOU are doing...

    Your fear is showing again.


    Define "reality"... go ahead and have a go at it...

    No valid argumentation presented.


    NOT bullshit. Vaccines can and do cause death. In the case of these COVID jabs, the death seems to be occurring mainly via blood clots and heart inflammation. Young males (12-39 years old) [which is where I fall under BTW] are especially at risk for such heart inflammation issues. This is straight from the CDC.

    So just deny data that you don't like, eh? Got it.

    I did not quote the NY Times and I was referring to deaths, not cases.

    BTW, cases are much higher now than they were a year ago also, even though they've been "falling steadily in recent weeks". The NY Times is cherry picking data while leaving out important baseline information (a manipulation tactic). For the three months prior to that little cherry picked "recent weeks" time period, cases had been steadily rising (and were largely much higher than they were a year ago).


    A lot, and manipulating YOU.

    All of it is accurate.


    Yes it is.

    No it doesn't. Google evaporation. Google how objects the size of a virus can easily float in the air for hours (even longer in prime conditions).

    Masks do not work for viruses.

    Lies are not science.
  9. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I can do this all day.
    A contradiction is something that cannot be true, because it refutes its premises. In the strictest sense, a paradox is something that can be neither be true nor false, because refuting the premises provides an equally false set of premises.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2021
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  10. Bridget

    Bridget Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    I plan never to wear any mask again. Why?
    1. Because I am vaccinated.
    2. Because, although there are always a very few "breakthrough" cases after smallpox vaccine, etc., it is reasonable to assume a vaccination will keep me from getting the disease it was designed for.
    3. Because the government (Saint Fauci) told us that we could "return to normal" if we get the vaccine. I did and I have.
    4. Because if the government didn't have enough "data" to say this (see #3), they should have acquired more data before saying it.
    5. Because if the vaccine works I should be safe from those who haven't had it, and since I won't have the disease, they are safe from me.

    I am finished with covid. Traveled a lot lately, and it seems most people are also finished with it. Not seeing many masks in any state I've been lately. And yet, I return to the forum and find that many people here are stuck in June, 2020.

    If the vaccine works, as is reasonable to assume, the vaccinated should be safe. If it does not work, why is the government insisting that everyone receive it?? They can't have it both ways; either it works or it doesn't.
  11. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Really? Tell that to every surgeon and staff member in the operating room.
  12. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    Google what is a difference between bacteria and virus.
  13. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Bingo. If you believe that the vaccine works, then there should be no need for masking or anything else of the sort. You now have immunity to COVID. --- All too many people wish to continue masking and the sort, even though they are vaccinated, and wish to force everyone around them to get vaccinated as well, effectively arguing that their own vaccine doesn't work (while simultaneously trying to say that it does work).

    Bingo. That's the whole point of a vaccine.

    Bingo. Good for you!!! And have you noticed that the government (Saint Fauci) lied to us time and time again by constantly moving the "return to normal" goalposts?? It is my view that they will never allow us to "return to normal" until we stand together against them and demand an end to their tyranny. That, at this moment, means fiercely opposing vaccine mandates (and vaccine passports). Also keep in your mind that, while you are considered to be "fully vaccinated" right now, you will not remain "fully vaccinated" in the eyes of the government unless you continue to receive any and all future booster shots. Once you get on the Rona coaster, there is no getting off.

    The government said it to keep people's hopes alive that if they "just do this" and "just do that", then normal will return. Meanwhile, they have absolutely ZERO intention of allowing a "return to normal". Their intention is to continue moving the goalposts and to continue slowly dividing and conquering the citizenry by slowly coercing/forcing more and more people to comply with them until they can simply steamroll over the remaining dissidents.

    That's why they didn't immediately require all private companies to force vaccinations upon their employees, but instead chose an arbitrary number of "companies with 100+ employees"... They want people who work for companies outside of that limit to "feel safe" and to not make a fuss over it since it doesn't affect them. Then, once they move ahead with the 100+ employee companies, they will either reduce that number down to, say, 50, or else they will simply go for the jugular at that point and say that all private employers must force vaccinations upon their employees. The sooner that we unite under one banner and take a relentless stand against this bullshit, the better.

    Yup, if it works, then you have nothing to worry about. I haven't gotten the jab but I feel perfectly safe since I have a well functioning immune system.

    Bingo. I've been finished with COVID since about a couple weeks after the initial media fear mongering began. I've been living my life per normal almost the entire time (with the exception of the first couple weeks). Here in Wisconsin, most people have ditched the mask and live life per normal. There are a number of people who continue to enslave themselves to it, and then there's Dane County (Madison) which is relentlessly and tyrannically forcing masks upon everyone, wanting vaccinated people to get even angrier towards unvaccinated people, and it seems to be working on the Dane County citizenry. I refuse to wear a mask, even in Dane County.

    Precisely! This is what I call "Paradox V". They are attempting to argue that the vaccination works while simultaneously arguing that it doesn't work. They are, in one breath, arguing that I must get vaccinated in order for your vaccination to work... while in another breath arguing that vaccinations are the best measure of protection against COVID and that they work wonderfully. Should I start putting on sunscreen so that your sunscreen can work properly?

    That's how stupid this **** is, yet MANY people are gobbling this **** up like it is gospel truth.
  14. ToughTalk

    ToughTalk Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    it's glorified theater.
  15. GlobalCitizen

    GlobalCitizen Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I don't need a doctor to tell me that exchanging smiles with other humans is healthy. Don't believe me? Don't show your face to loved ones for 2 years (like we do to all other people in our life right now), and let me know how that impacts your relationships with those loved ones.
  16. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Vapor passes right through masks like they aren't even there. Unless you have a vapor mask.

    An experiment you can do is put in a mask and Huff on a window or mirror. If it hazes up you'll know vapor passed right though it
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2021
  17. apexofpurple

    apexofpurple Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    Every time I read some anti-mask anti-vax nonsense I want to run out and vote for Brandon purely from spite.
  18. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    And time ask where whatever you want I don't care.

    I said nothing about the vaccine.

    Are you responding to me or do you have me confused with somebody else?
  19. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    ~ Masks do work as a compliance test in the social engineering experiment we currently find ourselves in. Sort of like a face burqa .

  20. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Hell yeah!!! Salad is what my food eats!
    gfm7175 likes this.
  21. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    :blushes: :applause:~ I recently lost 40lbs and lowered my blood glucose on that type of diet . ✔

    { You forgot liver on your list :aww: }
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021
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  22. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Glad to hear it!!! It truly does work.
  23. truth and justice

    truth and justice Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2011
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    Err, if it didn't pass through you would struggle to breathe. Why does a mask become damp if it doesnt block anything?

    Now try sneezing while wearing a mask. Do you know why a dropped paper tissue falls down slowly?
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2021
  24. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    it does block something that's why surgeons wear them it just doesn't block viruses.

    It catches your saliva the reason why surgeons use them is because typically their hands are busy and they are in contact with the internal part of the human and they can't wipe their mouth. And also probably don't want to spit into their patient because the bacteria that lives in your mouth shouldn't be in somebody's chest cavity.

    So they do block something they're just not useful for what you're using them for you need a vapor mask. They do make such things.
    When sneezing the mask does catch large saliva particulate and various other mucus particulate but components that are small enough go right through it. That's why the virus spread regardless of mask mandates. They don't work for that it's not their purpose.

    If you're not a pig in that if you sneeze and cover your mouth and you sneeze and then wash your hands or use hand sanitizer and you don't need a mask. In fact I would think it would be better than a mask because of your mouth with your hand since your hand isn't permeable and then sanitize your hands with some hand sanitizer.

    If you watch people wearing masks and I do cuz these people are fascinating to me they touch their face and The mask which is filthy so much more often than someone who doesn't. If anything I think wearing masks causes it to spread more because it gives people a need to fiddle with their face and touch the dirty side of the mask a lot and then not wash their hands.

    It's almost like it's more of a virtue signal than it is a preventative measure. I remember watching Biden give his speeches and sometimes he'd wear the mask on his chin not covering his mouth or his nose and he touch it to put it on his face he keep touching it and keep touching it up to 33 times in a few minutes. Can I watch someone speaking who's not wearing **** on their face and in the same time. They don't touch their face once.

    It's not that they don't work in theory that they don't work in practice.
    James California likes this.
  25. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    ~ We also do not wear them properly. Just an example of government "doing something " to exercise authority. :no:'

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