Oswald was a patsy...a NZ press release named him as the shooter before he was even a suspect...oops.... someone forget the time line from Dallas to NZ....
Everyone makes up theories to explain the world. That's what theories are for. The only difference is that my theories can be supported by evidence and logic, whereas yours cannot.
The CIA is responsible for orchestrating dozens of coups. And propping up dictatorships all over the world. Now they're trying to take down Trump with the help of the equally corrupt FBI. Those who insist otherwise are in denial.
List one dozen coups orchestrated by the CIA along with the actual physical evidence you have for that claim.
You throw around the word "experts" like they are infallible and incorruptible beings. But anyone can see that even "experts" lie and/or succumb to groupthink. The official narrative surrounding the JFK assassination is held up by nothing more than mindless repetition and reverence for authority. When subjected to actual scrutiny, it falls apart immediately.
William Blum provides detailed evidence describing and explaining every one of those regime change operations in his book Killing Hope. Something tells me you are not going to read it.
I readily admit that I'm sensitive towards censorship of people's political views. As a firm believer in free speech values, I support the free and robust exchange of ideas. Apparently, you want the opposite, where ideas are arbitrarily suppressed and censored based on the whims and flavors of the moment.
Are you still trying to claim that I am? Because you haven't actually produced a single logical argument to support your opinion.
Nobody is censoring your conspiracy theories. We just want you to know that everything will be OK. We'll protect you.
Okay Let's understand something here One should not take anything JK Galbraith says about the Kennedy clan at face value. Galbraith spent most of his life when not messing about with economics mostly to it's detriment, polishing the image of the American Camelot, JFK's presidency. One should remember that and take anything Galbraith says about the Kennedys with a grain of salt if not a 10 pound bag. Kennedy was an unreconstructed cold warrior who campaigned to the right of Nixon not infrequently lying through his teeth in the process. Other than Galbraith's say so, which is. as already pointed out, not entirely trust worthy, there is little to no evidence as to what Kennedy's thinking was on much of anything beyond reducing taxes, in no small part because he was Killed before the end of his second year.
The Conspiracy Forum exists for a reason. And this sort of Conspiratorial Discussion belongs in the Proper Forum. Now, if you want to talk some REAL Serious Business that needs to get out in the open: What is your opinion about the Love Child that Bigfoot had with the Roswell Alien?
Son, you have no evidence and logic is clearly not your strong suit. In fact, the truth is you're a bit of a joke.
The members of the shadow government who had firsthand certain knowledge of this are likely all deceased now. It is a question which will never be answered with any certainty. You can be certain that the Warren Commission was pure bullshit.
I like the idea it was the Mafia, mainly Costello from New Orleans. Too many coincidences. And he could have partnered with someone.