I did not mention President Bush, I exonerated upper echelon upper management right out of the gate. So, how about actually responding to my post instead of creating a strawman to attack.
"The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer - Henry Kissinger" Love the sig line...... anyhow as to was 9/11/2001 a false flag event and why .... most certainly it was and the why is the fact that the mainstream media insists on promoting the LIE that the crash into the south wall of the south tower was "FLT175" a hijacked airliner ..... ya, right & I'm the Easter Bunny!
So, by the logic of the sentence above: you don't believe the mainstream media was lying. Words mean things, bob.
To answer the original question, because of the nature of the "FLT175" hit to the south wall of the South Tower & the fact that WTC7 "collapsed" in the manner that it did, convinces me beyond any doubt at all ..... 9/11/2001 = FRAUD ...... & the mainstream media is complicit.
You fail on two points. 1. You don't provide or show any evidence that disproves what is claimed to happen 2. You don't provide or show any evidence that proves what you think happened instead
No, I don't believe 9/11 was an inside job. I don't believe the Bush administration concocted such a convoluted and irrational plan as some believe, nor do I believe the Bush administration 'let it happen'. I do believe that America was caught unaware, and the look on Bush's face when told of the news says it all. The US was the victim of a surprise attack which exposed failures within the structure of security agencies and their methods for sharing information. This surprise attack was the culmination of a continued campaign against the US that started in 1993. 9/11 truth has never produced any evidence worthy of serious public debate, and the way it selectively treats information dissemination immediately raises questions and reminds people of hucksters and spammers just trying to sell junk. The premise (Bush's administration planted bombs and flew planes into buildings to mask triggering the explosives) and its many variants lack logic and are quite implausible in their very nature. In addition, 9/11 truth seems to have a problem in the way it treats those sceptical of its claims-many of which are just too 'out there' to be taken seriously by the average person. Youtube commentators, and those on many other sites merely ridicule and abuse those who raise questions regarding the nature of their claims, and that only serves to alienate those who may be genuinely interested in the subject. If those 'Jonesian' tactics continue to be employed, I doubt the movement will survive.
The attempt by the truth movement is to expose bits of the evidence that prove beyond any doubt that the events of 9/11/2001 are really NOT as reported in the mainstream press. Lets start with the airliner crashes shall we, WHY is there 3 plane shaped impressions to be seen, that is cartoon like in that they have the impression left by wings, when in fact the collision with anything such as the skyscraper wall, or the ground in the case of "FLT93" would present such resistance that the aircraft would most certainly disintegrate before it could leave that airliner shaped ( cartoon cut out ) sort of impression. and to add the problems with the official story, the fact that WTC7 descended at 9.8 m/s^2 for 2.25 sec and kept its shape while falling straight down .... and this was allegedly the result of fire + bits thrown by the collapsing towers? REALLY PEOPLE? and how about those towers, total collapse straight down, and the mass pulverization of stuff such that nobody found a file cabinet or desk ( or? ) .... in the ruins of the WTC. And the PENTAGON is another total fiasco, how was the aircraft wreckage accounted for? how much of the aircraft was on the Pentagon lawn? Is that information recorded anywhere? You say there is a problem with the way that the truth movement treats people who totally buy the official story, however, are you aware of the infamous Rachel Maddow rant? How about this scene, the random excuse for people to gather ... whatever, a cocktail party or? and somebody so much as brings up speculation about the lack of aircraft bits at the crash sites and they all move away as if the person who dared bring up the unspeakable had the plague and it was super contagious...... this is the level of total psychological warfare & brainwashing that has been going on these last 13 years.
And where is you proof that the facades should have resisted the jet impact? I have FEAs on my side. Where are your engineering calculations and models that show your side of this argument?
If it's a cartoon/fantasy, then why haven't any of your truther engineers come up with their own FEAs and source data to prove them wrong? What about FEAs to show that the facades should have resisted? You've got NOTHING!
and logically, the side that is promoting the idea of hijacked airliner being used as weapons, also has NOTHING....... However, on the side of common sense, there is the fact that an aircraft striking a wall, would meet resistance and unless the wall was made of cardboard, there would be sufficient resistance to considerably stress the entire aircraft. that is to the point of wings breaking off, etc.....
No, I don't believe that the U.S. government engineered the attacks themselves, but I do believe that they allowed the attacks to happen.
Any of us who make an attempt to seriously study near death experience accounts will tend to get to the place where we would not laugh at what near death experiencer Dr. P. M. H. Atwater saw happening in fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth dimensional space - time after the September 11, terrorist attack: http://www.politicalforum.com/polit...ul-wave-formed-september-11-13-2001-i-do.html Do you believe a "Soul Wave" formed September 11- 13, 2001? I do! Dr. Atwater apparently had three near death experiences in 1977 and by 2001 was pretty good at controlling the out of the body state. Some amazing psychological studies were done on Ingo Swann who also could control the OBE! ..
By allowed do you mean deliberately allowed to get Americans to support tighter security measures or through incompetence in not taking the warnings about this seriously?
and so it is, the argument that airliners were used as weapons equally has NO support at all, the ONLY alleged evidence being the videos that people can point to such as the Evan Fairbanks video, and it is a total farce, you can argue all you want about HOW it may have been done, but what was done is obvious. The two skyscraper penetrations by "airliners" as if said airliners were missiles, + the plane shaped impression at Shanksville are proof positive that this whole thing is a manufactured event, totally staged & managed by some as yet unnamed culprit.
Al Qaeda's operation had been blown, the hijackers were identified, so there's no real reason why they were 1) able to enter the country with error filled passports & 2) get on the planes after being identified.
No, it is to make money and generate an audience that will keep paying. Merely an argument from incredulity probably based upon inexperience. More incredulity. More incredulity. Look to it then. You say there is a problem with the way that the truth movement treats people who totally buy the official story, however, are you aware of the infamous Rachel Maddow rant? How about this scene, the random excuse for people to gather ... whatever, a cocktail party or? and somebody so much as brings up speculation about the lack of aircraft bits at the crash sites and they all move away as if the person who dared bring up the unspeakable had the plague and it was super contagious...... this is the level of total psychological warfare & brainwashing that has been going on these last 13 years.[/QUOTE]
You say that in answer to the FACT that WTC7 descended for 2.25 sec at free-fall acceleration and kept its shape while falling straight down. The bit that I just stated is undisputed fact that is embraced by both the NIST and the "truth movement". The ONLY way to achieve the free-fall acceleration as observed, is to have ALL of the resistance ( that is all of the structure ) REMOVED and all at the same time. Exactly how is that accomplished with chaotic fires?
The above statement is false and quite misleading. try again. When you begin your argument from a false premise, all that follows is meaningless.
So you disagree with the NIST & "TRUTHERS" that the building indeed descended for 2.25 sec at free-fall acceleration?