Quick! Look up the definition of recession. It's about to change under Joe Biden. Definitions change. Isn't that what you would expect? The U.S. Gross Domestic Product shrank 1.6% in the first quarter, and the Atlanta Fed expects it to fall another 2.1%t in the second quarter. It has been the definition of a recession that two quarters of negative growth constitutes a recession. The Bureau of Economic Analysis will release its advance estimate of second quarter GDP on Thursday. Only the Bureau of Economic Analysis can change the definition. But Joe Biden says, "It's not a recession." National Economic Council Director Brian Deese told CNN that the U.S. was not in a recession, even if it had two straight quarters showing contraction in GDP. TRENDING: The left wants to abolish everything, even this column Deese preemptively called it "inherently backward-looking." "Certainly in terms of the technical definition, it's not a recession," he said. It's not just what the Bureau of Economic Analysis says; here's what Investopedia says: "A recession is a macroeconomic term that refers to a significant decline in general economic activity in a designated region. It had been typically recognized as two consecutive quarters of economic decline, as reflected by GDP." But that can change, too – just like that! Don't like the definition of who can compete against women in sports? Just change the definition of women. Don't like the definition of borders for the United States? Just change the definition of borders. Don't like the definition of science? Just change the definition. Don't like the definitions of vaccine/vaccination? Just change it. Don't like the way "cheating" in elections is defined? With the way the official stylebook at the Associated Press is going, we'll soon get a NEW DEFINITION. All it will take is for Big Tech to enforce it in this crazy world in which we live in, unfortunately.… Read more: https://www.wnd.com/2022/07/dont-like-definition-of-recession-biden-will-simply-change-it/ If the facts are inconvenient for progressive democrats, reframe them. If a definition leads to a result they don’t like, they change the definition so it no longer applies to them in their minds. They do this across the board and the MBFC approved msm plays along with their preferred party and President.
Two consecutive quarters of declining GDP is a recession. Even when Biden is President and Democrats control both houses of congress.
The Lying Fake News Propaganda AP in service to the political goals of the DNC before the Brandon WH gave the marching orders.