There is "crisis of confidence" according to Australia's Swan. World Bank industry has the major crisis of confidence now. Thanks to who? The Democrats are all prepared to follow Michael Moore's dictum "There's plenty of money left in the country. All we have to do is take it" Welcome to 1937. It's a bit tough to have confidence in an economy that creates money out of thin air and a currency is only as good as the government that backs it. I think we have come to the end of the line with the fantasy money but as a society we don't know where to take it from here. --------------------------
The sky is fallin'... Stocks: Fear takes center stage August 20, 2011: Gold keeps hitting record highs as fearful investors turn to the metal as a safe haven. See also: Stock market begins to feed economic fear Aug 21, `11 - The stock market is starting to feed economic fear, not just reflect it. Stocks have fallen four weeks in a row.