“Pennsylvania Trump supporters will be watching for signs of support for their rebellion against their Democrat governor. The president weighed in on Monday, criticizing Democrats in the state for playing politics with the lockdowns. “The great people of Pennsylvania want their freedom now, and they are fully aware of what that entails,” Trump wrote on Twitter. On Friday, Trump criticized Gov. Wolf’s handling of the coronavirus lockdowns after meeting with Pennsylvania Republicans Rep. Scott Perry and Rep. Guy Reschenthaler. “What the Democrats are doing in Pennsylvania is a disgrace,”” https://www.breitbart.com/politics/...-against-gov-tom-wolfs-coronavirus-lockdowns/ The governor of Pennsylvania is one of the dictatorial control freaks with a god complex. His controls over rural parts of Pennsylvania are an outrage. I hope that Trumps visit encourages those in rebellion to persist in it.
Exactly. Trump is already trailing badly in Penbsylvania, and he doesn't have a prayer of winning the state in the Fall. How could any of his "handlers" be in favor of this utterly ridiculous grandstanding? Even Karl Rove sees the writing on the wall that Trump is toast. This visit to PA is a HORRIBLE idea.:smh:
I must admit, it is a novel way of upping one's post count. Anyway, back to the OP: It is a HORRIBLE idea (on several different levels) that proves that Trump is completely divorced from reality (concerning the effects of the virus).
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