just for the perverse factor of seeing what a bunch of loonies like that would actually do if given the reins of power ? I felt like that in 2000 and it was an amusing 8 years, unforgettable, but really who runs the world basically is more important than comedy isnt it.
A tiny part? Are you kidding? He is the savior of the nation! As a businessman,he has to win!I own two business's,and will not invest a dime in hiring new people as long as that mulatto is sitting in the White House......I will cheer when "Mayflower" comes calling(moving service)...
Half the voters in the US want him to win because they think Obama is worse. I'm not one of them and since I live in the US, I don't want to watch that sort of a comedy. It would affect me
I want him to win in the back of my head mostly because I agree with some of his economic policies. His foreign policy is absolutely up the wall insane, and this is enough to want him to lose. As are his positions on social issues like abortion/gay marriage. Then I can't see your business going too well. That's a stupid reason to not invest. Obama isn't that different from Romney. I have a sneaking suspicion you're just saying this.
I want neither to win, but unfortunately people are enamored of a two party system that produces corporatists.
How about we leave out the names Obama and Romney? Are a majority of Americans happy as pigs in (*)(*)(*)(*) over the past four years, happy about all the non-partisan legislation, happy about the vast improvements in public education, happy about US foreign relations...if so then re-elect the current president. If not, then why would anyone vote for the current president? And the answer to this is ignorant American voters! IMO 99% of American voters already knew who they were voting for months, years and decades ago! Dems vote for Dems and Reps vote for Reps and Independents vote for whatever party they came from or lean towards. It makes no difference how ineffective a president might be because the party faithful are simply incapable of voting for another person outside of their sheep party. You can see it on this forum and anyone you speak with in your lives; people are polarized to their respective political party and that's it...period! American voters are cowards! Afraid to think open-minded. Afraid of too much change. Use their special interests, religions, genders, life-styles, incomes, etc. to make their choices; whatever is best for the individual without an ounce of consideration for what is best for the UNITED States of America. American voters elected Bush Jr. If that wasn't stupid enough, they re-elected Bush Jr! Then American voters elected the least experienced and least qualified president in recent history in 2008. Can you see the trend of our stupidity...
If Romney wins, liberals won't really care much. But if Obama wins it would be fun to rub it in conservative's faces and watch them go off the deep end.
I do a summer job that basically involves spending all day in the company of wealthy americans, I always ask them about politics, over 95% support romney, they really really hate obama, I'm actually quite looking forward to next year if obama wins listening to them all fume it will be quite amusing
This is part of the reason we're so divided. We have such sore winners in every election. No matter who wins this election, come Nov 7 this forum will be overrun with gloaters. And the other side will be trying to get revenge for the next 4 years instead of working with their fellow Americans to create solutions.
Think of it this way. If Obama gets assassinated, would you want Biden as your President. Because if you vote Obama it could happen.
... by throwin peanuts at a black female reporter, by shouting down a Puerto Rican female speaker, and by asking, "what are Mexicans doing here?"
It's ironic to me. The naivete of the summer job kid, and the devotion of others to a not-so-hidden Marxist. Didn't these people learn anything in high school about history and economics? Reality and perspective is over their collectivist heads. With people like that in this country, we're all less free - and less safe.
I really feel sorry for your employees (if you really have any), I'm pretty sure you are a hoot to work for.
(*)(*)(*)(*), you identified my guilty pleasure. It would certainly wipe out the nutters in the GOP - aka the TEA Party. Mind you it would eff up the US in a big way and that would not be good for the rest of us. No, my American (Democratic) relations would be very unhappy with me so I'll say............no..............but..............