The deadliest shooting massacre in modern American history. But the perpetrator, Stephen Paddock, at one time owned an apartment complex that he sold for 6 million dollars. Where's the motive here? This guy doesn't seem like a likely suspect. Is it possible perhaps this could have been a set-up? When they found Paddock he was already dead, apparently from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. If Paddock was not the one who actually perpetrated the massacre, what could have been the motive here? Just thinking of a few possibilities: Might it have been a way of killing one or two specific individuals in the audience, without drawing suspicion that that specific person has been targeted? Like for example, maybe a married couple, but if it had just been that couple who had been murdered, the suspicion would have immediately fallen on the killer who had a known motive. Or could someone have wanted there to be a massacre as a pretense for more gun control? Less plausible possibilities: Maybe muslim terrorists somehow trying to make a deflection so it seems like muslims aren't the only ones who do this kind of thing? Could somebody have wanted to get revenge on Paddock, and decided they could get away with a mass killing by leaving the blame to fall on him? I wonder what this will do to the revenue of the nearby casinos? In the world of Vegas with all those unscrupulous casino owners with mob connections, could this be an attempt at diverting business away from a rival casino, or some casino owner someone had a grudge against? All sorts of crazy things have happened in Los Vegas before, people who didn't have any regard for the lives of other people, with motives of revenge or money. Maybe Paddock did it but I hope they investigate all the possibilities, just to rule them out.
One plausible scenario is that the government did it because they want more people to be pro-gun control. If martial law is ever declared, all of those guns in circulation will make it more difficult for them. Maybe they want to declare gun ownership illegal and collect as many guns as possible before they declare marshal law. The more pro-gun control people there are, the easier it will be for them to declare gun ownership illegal and collect guns.
Of course it could be a false flag. Theres many entities that have more motive and capability to pull this off than Paddock did on his own, and we'd be stupid to follow unquestioningly the narrative of the media: proven, biased liars with an agenda. It also could have happened exactly as they say. We shouldnt jump to conclusions either way.
Here's some interesting info: Stephen Paddock, had a pilot license and owned two planes. This is well-established fact. The tail number of one of those planes is N5343M, a Cirrus SR-20. You can see that this was owned by Paddock by going to the website But Paddock doesn’t own this plane anymore. It was grounded three years ago, and it’s now in the hands of none other than Volant LLC, which there is little information on. However, Volant Associates is none other than a Department of Defense contractor. Meaning Paddock’s plane has been in the hands of the United States government for the past three years and grounded since – if Volant LLC is being used as a way to hide information. Considering what Volant Associates does, that wouldn’t be so far fetched. But the plane’s information is all easily verified here on It’s been in Roanoke, Virginia since April 25, 2014. Volant’s describes it’s mission on their website as providing “the industry’s preeminent professionals to discriminating U.S. government and intelligence-and-defense-industry customers.” The registration of this plane is also listed as “active” even though it hasn’t been flown in three years. Strange enough yet? Well, it gets even better. The FAA should have this same information. But they don’t. Their website shows that a different aircraft, a Cessna 152, maintains that tail number and it was last registered to a person in San Diego, California. The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) is a government agency, and it appears that it has scrubbed this plane’s information. Now, why would they do that? Well, the plot still thickens. There is little to be known about Volant LLC., in Roanoke, Virginia. A company big enough to have a plane should have a website, at least that would be the assumption. But a Google search netted very little information other than they provide “business services.” But Volant Associates is a completely different matter. That’s your defense contractor. And their website says they are located in Chantilly, VA, which wouldn’t be too far from Volant LLC. in Roanoke. And a quick Google search of that verifies that the two cities are only 219 miles apart. So is Volant LLC., a cover company for the defense contractor? Is this a coincidence? For a list of all of the contracts between Volant LLC. and the government, click here. They have worked for the Obama Administration. Could Paddock’s plane have been used in other scandals, such as the Fast and Furious gun running scheme? Who knows, and at this point, we may never know. What all this means is entirely speculation right now. But isn’t is strange that this information is being kept from the public, and those who seek the truth are stuck finding it on their own?
Definitely looks like a coverup. Not convinced yet that it was a false flag. Probably Islam or Antifa or some other group the establishment protects and would distract the issue from gun control. Definitely sounds like multiple shooters, 'suicided' suspect, witnesses dissapearing... We're not getting the full story.
Is the Pope a Catholic? Hell yes it was a false flag. Not a clue who was actually responsible for it, but it was certainly a staged event.
Who knows. Seems unlikely that Govt was involved, though. Our western Govts are not that corrupt. Having said that, it's probably the most dodgy post-event handling (by investigators and media) in recent history. The silence is deafening, and telling. Something is very much amiss. In any other similar post-event scenario, we would by now have seen saturation media coverage of CCTV footage of the perp leading up to the event, personal histories of victims and their progress, interviews with hospital staff, police, bystanders, and EMTs who treated/helped casualties, statistics on ammo and weapons used, timelines, investigation updates, perp's backstory, etc etc etc etc. I suspect that whatever investigators initially suspected, and what prompted the blackout, is indeed what actually happened. In other words, not what we were told .. at all. It's almost certainly something very different to the narrative. I do think that the alleged perp was involved though - but possibly not in the capacity given. I don't think there were multiple shooters, either. The location and range of casualties tells us there was only one source of fire .. whatever and whoever that source was. Theories on additional shooters are probably just the result of panic, confusion, and the travelling wounded collapsing in doorways of distant hotels etc.
We KNOW there were 2 rifles firing. Mike Adams has offered very convincing forensic acoustic analysis back in October. Sorry for no link to Adams, but if you are really curious you will Google his work yourself.
Nave Seals also said more than one shooter. I think the ' 200 round machine gun bullet dodging Matrix security guard' and absent girlfriend were involved.
You do not seem to have grasp of physics or ballistics. The only sensible bit of analysis regarding the LV incident came from Adams.