Those who happily and unquestioningly allow their bodies to be injected with toxic serums could very easily be described as fools, and in this particular case, there is way more than a brigade of them. I think a better descriptor is Crash Test Dummies.
The question is: WHAT lives? If for example, the majority of lives saved were 80+ year olds, would this be worth it if it turns out after longitudinal studies that the vaccines have caused severe harm to people under say 50, killing many, including children? Age adjusted? If more under 50's are Democrat voters than Republican, wouldn'y this make a difference?
~ Sadly that appears to be the case as more evidence comes to light. Florida has recommended no mRNA vaccines for adults under 30 Y/O due to high probability of cardiac issues. Several countries have banned the mRNA vaccine for those under 50 Y/O.
~ So far Novavax seems the safest and most effective covid-19 vaccine .
If you like putting yourself at risk to the unknown. It would be just like using a different pistol for playing Russian Roulette. You'll still get the same result.
~ That could be correct. However this particular vaccine is not mRNA technology. As far as I can tell we don't even need these covid vaccines as the virus has mutated several times ... ' ❓️
Still, something that just popped up overnight and pushed onto governments to force it onto the people and a, "she'll be right mate", attitude for something that has a 99% survivability rate, I'd still be very apprehensive of it.
I'll add this here, although it could stand it's on post: Covid 19 Truth and Dr. Mercola and Lawsuits I;ve been following Dr. Joe Mercola's healing information for many years. I've learned so much from him. He of course, is not supporting the Govt UNAPPROVED covid jabs and and the govt and google, youtube and others are working all they can to ruin him, he's fighting back and I say Bless You Dr. Mercola for standing up to the Liars. STORY AT-A-GLANCE September 29, 2021, Google deleted my YouTube account for “violating community guidelines” they’d implemented that same morning September 28, 2022, I filed a lawsuit against Google, YouTube and Alphabet Inc. for breach of contract. YouTube unilaterally amended the contract without notice, which is a violation of its own terms, and then used this last-minute amendment to remove my content YouTube’s terms of service also include a “three strikes” policy, where users are supposed to be given three warnings and opportunities to remove content that violates the guidelines BEFORE being banned. I had no “strikes” against my channel on the day I was deplatformed and deleted We’re also suing YouTube for unjust enrichment, as for the last 16 years, my video content, having generated in excess of 50 million views, has been of great financial benefit to YouTube, allowing them to increase advertising revenue on the site November 8, 2021, I sued U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, both in her official and personal capacities, for violating my First Amendment rights, as she tried to force to ban my book, “The Truth About COVID-19”
~ It appears most did not even need this "vaccine " . The end results may show that it did more harm than good ...
Well there you go @Nemesis, there's some nice and juicy *LOL* for ya! How's the flavour of that science taste?
~ Guessing, lies, misleading statements, flip-flop contradictions, opinions — all based on nothing but assumptions and authoritarian motivation . Nobody knows what the Hell the Covid-19 virus actually is or how the experimental "vaccine " will effect long-term health — but government "experts " have to say something, anything to justify their existence. CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA are all culpable in the confusion because they refuse to tell the truth. ~ The more ' L0L' s — the less brain .
Duration of effectiveness of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease: results of a systematic review and meta-regression The "Discussion" part at the end of the paper is the most interesting part of the paper.
Yeah, I wonder why? Rolls eyes whilst using a sarcastic tone. Would it have anything to do with the fact that they hoodwinked the public along with unwitting bureaucrats that their concoction never does or did what they claimed, hmm, I wonder? [more sarcasm]