Please help the surviving families of 9/11 victims. For 13+ years families of the victims, along with first responders who witnessed the events of that day have been demanding a new independent investigation of 9/11. During this time, the media has been very successful in portraying these families and anyone who questions the government version of 9/11 as tin-foil wearing, lunatic types who live in their parents basement, despite the lack of evidence supporting the official story. Because the government story about the events of 9/11 is absurd on its face, now over 2,100 engineers, architects, physicists and demolition experts have joined this movement and signed a petition to demand the investigation. Not only are these experts, first responders, and families not who the media pretend they are, they are actually a collection the most qualified people on earth to discuss the events of that day. See many of the experts discuss their findings here. This video is a little long, may have to watch in parts. To this day, not only has the government failed to produce any evidence as to why any of the buildings collapsed, (their report details a probable collapse scenario based on low temperature fires) and they admit they never tested the crime scene material for evidence of explosives because they did not expect them to be there. Next to this lack of any evidence to explain the 1st collapse in history of a high-rise building caused by fire, (first 3 collapses in history, all on the same day) stands a mountain of indisputable evidence showing a controlled demolition. Perhaps the most obvious -nothing close to an explanation has been presented for the symmetry of the collapses. Fire is chaotic and never destroys anything in a uniform way, especially not materials which can not be destroyed by fire. Amazingly, most Americans still believe the official government story about the 19 hijackers. Many people react with great hostility when any questions are raised about the official government account, not based on any personal knowledge they have of the events, or their own research or conclusions, but based only on what someone has told them about the events and as a defense mechanism to protect themselves from having to consider other possibilities. Please look at the evidence for YOURSELF and then decide. The internet has gate keepers who will shout down and ridicule anyone questioning the official version by posting the same government talking points that have already been disproven. If anyone ridicules you for discussing 9/11 (they will, they have been programmed) ask them if their job experience (4 months at taco bell for instance) qualifies them to question people with a combined 25,000 years of experience in engineering, physics, architecture and demolition. If so, ask them to please continue. If not, ask them to PLEASE SHARE THESE LINKS with everyone they can, as soon as they can. Efforts have been underway for some time to get control of internet content. (to protect us from terrorists, of course, just like the rest of the monstrosity that has been erected in the wake of 9/11.)
There already HAVE been independent investigations,and as for your '25,000 years experience' BS,it all boils down to a bunch of people who can't agree what happened
This video is a pretty good summary of all the important inside job proof. September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL) The only important piece of proof the above video doesn't deal with is the fact that the craft that hit the Pentagon was too short to be a 757. (5th picture from top) Here's some more stuff. Explosives Technician - Loader - The Death of Controlled Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko after Speaking about 9/11 WTC 7 Building 7 ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS FOR 911 TRUTH (full unreleased version) Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 - These video does a good job of explaining the government's probable motives for planning and carrying out the 9/11 attacks. If people watch the above and experience cognitive dissonance and go into denial, they should watch this video. Why Can't They See The Truth? Psychologists Help 9 11 Truth Deniers That won't sway these posters though. If the YouTube links don't work, do YouTube searches on the titles.
I share your desire to uncover the untruths fed to the general public all these years, and I too pray that one day, we will know what actually occurred that fateful day with all of the missing or hidden information kept from us all. Thank you for your post.
No scott/cosmore/fatfreddy88/david c,It does NOT show that And your 'Psychologists' are quacks...toeing the truther line
While I don't believe that the U.S. was operationally involved in 9/11, I vehemently disagree that we know everything that has to do with the event, like, for example, the 28 classified pages under the section of 'foreign involvement' in the 2002 joint Congressional report.
The report he is talking about is pretty interesting. There has been bi-partisan support to try and get the papers released. The big bombshell claimed is the Saudi involvement is a lot higher than many think
I think it's thing I'm prety sure of,whater is in those pages wouldn't be enough for them
Here is a main stream report on the potential contents It does nothing for the truth movement, other than a vague attempt to bolster their arguments that covers up where possible. It does not answer the question though why the government would cover up something that is apparently not part of their perceived cover up
Ludicrous? So you don't want to know? You're okay with possible conspirators and perpetrators getting away with it because of political sensibilities? What kind of American are you?
Say Saudi Arabia had a hand in the attacks - the revealation of that would sever diplomatic and intelligence ties and the flow of their oil to U.S. shores. But say it was Pakistan - diplomatic and intelligence ties would be severed and the U.S. would have to contend with their strong influence in Afghanistan. There would obviously be calls from the American people and politicians alike to exact some revenge for the worst day in U.S. History.
I would love to see what is on those 20 pages, however I strongly assume it has less to do with Saudi's "hand in the attack", and more to do with the Saudi Intelligence contact with hijackers via what Richard Clark is talking about here: [video=youtube;bl6w1YaZdf8][/video]
Good interview that has several great takeaways. Regarding the Saudis: what is the likelihood that Saudi intelligence operatives were working in the dark, that is to say, without the knowledge of the Saudi royalty or at the very least, the Saudi ambassador to the United States? Think of it this way: Saudi intelligence operatives who work under diplomatic immunity because they're registered "diplomats" at the Saudi embassy in the U.S. had a meeting with at least two of the hijackers on the west coast. Did they cable back to their embassy and inform their boss? I don't know, but I'm certain that their boss at the embassy was informed about the meeting in some fashion, be it by cable, courier or in person. So what then? Who ordered the meet? How did Saudi intelligence catch wind of the hijackers infiltrating the U.S.? How far along was this knowledge dispersed?
Not necessarily - more like: are you *that* much of a statist that your sense of curiosity and desire to know is gone entirely. Basically, if the government doesn't tell you something you know they're keeping out of the public about the worst terrorist attack in human history, you won't ask of them a single thing, you'll just as much accept what you have been told and leave it strictly to that. BTW - You skipped over these: So you don't want to know? You're okay with possible conspirators and perpetrators getting away with it because of political sensibilities?
<sigh>My sense of curiosity is just fine....when there's something to be curious about. And it wasn't JUST the government that spelled out what happened on 9/11 And I didn't skip over them,I ignored them
That is the golden phrase right there. No amount of information will convince a true believer in conspiracy. They have invested so much, the truth hits them in the face and they can't see it. The OP is about appealing to emotion.
If Richard Clark is any authority to go off (which I believe he is) then the Saudi Intelligence did it on behalf of the CIA in an attempt to 'flip' the hijackers into becoming informants for Saudi Intelligence, however they would actually (and very likely unknowingly) be giving information to CIA. It makes sense to me. If you are CIA, and you want an agent inside an international terror cell, the last thing you're going to do send a group of people from the terrorists most hated country. With strong contacts in Saudi Intelligence, CIA could just get them to approach the hijackers, and they could be a lot more successful.
Your responses dont make any sense whatsoever. 1- "as for your '25,000 years experience' BS" Which part is BS - did you view the petition signed by the architects and engineers? You can research every one of them, they actually have well OVER 25,000 years of combined experience. 2- "There already HAVE been independent investigations" - Yes there have been quite a few - all of which have concluded the goverment story is preposterous. The only investigation to support the official story was the govt investigation. 3- Your need to know every aspect of 9/11 is ludicrous - Your lack of need to know about 9/11 is far more disturbing. Have you been watching what is being done since 9/11 under the guise of protetcion from "terrorsim". Do yourself a favor and watch the video before you comment. As I mentioned in the original post, there are gatekeepers who will ridicule but never discuss the evidence. Why dont you try and refute just one of the arguments made by the experts in the video
I assume you're talking about the AE911 video? I don't speak for all, but I'm over getting sucked into the "here is my claim, refute me" canard. AE911 has only ever presented one piece of actual evidence; the 2009 Bentham paper by Harrit et al. That one piece of evidence, which claimed to find thermite residue, has been conclusively debunked for several years, and concluded in 2012 with a dust study that found the residue was nothing more than flakes of paint. Aside from that, AE911 has never presented anything which can be classed as evidence. That have never proven there were bombs. They have never proven who planted those bombs. How. Or why. They pick holes and when asked for evidence they trot out the "That's why we need a new investigation" cop-out. If AE911 actually have evidence, then present it. Not conjecture, not "well how else could" or "small fires, no steel framed.. blah" runarounds that try to shift the burden of proof, I mean actual, proper, concise evidence.
1-should I dumb my answers down for you then?..I've seen the 'petition',and '25,000 years of combined experience' is a flat out lie. 2-Name the investigations that have concluded the government's story is 'preposterous' and the universities and engineering firms that did them.Andno,the only investigation was NOT the government one. 3-Nice 'I know you are,but what am I? answer,irrelevant however. I've SEEN the videos,every neophyte 9/11 truther comes here and drags them out,and I laugh at your 'experts'
Truthers have NO problems spinning their outrageous tales despite me,so nothing is getting squashed' So stop whining