Have we learned nothing from The Rapture? Am I the only one still buying Christmas presents and is everyone else out digging a bunker and stocking it with cans of spam/beer.... Whilst I understand it is regenerating the economy in those regions where the gullible still thrive, it is also apparently scaring small children and parting elderly confused vulnerable people from their hard earned cash...again. Shouldn't be allowed..
Whatever. If people want to believe that the world is going to end based on some Mayan prophecy or whatever then let them. And if it does I don't know why they think buying stuff is going to save them.
You can't really let some of them. They allow themselves to be ripped off financially by those who prey on naivete. I was wondering how many of the posters here spend their time building up stocks of tinned food and ammo just in case. There are people here who do. I wonder what triggers that kind of paranoid behaviour in people. I know one person who regards herself infinitely more intelligent than all others around her, but who has changed her entire life on this premise. Bought a rural place, "prepared" and is hiding away there waiting for ...whatever it is such people wait for.
For once I'll have to agree with you on this total nonsense of the world ending on that particular date. There are even a couple of TV series here in America that address that very notion of an apocalypse. I believe one is called "Preppers". Just bought Christmas gifts for my two grand-daughters--items that will guarantee they'll be smiling come the morning of December 26th. But I digress, your Christmas gift to this forum could very well be of you following my lead by submitting an avatar of the greatest leaders of the United Kingdom, i.e. that of Maggie Thatcher and Winston Chruchill so as to match my avatar of America's greatest leader of the 20th century--Ronaldo Magnus (Dutch) Reagan. Merry Christmas!
If a person is this naive they will just have to learn from their mistakes. I have to admit I am a real push over IRL and I can be pretty naive at times. I have been having to learn how to stand up for myself lately. My dad has a ton of ammo and canned/dry food just in case. It's not for the end of the world though, it's because he thinks Obama is going to kill us all or something. From my experience it's watching all the FEAR news on TV. Seeing nothing but bad things constantly and things meant to instill fear into people is never a good thing. My dad watches Fox News (a.k.a. Fear News imo) all the time and that is what I believe has unleashed his paranoia.
Granny says dey don't put up with such foolishness in China... China makes 500 doomsday cult arrests 18 December 2012 - Chinese police have arrested more than 500 members of a doomsday cult for spreading rumours about the imminent end of the world, state media say.
For those who are hoping for an Apocalypse, sorry to disappoint you but the Mayans prophesied no such thing: http://noticias.univision.com/primer-impacto/videos/video/2012-12-17/llego-la-hora-del-fin-del-mundo This is in Spanish. Many of you can readily understand the reporter and much of the commentary. However, the Mayan priest speaks with a regional accent and it is very difficult to understand him. He roughly says that the Mayan calendar is revised every 5000 years and that this marks the end of one and the beginning of another. Doom's Day is NOT going to happen. While there will be climatic changes and some natural disasters, this affords all of us a great opportunity to engage in reasoned exchanges. Thus, troubles can bring us TOGETHER, not apart. All we need do is to be rational, forward looking, and to work together.
3 days and counting. getting kind of nervous now. The mayans have successfully predicted events in the past
I do have stocks of food and water, but I live in a hurricane zone. After 2004 I learned my lesson so I'm well prepared for the next hurricane that knocks the power off for a few days. As for the ammo, I did go in with a bunch of guys years ago for a big tin of Chinese ammo and still have enough left for any reasonable Company sized unit of Mad Max brigands. I have to say, that Chinese ammo is top notch. I've never had a misfire. Hear that looters?
I just want to mention ... Not that I'm a cynic. My friends and I are going out on the 20th anyway, just in case
Joking aside though it's not a serious thread, I was distressed by the Sandy Hook massacre and sure we all were and can't help wondering if that is what makes me uncomfortable about Preppers and the whole immature and irresponsible shoot em up bear arms mentality. That boy's mother seems to have been a bit of a Prepper and liked her guns. You can regard all that as harmless eccentricity, but it isn't really, is it.
propane generator wont be installed by 21st, so if something happens prepping isn't done yet. one good thing about the preppers is that they were prepared for the hurricane sandy that hit the city, the government was too late to respond. most of them had power when everyone was facing gas shortages and no power for their homes. much less non perishable food stuffs.
This guy has his own plans for the end. [video=youtube;3t6oQiMiuGQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t6oQiMiuGQ[/video]
Frankly I think hurricanes are a serious threat. Having lived through them and the aftermath an ounce of prevention and all that... But I'm not even sure the kid's mother was an actual prepper. Maybe she was, but this week has been a good lesson in learning almost all the initial press reports are wrong. However after seeing episodes of Doomsday Preppers and another one about bunkers, I would say they do seem to be harmless eccentrics. Maybe not all of them are, but that's true of any group I suppose.
So do I and they involve a bottle of Prosecco and milk, dark and white hand made filled Belgian chocolates. Christmas is good. People give you stuff just for breathing.
Eastern time, 12 21 2012. Maybe this is going to happen under Central or Pacific time, but as far as east coast nothing has happened. I feel a little dizzy, but that is from the pina colada.
Who drinks pina colada at Christmas? You're a girl, aren't you. You jinxed it now. Careful what you wish for, btw. I don't understand why the current Mayans can't just write the new Baktun anyway. I read a news article saying NASA had people asking them if they should commit suicide before the world ends. FFS...
Good thread. My prepping is for insurance. I am not wanting zombies, collapse, war or revolution. What I seen in my travels is what sparked my interest. Having the basic needs when the bad times is at our door while taking care of family is the goal.