David French: Yes, The Dispatch Takes Money To Help Leftists Keep The Internet Conservatism-Free

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Lil Mike, Dec 21, 2022.

  1. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The Never Trump road starts at being a "principled conservative" writer at the National Review. It ends with...

    David French: Yes, The Dispatch Takes Money To Help Leftists Keep The Internet Conservatism-Free

    David French, the “principled conservative” who argued drag queen story hours in libraries are “blessings of liberty,” publicly confirmed last week that he’s personally advised Big Tech platforms on how to suppress the speech of people who disagree with leftists.

    “A few years ago I was invited to an off-the-record meeting with senior executives at a major social media company,” reads the Atlantic contributor and Dispatch senior editor’s first sentence. In 2020, The Dispatch became a paid censor to help Facebook suppress conservative ideas using the pretense of “factchecking.”

    As a Facebook censor, The Dispatch has helped suppress true information in the service of leftist conversation control. This has included keeping accurate pro-life ads off Facebook in a way that protected the candidacy of Joe Biden and restricted nonviolent political speech. Dispatch CEO Steve Hayes also defended Facebook’s 2020 election interference in the form of throttling a true story about Hunter Biden’s corruption that may financially benefit his father.

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