Ctrl's tech cafe

Discussion in 'Computers & Tech' started by Ctrl, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I keed I keed...

    I don't know a lot of details on the iPhone5 tbh, but that is typically a good thing. I usually only hear about problems. I don't think getting the latest toy is overboard, and considering the problems with various aspects of the 4, I would jump to the 5. The 4s was a cool tool, if somewhat underwhelming, but if a company told me I couldn't stay connected because I was "holding it wrong" I would avoid it like the plague. That being said, mac folk tend to be loyal to a fault, add to that all of your applications etc transferring... I expect you will probably be happy with the 5.

    I, of course, fall onto the android side of things. I am still sporting a Motorola Droid 1st gen.
  2. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I did not address your question because nullity did correctly. Waiting to hear back on how the driver was installed. I would not be so worried about it believing it is a set of speakers instead of a headset... it should still kick a "normal" scalable volume. Go ahead and put the make and model of the usb headset.
  3. Shangrila

    Shangrila staff Past Donor

    Aug 21, 2010
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    I had this issue just recently, and the problem was actually the bluetooth device. Must have felt left out and was moping.
  4. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    do you know any Python?
  5. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I have a median understanding of it. It is a particularly easy language I just don't fool with much because of what I do. Whatcha got?
  6. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    Certainly not my language .. I'm old school ,learnt COBOL and the original CBasic .. Have you heard of Calibre?

    I work for a company that created a program to be used for disabled people in order to communicate via a computer or specialized communication device, people with things like cerebral palsy or MND (think Stephen Hawking) a lot of them are involved in college/university courses and a lot of their stuff is given to them in various eBook formats, Calibre is the best free program to read those .. however it doesn't offer a full range of keyboard shortcuts which can be used via our software. I've been in contact with the developers of Calibre but they are not really interested in extending the shortcuts .. Was hoping to find someone to take a look over the source code and insert the ones I would need.

    THe program is called The Grid, which has to be paid for .. but some of the "bundles" are free .. the Calibre bundle would be one of those free ones.
  7. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I need a lot more information. If you do not want something close to home being broadcast, you are free to PM me. What I will do here, is open source contribution... so I need an open source code link... before I fix it. I am not here to profit you.
  8. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I have calibre's source btw... I can probably work from there with a plugin or extension which remaps keys as an add-on to that. Again... my only requirement is that it remain free and open, and not part of the closed source program. I repeat, it cannot be FOLDED into anything closed source/proprietary.

    So... tell me what you need to do what.
  9. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    I'll PM you
  10. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    So basically what you need, is a visible overlay, (which works for tablet anyway) with mouse and joystick support... (several special needs xyz register as joysticks)... is that about right? For reading e-media you should only need a limited set of controls... which are convenient for anyone. I would expand this to include other word tools. eg. if you send a set of commands while "highlighting" a word, it could give you a dropdown of ways to interact with that word... eg you could look up it's definition... wiki it... encyclopedia it... etymology it... etc. You could actually improve the native features of the reader, and they will incorporate it on submission for value add.

    While calibre might not be willing to flesh it out and write it... if it is simply provided, with feature adds and limited bugs, they will take it on.

    The issue is going to be effectively macro commands that can be translated to a tablet... and the ability to use a ton of odd specified hw pretending to be a mouse or js.

    I will end up doing this backwards from the result you want. I will have to write it in linux first, which will be an easy port to Mac... and then... eventually... work out windows.

    Essentially what we need to create, is a macro template which will work for any input device, otherwise we are stuck supporting individual devices.
  11. RPA1

    RPA1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 22, 2009
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    When should I ditch XP?
  12. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    XP is pretty lightweight, and functional for most uses. It has been in the wild for so long that it has been pretty well hardened. There are some security exploits that are "not fixable" or "will not fix" by MS on XP... but really and truly there are new exploits on their newer OSs as well. I would not keep my important data on it... but I would absolutely get it setup how I liked it, and clone it into an archive... and if something goes wrong with it, just restore the image. In fact, the last windows pc I had outside of a virtual machine I ran with no anti-virus, or protections at all. I would just restore the mirror every reboot, so I always had a fresh install a few minutes away.

    There are programs that will not run, games etc, due to requirements not available for XP.

    Basically... if it ain't broke... don't fix it... and if you are gonna fix it, fix it right, and get linux... and install windows in a virtual machine inside of linux.

    Here is a little video showing you how VMs can be used to run other operating systems within another. This is an ubuntu desktop. Looks like 1004 with compiz-fusion. You should note how fast the windows environments load in a virtualized environment. Mine load much faster just on this laptop.

  13. RPA1

    RPA1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 22, 2009
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    Thanks....I have professional business programs that I run on my XP machines and I keep them very lean. That VM looks intriguing...Thanks.

    OK, just watched the video...DAM#!!!! I gotta try that....I have a spare I can try it on.
  14. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    There is an illegal version of XP out there called performance edition. It is tubbed and gutted... just fyi.

    Make sure after installing oracles virtual box that you install guest additions for each instance of a virtual machine. A tremendous amount of features are opened with guest additions, allowing you to move in and out easier, utilize more of your physical hardware, and change the size/dimensions of the VM on the fly... just dragging or running full screen.

    Also with a VM you can take "snapshots". This is an image saved rather immediately of the exact virtual environment... so, for instance, you can go do terrible things to your install, and then reload the snapshot (again pretty much instantly... no waiting for minutes) and it will be as if the horror was never done.

    An infected virtual windows has no affect on the host OS. Linux is not susceptible to windows viruses.
  15. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    These terms are misunderstood? By who? haha
  16. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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  17. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    you can also paste it to Microsoft Office doc. I've tried to to do the same thing to wordpad, but with limited success.
    Great post by the way and a grand idea having a 'puter center, Ctrl......
  18. happy fun dude

    happy fun dude New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    I'm wondering something.. Is there a program (or feature in a program I may have like Mozilla or IE), which can allow me to filter out web results which I rule out.. Or flag a particular site as not having what I need and then deprioritizing it to the back of the queue.. That way I know each further click on search results is like a new fresh attempt to check for something. The purple squiggly line resets to blue really soon for me. Like the same time next week, back to square one as they reset.

    Also, how come I do a web search for something, a specific statement, and the results, which show the first few preview lines before you click, has worded exactly what I asked for, following a .... so I click on it thinking I'll get exactly that, and yet when I do, the page I wind up on doesn't actually even have those words OR that phrase or have what I want! Why does that happen sometimes?
  19. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Yes... and I will tell you how if you watch this and tell me what movie "we want to be the person who sees"? :) I am not wasting your time, I promise.


    Typically this is because the page google has is cached, and the content has changed... or the site did something tricky with keywords, or code that pretends to be the keywords you are looking for. Sometimes those words are off hiding in advertisements as well.

    For more efficient searching, though for the most part not necessarily better (see above), use operators.

    Exact return: Put your query in quotes. If you want a specific phrase with the exact word order, put your search in quotes. "Dog will hunt" will only bring back results with those words, in that order.

    This or that: Use the pipe symbol | (it is above your enter key, the capital of \) "Dog|man will hunt" will bring results that have the exact wording "Dog will hunt" or "Man will hunt"

    Forgot the exact word:
    Use the wildcard * if you wanted to return dog or man will hunt buffalo something range, you would search "Dog|man will hunt buffalo * range" Your wildcard is still honored, even though it is in quotes.

    Don't return this: Use the the minus key - for instance if you do not want gather to appear in your results; "Dog|man will hunt" -gather will do that. You will need to preface each word with a minus,

    Words like this: The tilde is used for like terms ~ If you cannot remember the specific word of a quote try "I ~created the internet"

    Site specific: If you want to search a specific site for a specific result use the site: operator as so "I ~created the internet" site:snopes.com will return results from that specific site.

    Domain specific: If you want to do a top-level domain search (eg. .org .de .au .net) use the site:. operator. "I ~created the internet" site:.gov

    Themed search: If you want to query by type of thing, use the theme operator. movies:created the internet they will not all work as expected, but most things do.

    Look it up: Need a quick defintion? Try define: as in define:sesquipedalian

    File type search: Looking for a .pdf or .docx result? Try filetype: this way roswell alien filetype:docx

    Number range: Can't remember the year of the quote? set a range with an ellipsis ... anslinger congress 1930...1940

    I will post more as I remember them... but if you keep in mind this tiny set of tools, you can use google like a scalpel, and save yourselves hours of looking at the wrong links.
  20. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    There is an error there... sorry... tilde ~ is not honored inside of quotes... it will just be ignored... so all three example should be more like:

    I ~created the internet site:snopes.com
  21. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Lol... I take it back... I thought that would work... and was confused why it didn't.... it was the "i" that did not return what I was expecting.
  22. Stagnant

    Stagnant Banned

    Sep 26, 2012
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    To be honest, I don't know where to find the drivers. I went to the support website (the headset is the Bazoo NETO VIBE) but they didn't seem to offer drivers for the product. In fact, everywhere I look, it seems to be saying "You don't need any extra drivers for this". I sent them an email asking, and am waiting on a response, but don't feel very optimistic about it. So I dunno what to do, honestly. I wouldn't really know where to change the drivers anyways. How do you do that? Would it be possible to maybe take another, similar device's drivers and implement them? I know all of approximately diddly squat about drivers, beyond that they exist and their most basic functionality.
  23. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Is this a bluetooth headset? If so... no... there definitely wouldn't be any drivers for it.

    Does adjusting the volume mixer on the host OS affect the volume? (typically there is an icon in the lower right of the taskbar)
    Please note the OS you are on.

    *NM, I found it... it... vibrates... weird. I will get back to you.
  24. Stagnant

    Stagnant Banned

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I'm on windows 7. The main problem is, I have to set the volume mixer on the host OS down to exactly 1, or it blasts my eardrums. Anything above 10 (on a scale of 1-100) is deafeningly loud. It's being read as speakers, not a headset. :/
  25. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I believe I have the answer... but you aren't going to like it.

    The device type detection is irrelevant in this case... but a clue as to the actual culprit. The signal from the soundcard's amplifier is very very low level, whatever that signal is. Soundcard audio signal is either being sent as direct digital, or (as is the case of the analog jacks on the PC which are...) going through a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter)... most of which are terribly terribly cheap, and can cause noise/hum... there are higher resistance ones, but they require more amplification from the device it is sent to, as they produce an even lower signal... most opt for the higher resistance, lower output. I would expect yours is not. I believe that there is confusion between the drivers transport of this louder than expected signal, and the device firmware.

    If it is a direct digital out, there is no volume control from your slider. A digital signal is a digital signal, and amplification is carried out solely by the target device (be that hdmi to your TV or amplifier through spdif optical or coax, or HDMI. Were this the case, using the mixer would not result in a volume change. You would use a bypass option for this.

    So this is going through a DAC.

    That analog signal is then transported by the "Generic USB Audio Device" driver to the device (headset). There is a problem with this driver for many many target device audio chipsets. The lack of proper recognition smacks more of a failure of the device, not microsoft, to properly identify itself.

    I love blaming microsoft for problems... but this (*)(*)(*)(*)ty driver has been around in its state since at least vista, and for hardware manufacturers to create devices which do not handle that driver transport well is just... (*)(*)(*)(*)ty. Either write your own driver, or use the more expensive chipsets.

    So... in summary, I believe the problem exists as a combination of issues between your soundcard's (*)(*)(*)(*)ty DAC, and your headsets (*)(*)(*)(*)ty "soundcard" chipset.
    I believe the ugly solution for you will require changing the volume in each application and try and normalize the signal:

    1. In control panel go to "Devices and Printers"
    2. Right click on USB Audio and choose "Sound Settings"
    3. Choose "USB Audio" from the list and click the Properties button
    4. Choose the "Enhancements" tab and click the "Loudness Equalization" option
    5. Apply
    6. Go to the volume mixer
    7. Set the volume of the USB speaker to 100% (while this seems counterintuitive, do it. There is an equilibrium that must be reached, so it must believe the signal out is always maxxed).
    8. Set the volume you want changed in the APPLICATION that is feeding it. For instance if you are watching a movie in VLC, you would adjust the slider there, a youtube video, in there.
    Repeat step 8 for each thing you open that has audio. There COULD be some applications that adjust their volume by tying to the soundcard mixer, for which this solution will not work.

    That is as close to a fix as I am aware of. Let me know how you make out.

    You might also try using them on another computer... if it has a higher resistance output, I would expect that it would work correctly... might have to try a couple. That would really just be to satisfy my curiosity.

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