It's a fact. A conductor cannot be in the presence of a magnetic field without some sort of reaction. Do you really think it is only a moving magnet that can induce any type of current in a conductor? Of course, no power can be extracted from these eddy currents, when the magnet is stationary. And that is the thing that is so bizarre I was trying to point out.
Known only to you? Then surely experiments have shown this, so how about citing them? An eddy current is defined as current induced by a changing magnetic field. If the source of that field is unchanging and stationary, whence comes the change?
You know I have often wondered about magnetism. I wanted to know about it when I was a kid but no one would tell me anything. It was a big secret. Then about a year and a half ago I was looking up the electron orbitals specific to this phenomenon. I noticed that there was some chemistry paradox where the electron skips an orbit and then backfills after it fills a higher orbit (even though that shouldn't happen), I don't remember its name now, but it made me think there was some kind of half a charge there. I'm not sure how to put this into words, but I thought there was a missing part there... Well, not missing, but like there was a part that was half there and half not there. Due to the laws of the universe we only see it as either all there or not there at all, but really it's just one end is in the atom and the other end lies somewhere else. I remember talking to DennisTate and I told him I thought the charge was like a monopole. Actually I thought it has a regular positive and negative side, but just one end ends up existing physically here. Example: Nickel has two isotopes : [Ar] 3d[SUP]8[/SUP] 4s[SUP]2[/SUP] and [Ar] 3d[SUP]9[/SUP] 4s[SUP]1[/SUP]. What if they are the same isotope only they received different polar ends of positive or negative charge and then, when measured, it collapses to a single function and state?
I think that is must be pointed out that although even Einstein was aware that Gravity is an aspecy of Space-Time Geometry even he continued to use the ordinary people would not be able to understand the concept of the Warping of Space-Time in a One Dimensional Fashion. Thus the word FORCE was continued in use. But Gravity does not come close to qualify as being a force. Now most of the things I have been discussing are Theories and Models....but Quantum Mechanics and the Practical Applications we have developed from QM are pointing to such Theories and Models being correct. THEY WELL MIGHT NOT BE!!! But if we can continue to use such Models to develop more Practical Applications....they are close enough for the time being. AboveAlpha
Rev....when I replied to you I was tired and agitated as a Plan I had put into action worked but did not garnish the full resuls I sought so sorry if I went off on you. And as I told Luke.....many of the things I am discussing are Highly Theoretical....but they are producing Practical Applications. AboveAlpha
Olive branch accepted. I have very good reasons why I find the work of the Physicists in question although I admit I was a bit rough on them in my replies even if they are no longer around to defend their work. The things I concentrate on now....and in the fields of Mathematics and Physics I would be considered an OLD it is well known that a Human Beings Mathematical and Physics based Mental Capabilities peak out at around 22 years old so when I show up very rarely to help out at a specific Institute in Mass.....all I see is a bunch of CHILDREN running around in Lab Coats or discussing faster solves to Mathematical every year some kid comes around and cuts in HALF the time and amount of calculations needed to solve something which really BURNS Professors who teach there and have been doing so for multiple decades as to them so CHILD who can't even legally drink yet has figured a MUCH FASTER AND EASIER method to solve a Mathematical Problem that the now Tenured Professor was the first man in the world to do so back in the 1970's or 1980's. What these CHILDREN are adding onto the MODELS I first helped developed is....AMAZING!!! I am sorry if I came off so....cranky. AboveAlpha
Anders....keeping in line with my NICE GUY mannerisms.....and I am usually a NICE GUY but my current location and situation and JOB is making it very hard for me to be a NICE GUY....anyways.....PLEASE....explain what you are attempting to convey in this post of yours. The reality is that many virtual particles have an effect on a real particle's mass. And even if it was proved the Higgs is responsible for mass, it still remains to be seen whether there is any direct connection between the Higgs and gravity.[/....end quote Anders. AboveAlpha
I am well aware and versed upon Quantum Entanglement as that is one of the reasons why Quantum Computers can calculate at such an incredible rates as they need not have to have an Electron travel along conductive circuitry or integrated circut pathways was they simply TELEPORT to where they are needed. However....The Locking In of Value and Function of a Quantum Particle/Wave Form occurs only after OBSERVATION and as such Mathematically this dicatates that THERE MUST BE AN INFINITE NUMBER OF OBSERVERS IN INVITINE NUMBERS OF DIVERGENT UNIVERSAL REALITIES. Quantum Entanglement is a close to but slightly different aspect of Quantum Mechanics. AboveAlpha
That is an interesting point. To put it one way, we cannot see the entire extent of our own wave functions. Yet an observer outside our reality potentially could.
a large part of the reason a proton has the rest mass it does is because of the interaction of it's constituent components (quarks/gluons) with virtual particles arising from the quantum vacuum. This is not my own hypothesis or controversial, it is well established theory in the field of particle physics. These virtual particles are not really "real", but their interaction with the real parts of the proton lead to additional mass. A proton typically has, on average, 6 or 8 real gluons (I can't remember now ), but countless more gluons fluctuate in and out of existence.
It's not the Higgs Bosson but the Higgs Field that is responsible for Mass. Take an an Electron is a Quantum Particle/Wave Form....but unlike a Photon....and Electron has MASS...a Micro-Mass....but STILL MASS!!! Now....unlike a Photon or Electron must BE CONDUCTED THROUGH PHYSICAL MATTER!! Thus.....unless there is sufficient matter in the form of Solar Radiation Particles or Plasma or other particles or matter in Space.......LIGHTNING CANNOT EXIST IN A PERFECT VACCUM!!! Tis means that the MASS that an Electron has is being given to it via the interation of Electrons with Atomic Nucleuses. And within all Atomic Nucleuses are and Neutrons....except no Neutrons in a Hydrogen Atom......and these Hadrons ARE COMPLETELY COMPRISED OF QUANTUM PARTICLE/WAVE FORMS such as Quarks, Gluons, Higgs Bossons....etc. Thus the HIGGS FIELD is present and does allow an Electron to OBTAIN MASS!!! A Photon.....does not need to be conducted like an Electron.....thus a Photon has ZERO MASS....but it does have Angular Spin Momentum. Where I was going with all this is how MATTER is COMPLETELY COMPRISED OF QUANTUM PARTICLE/WAVE FORMS OF ENERGY. Because of is possible....if enough ENERGY WAS GENERATED.....such ENERGY could be used to REPRESENT MASS!!! If enough energy can be generated to represent enough Mass we would be capable of WARPING OR FOLDING SPACE-TIME!! We KNOW this is possible because we see it happening every day when we look at our SUN. Our SUN...which is a one time was a collection of Hydrogen Plasma....and when enough H2 is gathered via GRAVITATIONAL reaches a specific THRESHOLD STATE. At that point so much mass gathered in so small an area....will generate so great a GRAVITY WELL....that Gravitational Compression will cause SPONTANIOUS FUSION IGNITION of the compression stated H2 Elemental Molecules to result in Fusion of H2 to Helium. This of course also generates an enormous amount of Heat, Radiation, Light and all Light Elelents up to Iron....all Heavier Elements are generated via SUPERNOVA EXPLOSIONS. ANYWAYS.....NASA PROBES HAVE PROVEN.....that the Mass of our Sun is enough to cause GRAVITATIONAL LENSING of the type where these NASA PROBES where able to see or detect STARS....that should have been blocked out by the PHYSICAL MATERIAL OF OUR SUN....thus these stars were not in LINE OF SIGHT. Yet...the Gravitational Warping of the Space-Time around our Sun is enough so these NASA PROBES were able to see many stars who's LIGHT had traveled AROUND THE SPACE-TIME WARPING OR GRAVITATIONAL LENSING EFFECT.....there are several different types of Gravitational Lensing....and this Star Light was detected by the NASA PROBES on the other side of our SUN....even though those stars were NOT PHYSICALLY OR GEOMETRICALLY IN LINE OF SIGHT!!! Now.....this shows us if we can generate enough ENERGY to represent MASS....we can WARP OR FOLD that we don't have to travel hundreds of light years to get to the nearest possible life sustaining Solar System......we can instead......FOLD THE SPACE-TIME BETWEEN EARTH AND THE POINT WE WISH TO TRAVEL generating enough energy to represent MASS to warp Space-Time. Now....there are a LOT of issues with doing this even if it is possible.....and a few I have already mentioned. AboveAlpha
I am not sure that a photon really has "zero mass". Mathematically, the mass might approach zero. I am not sure that a photon with a non-zero angular momentum value (measured in hbar) has zero mass, or even actually goes at light speed. They have not really done a huge amount of study involving angular momentum, I doubt anyone has ever tried to see if there is any difference in velocity. I might be completely wrong here... but I personally do not see how a photon could have angular momentum and still go at the speed of light, at least not exactly at the speed of light. Most photons do not have angular momentum, their hbar value is zero. Researchers need better technology, if they had sources that could provide a beam of photons with angular momentum, like a laser, there would probably be much more research into this.
In particle physics, a massless particle is a particle whose invariant mass is theoretically zero. As of 2014 the three known massless particles were gauge bosons, the photon (carrier of electromagnetism) and the gluon (carrier of the strong force). However, gluons are never observed as free particles, since they are confined within hadrons.[1][2] Neutrinos were, until recently, thought to be either massless or have a small mass. However, because neutrinos change flavour as they travel, at least two of the types of neutrinos must have mass. LINK.... In the Standard Model of particle physics, photons are described as a necessary consequence of physical laws having a certain symmetry at every point in spacetime. The intrinsic properties of photons, such as charge, mass and spin, are determined by the properties of this gauge symmetry. The photon concept has led to momentous advances in experimental and theoretical physics, such as lasers, Bose–Einstein condensation, quantum field theory, and the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics. It has been applied to photochemistry, high-resolution microscopy, and measurements of molecular distances. Recently, photons have been studied as elements of quantum computers and for applications in optical imaging and optical communication such as quantum cryptography. Photon Photons emitted in a coherent beam from a laser Composition Elementary particle Statistics Bosonic Interactions Electromagnetic Symbol γ Theorized Albert Einstein Mass 0 <1×10−18 eV/c2[1] Mean lifetime Stable[1] Electric charge 0 <1×10−35 e[1] Spin 1 Parity −1[1] C parity −1[1] Condensed I(JPC)=0,1(1−−[1] A photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It is the force carrier for the electromagnetic force, even when static via virtual photons. The effects of this force are easily observable at the microscopic and at the macroscopic level, because the photon has zero rest mass; this allows long distance interactions. Like all elementary particles, photons are currently best explained by quantum mechanics and exhibit wave–particle duality, exhibiting properties of waves and of particles. For example, a single photon may be refracted by a lens or exhibit wave interference with itself, but also act as a particle giving a definite result when its position is measured. Photon Photons emitted in a coherent beam from a laser Composition Elementary particle Statistics Bosonic Interactions Electromagnetic Symbol γ Theorized Albert Einstein Mass 0 <1×10−18 eV/c2[1] Mean lifetime Stable[1] Electric charge 0 <1×10−35 e[1] Spin 1 Parity −1[1] C parity −1[1] Condensed I(JPC)=0,1(1−−[1] A photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It is the force carrier for the electromagnetic force, even when static via virtual photons. The effects of this force are easily observable at the microscopic and at the macroscopic level, because the photon has zero rest mass; this allows long distance interactions. Like all elementary particles, photons are currently best explained by quantum mechanics and exhibit wave–particle duality, exhibiting properties of waves and of particles. For example, a single photon may be refracted by a lens or exhibit wave interference with itself, but also act as a particle giving a definite result when its position is measured. A photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It is the force carrier for the electromagnetic force, even when static via virtual photons. The effects of this force are easily observable at the microscopic and at the macroscopic level, because the photon has zero rest mass; this allows long distance interactions. Like all elementary particles, photons are currently best explained by quantum mechanics and exhibit wave–particle duality, exhibiting properties of waves and of particles. For example, a single photon may be refracted by a lens or exhibit wave interference with itself, but also act as a particle giving a definite result when its position is measured. LINK.... AboveAlpha
OK.....this is why I was discussing QCD....and QED....earlier even if it does not yet seem apparent. And this as well applies to your references to Gluons..... Gluons /ˈɡluːɒnz/ are elementary particles that act as the exchange particles (or gauge bosons) for the strong force between quarks, analogous to the exchange of photons in the electromagnetic force between two charged particles.[6] In technical terms, gluons are vector gauge bosons that mediate strong interactions of quarks in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Gluons themselves carry the color charge of the strong interaction. This is unlike the photon, which mediates the electromagnetic interaction but lacks an electric charge. Gluons therefore participate in the strong interaction in addition to mediating it, making QCD significantly harder to analyze than QED In QCD.....Quantum Chromodynamics....the amount of force or energy required to seperate a Qluon from a Quark goes up EXPONENTIALLY to the point the greater the amount of force or energy you put into seperating a Quark from a Gluon....the greater the BOND BECOMES!!! This is in QCD. Unlike the single Photon of QED or the three W and Z bosons of the weak interaction, there are eight independent types of gluon in QCD. SUPERPOSITION!!!!! Color charge and superposition in quantum mechanics, the states of particles may be added according to the principle of superposition; that is, they may be in a "combined state" with a probability, if some particular quantity is measured, of giving several different outcomes. A relevant illustration in the case at hand would be a gluon with a color state described by: - - (rb + br)/√ 2 This is read as "red–antiblue plus blue–antired". (The factor of the square root of two is required for normalization, a detail that is not crucial to understand in this discussion.) If one were somehow able to make a direct measurement of the color of a gluon in this state, there would be a 50% chance of it having red-antiblue color charge and a 50% chance of blue-antired color charge AboveAlpha
An Observer outside our Divergent Universal State of Realiy cannot OBSERVE anything other than the Quantum Particle/Wave Forms existing within the Divergent Universal State of Reality the OBSERVER exists within and just to let you know....the Observer that locks in Function and Value of thse Quanta exising in OUR Divergent Universal State of Reality must EXIST AS AN OBSERVER IN OUR UNIVERAL STATE ONLY!! As well the OBSERVER in our Universe does not have to be a Human Being....a FLY could be the observer.....a DOG, CAT, RAT, MOUSE...ETC.....can be OBSERVERS....but they can only observe the Quanta IN OUR DIVERGENT UNIVERSAL STATE OF REALITY.....just as the OBSERVER in other Divergent Universal States of Reality can ONLY LOCK IN VALUE AND FUNCTION of the Quanta existing in THEIR UNIVERSE. AboveAlpha
The Mass of a PROTON exists due to the HIGGS FIELD. REALITIVE ATOMIC MASS is specific to the average of the Number of Protons and Nutrons existing wthin all Elemental Isotopes of a said Element. As there does nt exist ay particle Atomic, Subatomic or Quantum Particle/Wave Form that IS EVER IN A REST STATE as every particle in our Universe is IN A STATE OF MOTION AT ALL TIMES.....THE TERM REST STATE IS A MISNOMER. AboveAlpha
Your question is not formed in a manner I can properly answer. The Multiverse and the Multiversal Theory Model is a much more comprehensive and detailed Model and Theory than Many Worlds. But one thing is for certain.....for every Black Hole there is a connection from it to a White Hole. The Big Bang originated from a White Hole. AboveAlpha
So your position is that it travels to other dimensions, and because there's a multiverse there is no loss of information? I've had less than 6 hours of sleep in the past 80 hours, so forgive me if I'm misconstruing your position.
OK....first thing you need to stop using as a concept or term is the HOLLYWOOD USE OF TRAVELING TO ANOTHER DIMENSION. A Dimension is just a term of GEOMETRY. Our Universal Space-Time needs AT MINIMUM...10 or 11-D Space-Time for Matter and Energy and Frequency to exist. When Hollywood has a show...say like STARGATE SG-1.....where they have this TV Prop they call a DIMENSIONAL MIRROR.....and a person who touches the Mirror get's transported to what Hollywood writers are calling.....ANOTHER DIMENSION.....what they really mean is that person is traveling to ANOTHER DIVERGENT ALTERNATE UNIVERSAL STATE OF REALITY. If you saw that program the different Divergent Universe which they called DIFFERENT DIMENSION...was very similar to the one they came from but certain things were different. Some people who were alive in their Universe were now dead in the Universe they traveled to. As well events unraveled differently and along a different time line of cause and effect. But forget about using the term....TRAVELING TO ANOTHER DIMENSIONAL that is not happening. A Dimension is a ter of Geometry and although most people think that we live in a 4-D Universe with 1-D, 2-D, 3-D being basic LENGTH, WIDTH AND HEIGHT ALLOWING DISTANCE, AREA AND VOLLUME...WITH THE 4-D or 4th Dimensional State being time.....this is SO to say the degreee it is wrong equals putting a fully toasted straight out of the toaster POP TART INTO YOUR MOUTH.....when the Frosting on top is MOSTLY SUGAR THAT STRAIGHT OUT OF THE TOASTER EXISTS LIKE SUPER HOT MOLTEN LAVA IN YOUR MOUTH AS IT BURNS OFF LAYERS OF INTERNAL MOUTH SKIN WHILE THE CHANGE IN TEMP. OF A 1500 DEGREE MOLTEN SUGAR !!!!! Now that's just wrong!! AboveAlpha
You're right, I misused the word. But would that not violate the Second Rule of Thermodynamics? Or do you consider all possible universes a single system? And yes, I'm aware that String Theory and M Theory predict 10 or 11 dimensions, although I was under the impression that more would be unstable. I'm no scientist, but over the last month I have been trying to teach myself when I have time.
NOTE; BOLDING AND COLOR MINE FOR CLARITY~ "Your search - Divergent Universal State of Realiy - did not match any documents. Suggestions: * Make sure all words are spelled correctly. * Try different keywords. * Try more general keywords. The phrase does not exist, of course words in the phrase exists but not the phrase itself. Please source the term/phrase ? " reva