JFK would more likely have escalated U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War just as Johnson did. And given JFKs fascination with covert operations it is highly unlikely he would ever have done a thing to the CIA regardless of whatever thoughts he said out loud.
(The New York Times) Dr. King's Son Says Family Believes Ray Is Innocent (CBS) MLK's Family Feels Vindicated Why do you hate facts so much?
I didn't say anything about Kings family and what they think. LBJ killed JFK? Hilarious. Maybe your friend McCain did it?
(The Nation) JFK’s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact, Not Speculation (Politico) Yes, the CIA Director Was Part of the JFK Assassination Cover-Up (FFF) Don’t Forget JFK’s Fight with the CIA
Because they've been following the issue more closely than almost anyone else in the country, obviously.
The evidence clearly demonstrates that LBJ was party to a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It's not even a question at this point.
(The Washington Post) Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn’t believe it was Sirhan Sirhan.
It has been a complete unmitigated disaster whose only real success if you can call it that was as summarized by LBJ Himself "We'll have those 'D__k__s voting Democrat for the next hundred years.
By James K. Galbraith, a professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs. Think he thinks LBJ did it?
I wouldn’t be surprised one bit, if the killings of Kennedy was a inside job, since America had already became a scary place after WW2, and the beginning of the Cold War. I’m a history nerd, so I’ll definitely put that in my reading list.
Makes no difference. JFK was going to withdraw from Vietnam, contrary to what Dayton claimed earlier. JFK also had an adversarial relationship with the CIA, contrary to what Dayton claimed earlier. Try to keep up.