We often hear that the Soviets defeated Fascism during WW2. But the fact is from 1939 to 1941 the Soviets had a friendship/aid/non-aggression pact with the Nazi Fascists. All that time they provided the Nazis with weapons, food, machinery, intelligence, and even gave them info on anti-Fascist groups working inside Germany. While this was happening, the Nazis invaded France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and were bombing Britain. So clearly, the Soviets didn't give a **** about the Nazi Fascist war machine tearing through Europe, detaining and murdering Socialists, Communists, Jews, etc etc. So how can anyone actually argue that the Soviets opposed Fascism? They were the Fascists greatest ally when the Nazis needed it the most. Without an eastern Front, the Nazis could take Europe without worry. Even the threat of an Eastern Front may have prevented the Nazis from attacking Britain, maybe even France. Soviets were anti-Fascist? haaa!!!
I know you've seen these videos before. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Hitler's+War+-+What+the+Historians+Neglect+to+Mention https://www.youtube.com/results?sea...s+Reasons+For+Invading+The+Soviet+Union&sm=12 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Hitler+Saved+Europe+From+Stalin&sm=12 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Who+Started+World+War+II?+by+Viktor+Suvorov&sm=12 The above info makes much more sense than the official version. I haven't come to any firm conclusions as I wasn't there but the official version of a lot of stuff has turned out to be a lie. Don't you think there's a chance that the above info reflects reality? More here... http://www.flinttalk.com/viewtopic.php?t=12196&start=0
While there was on the surface friendly relationships between the two rulers for a time once, Hitler gain power it later turn into a battle to the death after Hitler launch his attack on the USSR. but it never had must to do one way or with any political theory on either side. It was just two power mad rulers neither caring must about the political theories they had proclaimed to their two people. In fact Stalin rally the soviet people by placing the fighting in terms of defending mother Russia not defending communism.
friendly relations are meaningless, the worlds leaders hate Trump but diplomacy requires world leaders to to appear friendly in public...Stalin was appeasing Hitler just as the English were doing, trying to avoid a war they weren't prepared for...Hitler and Stain were on opposite ends of the political spectrum, Hitler hated socialists and Stalin had the same for Fascist they were involved in the Spanish Civil war on opposite sides...when a country invades your's it really doesn't matter what their political leanings are you fight back...