Diversity means....?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by PatrickT, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. PatrickT

    PatrickT Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    The students in Berkeley who won't allow any speakers who disagree with their leftist ideology are all in favor of diversity. The people like Dan Savage who hate fundamentalist Christians are very supportive of diversity. People who support limiting the number of Asians admitted to top ranked universities are very much in favor of diversity. Those who support the concept, flawed though it may be, of adverse impact are very pro-diversity.

    So, what does diversity mean to you? Does it mean when two cultures are in conflict the minority cultural value must be given priority or accepted equally? If a culture demands that young girls have clitorectomies and women must be hidden from view get equal footing with a culture that takes the opposite position?

    To me? Diversity means the country has a culture, a dominant culture, that draws from the various cultures represented in the country. There are aspects of various sub-cultures that are valuable and should be incorporated into the national culture. Other aspects of sub-cultures, such as killing adulteresses, should be illegal. For me? Diversity means that barring a real threat to the well-being of others, cultural differences are not only tolerated but celebrated. Does it really matter if I go to church on Saturday and you go to church on Sunday and Chuck stays home? Does diversity mean there can be no compromise? If one culture has marriages arranged by the families and another goes with the strange falling-in-love system does it matter as long as the principals are in agreement?

    So, what does diversity mean? Answer quickly. The pro-diversity PC crowd is not very tolerant of...diversity.
  2. YouLie

    YouLie Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    I'm trying to come up with something original, but the competing ideologies are simply equal opportunity vs. equal outcome.
  3. MisterMet

    MisterMet New Member Past Donor

    Mar 8, 2013
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    It's code for wanting less people who look like me around. I'm a white male.
  4. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Yep, that's all it is. "Diversity" in the West is just a code word for wanting to reduce the white population and increase the non-white population, due to the latter's favorable voting habits for left wing goals. You won't see left-wingers arguing that there is not enough diversity in areas where non-whites have strong majorities.
  5. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    To give you a candy metaphor here, the conservative (actual) definition of diversity is more like a bag of Skittles. Where each one not only looks different on the outside but is also different on the inside as well. And they are all welcome in the same bag.

    Conversely, the leftist definition of diversity is more like a bag of M&Ms. They might look different on the outside, but they're all the same on the inside.

    To the PC crowd, diversity simply means "different colored liberals."
  6. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    There's nothing wrong with reducing the white population since you guys create the majority of the world's problems with your incessant demands of conform or die and then blame it on the people who suffered at your hands and tell them to shut up when they speak out against you. I will celebrate the day when you people are gone.

    The world will be a much better place without you pos in it.

    Now, as far as the OP goes, to me diversity is all inclusive, not pick and choose who you like and don't like. A proper society is one that that has mutual respect and cared for one another and looks out and sees to each other's needs, regardless of ethnicity or opinions or beliefs or religion.

    And all of this without the bigotry of people who want to blame blacks or homosexuals or whoever for the problems they create. The only bigotry should be against people who commit crimes and want to hurt other people.
  7. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    From the guy who said this two days ago:

    This inconsistency in your posts is approaching a schizophrenic level, now. You might want to talk with your doctor.
  8. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    They aren't inconsistent, but the only way you can truly understand where I am coming from is if you lived my life and see things through my eyes.

    And you do know I care nothing for logic too. It turns people onto asshats.

    And you're the racist here, so how is that consistent and logical?
  9. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I don't have a problem with diversity or other cultures.. Live and let live IMO.. however I have a problem with over population so I would like to see a moratorium on all immigration.
  10. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    I'm not the one cheering on the end of a race of people like you are. But I appreciate the admission that you "care nothing for logic." That explains much of your posting behavior. Can I call you Mr. Illogical from now on?
  11. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Actually yes, you are. You want the blacks to sit down and shut up and not speak out against the people who continue to oppress them to this day. Not to mention your incessant insinuations of whites being better than blacks ignoring the crap you white people cause.

    And no. What asshats can't seem to understand is that you can be sensible without logic.

    And I am also a misanthrope. I don't like people period.

    Whites expect and demand conformity out of the crap belief that we all have to be the same and be like whites. You believe it's okay to impose your morality on to others, and you believe it's okay to hurt people who don't obey your demands. And then when they protest and speak out against it, you tell them to shut up and take it or you kill them like Malcolm X or Martin Luther king jr or Lincoln or Kennedy. Any body who opposes you you do what you can to shut them up or you kill them.

    I don't know why you think this is okay, all the while expounding freedom and justice and liberty to all, but you do.

    Why don't you work on your own problems rather than trying to fix everybody elses?

    You can't, because you think everybody has to be like you.
  12. jcDenton

    jcDenton New Member

    Jan 12, 2015
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    I think diversity for America should mean assimilating everyone into the melting pot. Everyone bringing their culture into the majority, contributing a new perspective to benefit the nation.

    But what diversity means now is that all cultures stay distinct and separate from the melting pot. Now instead of expecting everyone to assimilate into being an American only, we expect everyone to hold on to their individual cultures only and stay separate. Problem is, in a representative democratic republic like ours, different cultures in the same nation that don't assimilate just cause conflict with each other and the majority culture over differing values, like what we're seeing today. It's often made worse because they can't even agree on definitions on what terms even mean, like the word "racism" for example.

    Having all that in a system meant for a united culture that generally agrees on most values just overloads the system and causes it to break.
  13. PatrickT

    PatrickT Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    You do realize the question wasn't whether you have a problem with diversity or not but was what is this diversity with which you have no problem?

    Me? I believe diversity should mean that we have a national culture and people from all cultures, nationalities, and races are free to join America. They are free to keep those aspects of their personal culture that they would like but they are not free to demand that their culture replace the national culture.
  14. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    I've never cheered on the end of any race, as you have many times. I think races should be separated to minimize conflict and preserve racial diversity. I've never said "whites are better than blacks", as I believe each race has its own strengths and weaknesses.

    I'll let people decide on their own who is more "racist", me, or the guy who says the following:

    That's illogical, but I guess that's the point, isn't it?

    I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

    lol, you're under the opinion that Malcolm X was killed by a white person? You might want to study up on some history.

    I think whites rightly expect others to conform to Western culture, which is going to be largely "white", since it was created by whites. I wouldn't want to live in a country where black culture, Hispanic culture, Native American culture, etc are dominant, and I suspect even people like you wouldn't want to, either. Western culture is simply superior to those other cultures, and the more of it we have, the better.

    What problems are you referring to, specifically? You continuously make vague statements without specifics.
  15. lynnlynn

    lynnlynn New Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    In 50 years whites will be the minority.
  16. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    No matter how it is re-arranged or spun.....

    a bunch of white male rightwingers lamenting "diversity".....is basically them whining and complaining about the fact that America is NOT in the 1950s anymore with guys "like them" (white, male, straight, rightwing) running everything....

    and women, blacks, Latinos, gays, etc. "in their place".

    Well...f*** 'em. The 50s are gone and not coming back. All they have now is TYPING on the Internet.....atleast until the nurses take away their lap-tops at the nursing home some day soon.
  17. heresiarch

    heresiarch Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2014
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    There's a common logical fault on leftists, it is when they ask for freedom and diversity but deny it to those who have opposite opinions to them... but that is because basically you can have only one idea at a time lol... we cannot both have an idea, pretend it to be applied and support all ideas at the same time. The common goal should be a society which tolerates all cultures, all religions, all people as long as they respect the law, which is above everything.
  18. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Diversity is about acknowledging the contributions of all people to our society, despite their differences. That necessitates listening to different perspectives, and hopefully learning something from them.

    That doesn't mean that all ideas are equally valuable to a society.

    What some people seem to have a problem understanding is that society is not static; a society that cannot adapt to change is likely doomed to decline and eventually fail. As the demographics of a population shift, the things that a society values may also shift - for better or worse. Politics is largely the child of disagreement over whether such shifts make our lives and shared culture better or worse.

    What doesn't make sense are statements that amount to "everyone is 'welcome', so long as they adopt MY values". Lots of euphemisms exist for that 'MY', and some of them are evident in this thread.

    That said, particularly ludicrous is the whole idea that tolerance requires refraining from criticism of intolerance. Intolerance is directly opposed to the mission of tolerance. Tolerance means we allow people to participate equally in society, ignoring irrelevant differences. Intolerance seems to be less a means of protecting society from the true evils that threaten it, and more about about excluding people from equal participation in society based on bigotry, which is born of misplaced suspicion and fear of such differences. The two (tolerance vs intolerance) simply cannot peacefully coexist for very long.
  19. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Se? This is exactly the kind of irrational centricism that whites just love. They expect and demand people conform to their demands and beliefs or they will destroy you.

    My wish to see you end is a defense because you guys have been destroying entire cultures and countries throughout all of history. You are always the agressors because you go in, meddle, and try to change things to your liking, and never admit thzat you are the ones who are causing most of the problems in the world.

    Then you deny it or spin it into a good thing.

    You're completely irrational and need to go the way of the dodo.

    The only thing you people do is hurt and destroy other people in favor of your ideology. I don't understand where you're crap comes from, but you are the ones who are bringing down these kinds of feelings and hostility onto your selves because you are the ones that are creating the problems.

    You're the most fearful people of all.
  20. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    What Native tribe do you belong to? Chances are I can find evidence of that tribe doing the same thing to others that you would accuse whites of. Even Native tribes aren't pining for the days of headhunting and cannibalism anymore, which is evidence that Western culture made things better, even for Natives.
  21. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Just like a white person to use dishonest tactic of turnabout because they can not defend their actions.

    Try again.

    This is about the crimes whites commit, not the conflicts of other people.
  22. AKRunner88

    AKRunner88 New Member

    Feb 4, 2014
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    There is nothing wrong with diversity and difference of thought and belief.

    If you don't speak English, you'll have a harder time in America than if you do. Therefore, most second generation immigrants DO speak English. If your cultural values tell you that it's ok to beat your wife for disobeying you, you'll have a harder time escaping the legal system than American's that don't hold that belief. If your cultural values tell you that it's ok to wear your pants down around your knees, you'll have a harder time finding gainful employment than those that don't.

    It all balances out.
  23. jcDenton

    jcDenton New Member

    Jan 12, 2015
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    Yeah, you're right. They are the most fearful of all. Part of what drives modern American whites to keep up things like white privilege and striving for a PC race-blind world is fear of black retaliation for the past when they gain enough power. This fear just gets worse when whites hear about rioting, police shootings and that they'll be in the minority soon. Fear is a powerful motivator, and I think it's what's driving a lot of racism, conscious and unconscious, today. The drive to protect your family is more than the drive to protect equality, and we'll see this problem boil over in the future, I think.
  24. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Your cowardly dodge of my question is noted, and not unexpected. You want to get on a moral high horse and condemn whites for forcefully spreading their culture around, when natives did the same thing with often barbaric results. Entire tribes wiped out, long before the Europeans got there.

    Illogical and hypocritical. You're a real winner.
  25. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Now you're acting just like a liberal. Spin deflect, dodge and try to put the hypocrisy back in my lap.

    You're the one who is being a coward here.

    And you really don't understand the irony of your posts, you fuzzy little care bear there.

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