Does Obama Campaign Against Himself?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by bobov, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    Rush LImbaugh has a "theorem" about Obama: "Obama has mastered the ability to always be seen as opposing everything that’s happening, even the things he is causing to happen. He is on a perpetual campaign. [Obama] gets away with everything precisely by appearing to have no involvement with it … He gets away with not being tied to [the IRS scandal] like he’s not tied to the jobs numbers, he’s not tied to the debt, he’s not tied to the economy. He’s not tied to anything going wrong.” See source.

    Or again - "Obama has positioned himself as an outsider…That’s one of the reasons why the constant campaign. So he doesn’t appear to be governing, so he doesn’t appear to be part of Washington. So he appears to have this mysterious, powerful bunch of forces that are opposing him and stopping him from creating jobs and stopping him from giving people proper health care…but he is constantly out there fighting. And he does that by constantly campaigning and never seem to be governing.” See source.

    Do you think the LImbaugh Theorem is correct?
  2. stekim

    stekim New Member

    Aug 5, 2004
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    Almost by definition, the answer is no.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Well I think having Limbaugh and correct in the same sentence is almost always incorrect.
  4. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Sounds pretty accurate to me. Obama always tries to act like he's above the politics and mistakes of Washington DC even though he's knee deep in it around the clock. Evading responsibility has become an art for Obama.
  5. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    I suspect the problem is a prejudice against Limbaugh. Suppose another name were attached, or no name at all.

    Doesn't it seem that Obama routinely disassociates himself from anything that happens, unless he's claiming credit? Real leaders admit their flops, but manage to make their flaws sympathetic.

    Can anyone give an example of Obama taking personal responsibility for anything bad that happened?

    Yet it's easy to find examples of his passing the buck to underlings when something blows up. Take the Obamacare website. Three years, hundreds of millions of dollars, his name on it - but did he ask if it worked? Turns out they hired a Canadian company with an almost unbroken record of failure on big projects. Why? I'm not saying the boss should be involved in daily minutia, but where was Obama's oversight? So someone else will be blamed and fired, but Obama's job was to make sure that person was doing it right. But the new way is to insist the captain has no responsibility for his ship, unless he wants credit.

    Of course Obama makes frequent apologies - for his country, his predecessors, on behalf of people that work for him, etc. See here. Not for anything of importance that he himself has done, except calling California's Attorney General good looking! Don't believe me? Do a Google search on "Obama apology" and see what you get.
  6. FearandLoathing

    FearandLoathing Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    By simply being Rush Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh campaigns against himself.

    But, even allowing for the fact that an infinite number of radio personalities with an infinite number of word processors and a miracle could, possibly, wrote a cohesive, realistic political theory, the answer to your question is no.

    Obama is a genius. He is that rare, gifted, combination of innate political savvy, personal adoration, lack of true empathy and go for the jugular politics, political scientists often refer to as "Teflon Man", nothing sticks to him. But he does not campaign against himself.

    He has the unique ability to ensure that what goes wrong, goes wrong with other people, and he himself can make himself as the gracious leader who is accepting responsibility with "there have been problems. But we are meeting those challenges. I have directed that...." in which he seems to accept the mistakes as others, has stepped in and is getting the job done, when, indeed, it was his directive that caused the problem in the first place.

    It helps too, when you have been clever enough to have demonized your predecessor while imitating him at the same time.

    absolute genius. They will marvel at this long after I'm dead....
  7. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    I agree about Obama's genius.

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