Donald Trump. The most Exonerated citizen in US History

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Condor060, Jul 27, 2022.

  1. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Trump's claim was that the troops were ordered PRIOR to the 6th.
    So he knew they were not going to be sent PRIOR to his speech.

    Going to rate your post a fail.
    Lucifer likes this.
  2. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Because that is how you verify testimony. Just like Hutchinson lying about Trump trying to commandeer the presidential limo. Then the Secret Service said it didn't happen yet the committee refused to call them.

    So by your standards, Since Hutchinson already made the claim, why should anyone else testify?
    Your ridiculous

    More made up garbage and word twisting. Nobody claimed Trump ordered anything. According to Gen Milleys testimony and Millers testimony Trump asked if the NG was going to be at the Capital and was told it was handled. It wasn't Trumps place to order the NG in. Presidents don't primitively order solders or the NG to do anything. Thats the job of the Governor.

    What he already testified too which is why the committee won't call him.
    1. He had intelligence there was going to be a huge crowd at the capital and was warned several times
    2. He requested more officers from Pelosi and the Sgt at Arms 6 times over 4 days but was ignored
    3. The he requested NG support 14 times and was told by the pentagon it wasn't a good look sending in the guard

    You claim Trump tried to coerce Pence into illegally throwing an election, then ask what he would Pence testify too?
    You claim fake electors from 8 states were positioned to take the place of the other electors with Pence's help then ask what he would testify too?
    Playing dumb isn't helping you.

    So you claim these electors were part of a cover up to overthrow the government on J6 but there testimony has no value?

    And they did it behind closed doors? Refusing to release his testimony? Refusing to allow the people to hear his testimony?
    But people like yourself are fine with that. Aren't you.

    A childs response. I don't care about Trump. I hate slimy lying Democrats and their fake committees for a political show when the US is in a tailspin.

    Another childs response on something you don't have a clue about.
    If you could prove it you would. But you can't so you just do what you always do. Lie about a claim.
    As per usual

    Yet all of Schiffs BS is on video enshrined on Youtube. Go tell some other lefty your lies about him.
    You can't sell it here

    And its people like yourself who are dumb enough not to know any better. Mueller can't exonerate the president. His job as special counsel is to investigate and provide any criminal recommendations to the AG. Just like they did in Clintons impeachment. But those low educated media slurpers like yourself don't have a clue what his job is so you hang on every word uttered out of his mouth.

    Yet in Mullers own words from his report he stated the they found no evidence that the Trump campaign had conspired with Russia to effect the outcome of the election.
    And NOTHING from his report was used in any impeachment attempt. It was so worthless that after 3 years of investigations they couldn't find one piece of evidence from that report to make any claim. Thats how pathetic it really was. Laughable that you would still be clinging to something that couldn't be used. Too funny

    They didn't get a house vote until after they held their impeachment committee. Which makes Pelosi and Schiff as dumb as they look and why their subpoenas had no teeth.
    More word twisting.
  3. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Thats Trumps claim huh. Wrong again. Trump didn't order the NG.
    According to the testimony of Gen Willey and Steven Miller, Trump asked if the NG was going to be called out and he was told they would.
  4. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Last I checked those left over 15%ers like yourself have been making fake claims for so long, you forgot out of 7 years of regurgitating your media BS, your don't even realize your batting average for your fake criminal claims vs actual indictments against Trump are still 0/20,000.

    You have made Trump the most exonerated citizen in US history. But you keep running up that hill every time they cry wolf while the rest of us sit back and laugh our asses off at the idiocy of the party who has their followers trained like Pavlov's dogs with a fake committee that produces fewer viewers than the Cartoon channel. Talk about desperation. lol
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2022
  5. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    How about you giving us some facts to back up your specious claim of all the crimes Trump has committed? Name one criminal act ever that Trump was even indicted for.
  6. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Interesting that you added the word "indicted", rather than simply asking if Trump had ever committed a criminal act.

    Trump sports a laundry list of criminal acts & violations before & during his presidency, but no formal indictment because white collar crime (particularly when committed by public officials) is very difficult & cumbersome to prosecute.

    This is typical of how white collar crime is protected in the US. Powerful/wealthy people often avoid indictment or win in court, while a drug user can be indicted multiple times for simply using drugs. Does that make non-indicted Trump, a career con man, better than an indicted drug user?

    We already named a few times when Trump had to pay millions for fraud, which is a CRIMINAL ACT. They weren't formal indictments, but it was a CRIMINAL ACT, and he would've been indicted & may have served time in prison had he not agreed to pay up. He could also be charged by the IRS for tax evasion & fraud, yet his "fixers" know how to avoid potential legal entanglement. Recall also that Mueller stated that Trump could be charged had he not been a sitting president --- so that could've turned into a formal indictment.

    But does someone have to be formally indicted to be called a "criminal"? Does the absence of indictment mean he did nothing wrong or violated no laws? How many people have wrongfully been indicted throughout history, while real criminals were never indicted and went free?

    Most of our presidents (if not all) have violated some kind of law or oath of office --- it's the nature of the game in American politics --- yet were never indicted. Does that mean they did nothing wrong or are not criminals? Nixon & Clinton were never indicted either. And how many times have congressmen violated the law but were not formally indicted? Was John Gotti innocent each time he skated in court, yet guilty only at the time he was imprisoned?

    A formal indictment or absence of indictment means neither the person is guilty, nor innocent of committing a crime.
  7. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    LOL! Trump is now officially under investigation by the DOJ.

    They couldn't prosecute him until he was out of office. Do you need me to draw you a picture?

    His own people, people who loved him whom he hired, are now telling story after story of his betrayal, treason, and insurrection. This isn't coming from Democrats. This is coming from trump republicans.

    After Jan 6th, everything else took a back seat. His treason and attempted insurrection are the most critical issues to address. And that will put him in prison for the rest of his life.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2022
    Lucifer likes this.
  8. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Banned

    Jun 27, 2016
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    There is very little doubt. Donald J. Trump is working hard at being the biggest jerk on the planet!

    With billions of dollars inherited from his fathers along with profitable properties and being a former President, Trump is well equipped to be a most extraordinary jerk.

    As President, he destroyed an agreement that permanently barred Iran from making a nuke. He severely weakened NATO to the point that, in the end, NATO leaders refused to talk to him. Trump was impeached twice, exonerated by his own party by overlooking the evidence. He lost his reelection bid by seven million votes to a 78 year-old Democrat, then launched a coup attempt to overthrow the elected government.

    Details of the coup attempt and Trump's involvement have been circulating over the past eighteen months, and the House committee has been conducting its hearing on live television for the past three weeks with more to come, including their final report just in time for the November mid-terms.

    Anyone with half a brain and Trump's past history would logically think it is time to lie low. Besides, incredible as it may seem, Trump is serious about announcing his candidacy for President of the United States. Even more reason to be cool and keep your mouth shut.

    But that is not Trump. He is ambitious He wants everyone to know he is the world's biggest *******.

    Fifteen of the 19 attackers on 9/11 were citizens of Saudi Arabia.

    The Saudi leader, Mohammed bin Salman or MBS for short, ordered the killing and dismemberment of the US-based Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October 2018. Trump supported and defended the Saudi leader even though American intelligence was convinced MBS ordered the hit.

    The golfing world has been dominated by talk of the LIV Golf Invitational Series, the Saudi-backed venture fronted by Greg Norman and LIV Golf Investments.

    So, what does Trump do? He agrees to hold the third LIV tournament at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey. In your face, world, Bedminster is 50 miles from the hallowed ground in New York.

    The season-closing Team Championship will be held at Trump National Doral.

    Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have as to the maniacs that did that horrible thing to our city, to our country, to our world. So nobody’s really been there. There are a lot of really great people that are out here today, and we’re gonna have a lot of fun,” Trump said.
    The 9/11 Commission Report
    Is a huge volume that was three years in the making. It is sitting on one of my bookshelves.

    So, in addition to everything else, Trump is just downright stupid and has no idea what he is talking about.

    So, the only question is, what does that say about Trump's followers, recalling he did attempt to overthrow our government. Simply denying the reality of that while ignoring the factors involved says a lot about Trump's followers, particularly from an intelligence standpoint.

    Recalling that Vladimir Putin wanted this man to be our President, how can Americans support such a man? As can be seen, Trump works hard at being a complete idiot and a total jerk, and there are some who want him to run for President?
  9. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Personal opinions that a criminal act has been committed accounts for nothing -- as in zero, nada, zip, zilch -- in the reality of things. I might have an opinion that you committed bank robbery or mass mercer; it means nothing.
  10. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    The impeachment trial and Mueller's investigation were two different things.

    Re. impeachment: The impeachment was successful, but removal of Trump was not because of the right-wing controlled Senate (as would be expected). If we had a sane system, Trump would've swiftly been removed, and certainly in European nations he would've. I recall reading a UK citizen's comment on a youtube video that if their leader did just 5% of what Trump did he would've been immediately ousted. And look what happened recently: Boris Johnson felt pressured to resign. Would Trump have ever bent to the will of the majority and resigned under the same conditions? Not for a tin-pot dictator --- never.

    Re. Mueller: As Mueller said "yes" when asked if the president could be charged with the crime of obstruction of justice if he left office, which means the 2-year investigation could've led to a formal indictment or charge had Trump not been protected by the DOJ policy and by Barr (nicknamed "General cover-up Barr") after Mueller left the final decision to them. Mueller never exonerated Trump, but Barr & Rosenstein falsely concluded that there was "insufficient evidence" to meet the requirements to be charged with obstruction. Barr also misled the public by omitting the numerous incidents of obstruction of justice in Mueller's report. (NOTE: There's no need for one to obstruct justice unless one is guilty.)

    But Mueller, being an honorable man, remained impartial and forthright:

    Mueller still could have reached a conclusion regarding obstruction of justice, but he believed it would be unfair to reach a conclusion that Trump could not rebut in court. How do we know this? Because Mueller says it. If he had reached a conclusion that Trump obstructed justice, Mueller wrote, Trump could not go to court to obtain a “speedy and public trial” with the “procedural protections” afforded to a criminal defendant by the Constitution.

    Clearly, Mueller would not have said this if he felt Trump committed no crime. Further...

    Mueller said he chose not to interview Trump because it would cause “substantial delay” and he already had “sufficient evidence,” which strongly suggests that Mueller felt that he could prove Trump's intent without an interview. In a typical case, a prosecutor would have interviewed Trump regardless, to lock him into a story. In this matter as well, Mueller showed considerable restraint.[SOURCE]

    Again, Mueller would not have said this if he felt Trump committed no crime.

    And recall what Mueller said after Rep. Lieu asked him, "The reason, again, that you did not indict Donald Trump is because of the OLC opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting president, correct?", to which Mueller replied, "that is correct."

    Either way, Mueller felt his hands were tied because Trump was president.

    I never said they were indictments. You seem to be confusing my comments about Mueller with my comments about the impeachment.

    Nonetheless, Sect. 4 Art. 2 states "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

    The term "high crimes" refers to crimes committed while in public office. Trump clearly committed all three, but everyone knew the charge would never get past a 2/3rds vote in the right-wing controlled Senate.

    You should care about what was revealed in both the impeachment & Mueller hearings, but I understand that a cult leader can do no wrong in the eyes of his followers, right?
    Charged, but never convicted. Does that mean he was innocent of wrong-doing? You'd say NOT innocent, but if it was Trump you'd say YES he's innocent.

    And I find it amusing that you're comparing Clinton having an affair and lying about it to Trumps laundry list of crimes and violations of office & public trust. Do you honestly believe the right-wing media BS that Trump committed no crimes prior to and during his presidency? If so, you're either a fool or in denial.
    Yes I understand the procedure. However, you're ignoring Mueller's meticulous & solid report, as well as his testimony at the hearing. Mueller clearly inferred that there was ample evidence to warrant a charge of crime.

    The question remains, was he HOPEFUL that Barr & Rosenstein would follow through with the weight of the Mueller report and commit to charging Trump in order to begin impeachment proceedings on this matter? It appears so:

    Reading Mueller’s report, it is obvious the contortions Barr undertook to pronounce Trump exonerated. In the report, Mueller went out of his way to debunk Barr’s unconventional view that the Constitution “categorically and permanently immunize[d]” Trump from prosecution for abusing his power to undermine the investigation.

    In fact, Mueller concluded that Congress has the authority to remove Trump from office, noting that his “conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.” Mueller appears to believe that it is the role of Congress to ensure Trump is not above the law.

    One thing's for sure, he didn't want to color the AG's final decision, which is why he neither wanted to reach a conclusion on obstruction of justice, nor did he exonerate Trump. I guess Mueller underestimated Barr's agenda to cover for the president.

    An audio recording of Trump's remarks regarding the whistleblower to U.S. diplomatic staffers in New York:
    I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy,” he continued. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now. [AUDIO]

    The clear mark of a dictator. All dictators either execute or imprison whistleblowers & dissenting voices for no other reason than to suppress the truth.

    Trump also said recently in a speech at America First Policy Institute that drug dealers should be executed. Again, the clear mark of a dictator.

    Again: You previously stated: "if Trump is going to sue everyone who has made fake claims against him he would have lawsuits against most Democrats in the house so your weak excuse is laughable."

    My error on the "fake claims", which I impulsively assumed meant "lawsuits" against Trump.

    With that said, Trump wouldn't bother suing House Democrats because their claims against Trump are documented & sound. So the suit would be tossed out of court --- just as over 60 lawsuits submitted to the courts by Trump alleging "election fraud" were dismissed.

    This is a different animal, however, to Trump team insiders. Trump (as the dictator that he is) demands loyalty at all times because HE is what's important, not the nation or its people. Hence, should any of his insiders or closest confidants decide to reveal anything embarrassing or harmful to Trump, he is likely to sue them for defamation. Trump knows he can't win, but it's a symbolic way to avoid losing face by not remaining silent.
  11. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Hardly opinions. Trump's crimes are supported by mountains of documentation & witness testimonies. But that doesn't mean he'll be formally indicted or charged. The American court system, just as the American capitalist system itself, is designed to promote & protect greed. Hence, the corrupt continue to rule this nation. Clever lawyers (fixers) help make sure of this as well.
  12. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    What exactly do you mean by "stop"?

    If you mean, do they have the power to do so, then you're correct. They don't have that power.
    If you mean they can't be a benefit in swaying the decision to formally indict, then you're wrong.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2022
  13. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Had Trump simply conceded defeat and didn't fabricate the "stolen election" myth, which triggered his mob of troglodytes to rampage the Capitol, we'd not be hearing much of him. Yet, as insecure as he is, he's still extremely butt-hurt about it all and still insists that the election was "stolen". I don't know if he actually believes this (which would be pitiful), or he's continuing the lie just to keep his cult followers from abandoning him.
  14. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Even if he doesn't serve jail time, his post-presidential benefits/perks, pension & secret service should be stripped from him. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for such a worthless grifter.
  15. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Defense attorneys are not invited to Grand Juries. They are not part of the process. lol They have no idea about an indictment until its announced.
  16. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    This is nothing but blah blah blah with a bunch of made up excuses.

    1. Muller didn't make any criminal recommendations to the AG. If he had evidence of criminal conduct then it was his job to provide it. He provided nothing.
    2. Nothing Muller produced was used by Pelosi or Schiff to make a charge in their impeachments.
    3. Mueller had every right and opportunity that Ken Starr did with Clinton. So there goes your theory out the window
    4. All 12 witnesses that testified folded under questioning by Republicans when they had to admit that ALL of their testimony was something told to them and they didn't witness any of it first hand. Nothing but hearsay babble. But we did see that Dumbocrats will convict anyone on hearsay evidence. Even made up evidence when its proved to them.
    5. And to this day, 7 years later, what do you have to show for it. A big fat zero. Not one single indictment. So either all these thousands of felony criminal claims are fake, or Democrats are the dumbest lot on the planet.
    6. And we also found out that Mueller didn't even write his own report as under questioning about his own report, he couldn't answer over 200 questions from his own report. So he's either that dumb or he's lying about writing the report.

    And every one of those are undisputed. Which makes your entire post nothing but mind reading guesswork.
    RodB likes this.
  17. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    He's been officially under investigation now for over 7 years. Don't make me laugh lol

    Do you have a calendar? Do you know the date? Do you need me to draw you a picture in crayon?
    If they had evidence of these 20,000 criminal claims they would have indicted him within weeks of leaving office.
    But yet your batting average for criminal claims vs indictments is 0/20,000
    All you have done is make Trump the most exonerated citizen in US history
    Tell us, are all these criminal claims fake or are Democrats actually this dumb that they can't even prove one piece of evidence for an indictment?

    Your fake Soviet Style committee doesn't mean squat. When you don't allow cross examinations, witnesses for the defense, and refuse to call any of the key witnesses, all you have accomplished is to show how dumb Democrats really are. Nobody is even watching this garbage.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2022
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  18. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    All opinions and predominately from people suffering from TDS. Why is it that with all that mountain of evidence Trump has never been criminally indicted?
  19. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    how wrong can a poster be??

    it is NOT only the Democrats holding the hearings

    Last I checked there were a couple GOP members brave enough to serve on the committee

    Calling Liz Cheney a RINO is like calling the Mississippi river a creek..

    neither accurately describes each one

    Watch how fast Cheney turns on the democrats once trump is gone for good

    and BTW there were 10 Republicans that voted to impeach trump

    and the above shows not all republicans are PU$$YS
  20. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    But it clearly shows that some are.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2022
  21. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    We know. Any good Republican does what you tell them too.
    Nothing like the dictatorship of the left to have hearings that don't allow cross examinations, key witnesses, and refuses testimony from anyone who doesn't testify to what Democrats want.
    You and your other15%ers are on your own. Nobody is watching your kangaroo committee.
    7 years of leftist idiots screaming at the sky making thousands of felony criminal claims with a batting average of criminal claims vs indictments of 0/20,000
    All these idiots have accomplished is making Trump the most exonerated citizen in history.
    So either your claims are fake or Democrats must be the dumbest people on earth to have that kind of record.
    The record speaks for itself. Let us know when you guys wake up and realize how American voters have been laughing their asses off at the nonsense.
    You should get a real good taste of it in just a few months
  22. Overitall

    Overitall Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 6, 2021
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    I would concede that some of them (like Cheney) actually have some balls. But then, thinking with your balls isn't very smart.
  23. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    american voters wiped out Republican congress, senate and whitehouse in one election

    I doubt the GOP can do the same to the DNC
  24. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Can't be done in one election. Which is why they are called midterms. lol
  25. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    I didn't say they were invited, nor part of the process. They're not even allowed into the courtroom, nor does the defendant have a Constitutional right to a pre-indictment attorney.

    But a private attorney can be retained as counsel & aid, which in turn can help the client sway the final decision of the Grand Jury. Bill Clinton had lawyers on hand prior to being charged. And Trump always has lawyers on hand because he's constantly violating the law.

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