Disability Insanity--alcoholic Driver

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by MuzzleBreak, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. paco

    paco New Member

    Apr 10, 2009
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    The difference being that sexual addiction, pedophilia, homosexuality, etc. are not genetic disorders, while alcoholism has been proven to be genetic. It is an actual chemical imbalance in the brain, where if exposed to alcohol, the alcoholic can become immediately addicted to it. This is why some people can drink and sober up just fine and never have another drink again, while others can drink and become addicted just like that.
  2. PatrickT

    PatrickT Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    I realize that different people process alcohol differently. That is genetic. Alcoholism is not genetic. That's a choice. Everyone can become addicted to alcohol. It is a choice.

    All the men in my family have a problem with alcohol and some choose to drink and some don't. Some, like me drank and were drunks for years and some, like my cousin Tom chose to never drink at all. Another cousin drank and was an alcoholic and he chose to commit suicide. My cousin Tom, who has never had a drink is not an aloholic. There is no test the doctors can give him to reveal his genetic alcoholism. At best, it's a genetic predisposition.

    The operative word there is choose. All, of course, have been exposed to alcohol. All get drunk easily. Some choose to continue drinking, some don't. AA and RR have a lot of alcoholics who have chosen to not drink.

    There really are no symptoms that distinguish an alcoholic except their drinking. Some are binge drinkers and drinker excessively but not constantly. Others drink daily. Some go years without a day where their system is alcohol-free.

    But, all of them can choose to quit.

    I would not question someone if they maintained that male sex-addicts had a higher level of testosterone than average. That might be true and be genetic. The behavior is still a choice. Other genetic problems, like diabetes, have symptoms other than the major ones. There are tests to determine who is a diabetic and who isn't.

    One of the problems with alcoholism is that so many important people are alcoholics. There is a long list of famous drunks from Washington. In our town we had doctors, lawyers, judges, police officers, bank presidents, and on and on and on. I'm personally confident that if it were just a problem with low-class folks there would be no discussion of it being an illness over which the poor victims have no power.
  3. paco

    paco New Member

    Apr 10, 2009
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    Doctors and scientists disagree with you.


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