Cut Spending ? Why ? When we need so many things ?

Discussion in 'Budget & Taxes' started by protectionist, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    President Obama's recent jobs bill would have put lots of unemployed Americans to work. It would have been paid for by a tax on millionaires. With more than 2/3 of the American people supporting this idea, Republicans likely pay at the voting booths next election, for stopping the bill. It might also be a good idea to raise taxes on lesser rich (but still well-off) individuals, perhaps with incomes of $300,000/year and up. This then would pay for a great many things we need. Spending cuts however is all the Republicans are wiling to even discuss. This seems strange when there are so many things that need to be attended to right now, all requiring lots of money. Here's a list of some of them :

    1. Unemployment - many people are without jobs for years, unable to get back into one. An expenditure of $468 Billion (raised from increaing the top bracket tax from 35% to 95%) would pay salaries of $33,191/year for 14.1 million unemployed Americans (the latest US Bureau of Labor Statisitics figure). Note : Closing loopholes and taxing those who pay nothing, could reduce the 95% rate significantly)

    2. Infrastructure - Bridges, dams, sewers, water treatment plants, highways, tunnels, electrical power grid, etc. are crumbling all over the country. In some places (like the Wolf Creek Dam in Kentucky), the problem threatnens to be catastrophic (could submerge Nashville, TN under 20 feet of water and demolish structures for hundreds of miles). And the levees in the central California delta region could cause a shutoff of water to 20 million people in southern California, for 20 years

    3. National Security - Hire more FBI, et al agency personnel. Get rid of Muslim conspirators. Hire more security guards for potential terrorist targets. Increase intelligence capability.

    4. Medicare - As designed currently, it is a joke. It doesn't include dental which is a necessity, and it's free Plan A is worthless.

    5. Social Security - Should exclude the rich and foreigners, and be increased for the poor (Americans only).

    6. Immigration - Should be ceased along with all visas, except for those bringing capital to start businesses and create jobs (for Americans at good wages), and those bringing needed skills. More ICE agents should be hired. Crackdown on illegal immigration including visa overstaying. Arrest/deport illegal aliens. Arrest/jail illegal employers. Create national biometric ID. Mandate E-Verify nationawide. Abolish birthright citizenship. Pressure Mexico to expand its economy & create jobs.

    7. Environment - Clean up polluted waterways, fine polluters, combat biological dangers.

    8. Veterans - the recent wars in Iraq & Afghanistan have left veteran's disabled, missing arms and/or legs, experiencing pain and in need of continual medical care. The families of servicemen and women who have died also should receive benefits.
  2. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    You sound like Barack Obama. What part of WE'RE BROKE do you not understand?

    Thunderlips and (deleted member) like this.
  3. Meta777

    Meta777 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    About 55T worth of net worth minus about 15T of debt.
  4. Political Ed

    Political Ed New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    The same part of it when your hero, GWB took the best economy ever and ran it into a 4.9T debt and left all markets scrambling, GDP @ -9%.

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