Double Talk/Propaganda

Discussion in 'United States' started by Hell Raiser, Feb 1, 2015.

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  1. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    More news from Ukraine. Since the fall of Debaltseve, all Merkel, and Hollanda have been doing is giving LIP SERVICE bagging Putin to stop the fighting and go along with the Ceasefire.:truce: Now the fighting has moved to Mariupol. Ukraine is putting up the best fight it can, with a UNTRAINED MILITARY. While the E.U./NATO just like the COWARDS in the late 1930 tried to APPEASE----HITLER. So are Merkel and Hollanda. While PUTIN is gaining more and more territory by force of arms. The E.U./NATO know that they CANN'T count on the U.S. with the NIEVE/CLOWN in the W.H.. There on their own, and are shaking in their boots. As :icon_(*)(*)(*)(*)hitsthefan in Ukraine. And don't dout it for a second, once PUTIN gets ALL of Ukraine, if not before he will move on other nations. All the while Merkel and Hollanda will show the YELLOW LINE that runs down their backs. And the YELLOW liquid running down their legs. But these are the (so called) people you all in Europe voted into Leadership. Just like the U.S. we got a community organizer instead of a Leader with a BACK BONE. Too many U.S. voters just liked what they heard, and didn't LISTEN to and REASION out what was being given to them in PROPAGANDA SPEECHES. That is what the HELL RAISER THINKS. You decide for yourselves.
  2. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Ohhhhhh! Poor BHO it seems as if someone has finally grew a pair and started stating the truth. And now BHO and his CRONIES just can't take the heat. America's Mayor R. Giuliani has come out and stated that he doesn't think BHO loves the U.S.. And BHO's CRONIES are (CRYING) about how MEAN Giuliani is. And how (disrespctfull) Giuliani is of the CLOWN that is in the White House. Just who is the one going around saying the U.S. is (sorry) for things in the past? Who is going around tearing down the U.S. every chance he gets? Just Who is the one that is tearing apart the U.S. by inflating RACE HATRED? WHO is the one that almost NEVER says how GREAT the U.S. is? And if he does say anything (PARTLY) good about the U.S. then starts tearing the U.S. down in the next sentence? Who is the one who went to church where the (SO CALLED) Paster said "It's NOT God Bless America----it should be ******* AMERICA"? And called this Fool a good leader.

    We also get a constant drum beat of (HOW GREAT) the economy is doing. :eyepopping: With 90 MILLION Americans of working age OUT OF WORK!!!!!:roll:
    Who in their right minds believes that PROPAGANDA? YOU?

    And now H.R. hears that Israel is being left out of the talks with Iran on NUKES. WHY? Answer, because this Naïve/Clown is afraid of the Israel PM catching BHO giving away EVERYTHING just so BHO can have a legasey . BHO cares more about how he will be remembered (even if it is built on LIES) than making the U.S. or any other nation safe. :steamed:

    Just remember when Pelosi said. (pass the BHO CARE BILL) then you can find out what is in it. :roll: And the LIBERAL DEMS fell for it. Now they have Thousands of voters calling and e-mailing about the part of the bill that says YOU MUST HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE, -------OR you will get a FINE on your FED TAXES. And if you listen closely, you will hear the LIBERAL DEMS spinning around any question on it by saying THEY DIDN'T CAUSE THIS. :roflol: It must have been the bad REPUBLICIANS. Even though NOT ONE REPUBLICIAN voted for it. You see how LIBERALS LIE!!

    Well that is what HELL RAISER thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  3. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    So far Giuliani has shown a BACK BONE and NOT recanted his statement that BHO doesn't love the U.S.. More power to America's Mayor. :clapping: By the Liberal media, he has been called a RACIST, a NUT CASE, and flopped into a mud hole. Even some Conservatives have lost their BACK BONES and are showing YELLOW afraid of the LIBERALS. But to HELL RAISER Giuliani tells it like he see um. Will he keep a strong BACK BONE? That remains to be seen.

    Now to the Greek Bankrupt. The EuroGroup and Greece both seem to have CAVED in the last day or so. Greece getting another 4 month extention on their loan.
    Now can anyone tell H.R. just what will change in the next 4 months, that will cause Greece to pay its payments on it's loans? Anyone, All this has done is KICK THE CAN DOWN THE ROAD. For those who just don't know how loans work. You borrow money then pay it back at a agreed time.:eyepopping: H.R. knows that is foreign to many people. But that is how it works. Right now EUROPE is just throwing more and more money down the Drain, because Greece CAN'T repay it's loan!!!!!!!! There are soooooo many STUPID people in high office.

    Now that Debaltseve has fallen, there are STILL SILLY people in EUROPE that think that the Ceasefire will now hold. The Russians are now moving on Mariupol and with EUROPE/NATO shaking in their boots, and hiding their heads in the sand. That will fall also. All the while Merkel and Hallande will try to do more Lip Service with Putin. As he leads them around by their NOSES.

    Well that is what HELL RAISER thinks, you decide for yourselves.
  4. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    IRAQ, has been on the ropes for quite a while. Now with a few battalions just starting to get into shape. BHO's W.H. (flaps it's gums) about a plan to retake Mosul. (Just gave a warning to ISIS that it is the works. REAL SMART!!!!! don't you think? But what do you expect from a (Community Organizer) who is too Uneducated in politics or the ways of the Military. Rule no. 1 for the Military, NEVER------NEVER-----NEVER----- tell the enemy what you are going to do. That is just communion sense. Don't you think? But BHO has shown time and time again he has NO COMMUNION SENSE. This is HELL RAISERS thoughts. You decide for yourselves .
  5. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well it has come to pass the Majority Leader Mconnel has bent over and presented his self to the LIBERALS in the Senate. This Senile old Fool has lost his Nerve and is KISSING the feet of Dingy Harry Reed and the other LIBERALS. By backing down on BHO's ILLEGAL Immigration funding plan. Mconnel should have used the "NUK" option that Dingy Harry used to pass the DHS bill WITH the DEFUNDING of BHO's ILLEGAL action. But Ky. elected a SENILE Fool who is TERRIFIED of the LIBERAL PRESS. Of what they may say about him. HELL RAISER asked "Hey Ky.----- are you proud of your vote for this SENILE Mconnel? YOU GOT WHAT YOU VOTED FOR. A COWARD, who doesn't have a PAIR to stand up to BHO or the other LIBERALS. That is what H.R. thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  6. 3link

    3link Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2010
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    I'd just like to thank you for this amazing goldmine. I'm laughing so hard.
  7. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    We already have big companies leaving to avoid the high taxes they are paying now and Obama wants to chase more away while condemning them for leaving.
  8. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    The HELL RAISER just heard a commentary on McConnell. It stated that McConnell in bending over for the LIBERALS, is in effect "PROTECTING" BHO from (VOTING) the DHS bill. And now it is REPUBLICIANS who will take the heat on the DHS not being funded. :yawn: You see if McConnell would use the "NUK" to pass the DHS bill (WITH) the Defunding amendment. Then BHO would be the one who would NOT fund DHS. But the Chicken *$@* McConnell doesn't have the back bone to take the heat. SO HE SHOULD BY ALL RIGHTS "GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN. And quit showing the YELLOW line down his back. Well that is what the HELL RAISER thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  9. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Europe aren't about to get to tough with Russia. They get most of their oil from them and Russia could hurt them more than they can hurt Russia.
  10. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Sure, there is double talk and overt propaganda, just like there is in every country. It is a fact of life. Even here is the U.S. And it doesn't matter what political ideology is currently inhabiting the White House -- they all use double talk and propaganda.

    And I'm assuming that you're an American, which is why some of the implications of your statements are quite heartless and really, anti-American. I'm referring to your statements about bailing about failing/failed cities/towns in the U.S. The problem with your implied remarks is that the government should have left those cities/towns to their own devices, crumble and eat themselves, pretty much. If we can spend hundreds-of-billions of dollars outside of our borders on other countries over the years, why can't money be spent on us, you know, actual Americans, you know, the people that pay for all of the unrepresented bull(*)(*)(*)(*) the government spends the tax money on.
  11. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Have you heard the news about Hillary? :roflol: While-----repeat-----While------ Hillary was S.O.S. (that's Sec. of State) for the uneducated, the Clinton Foundation was taking "DONATIONS" from FOREIGN nations.!!!!!!!:omg: While at the same time Hillary was making decisions on Deals, plans for, treaty's with, these SAME NATIONS. Though it is NOT illegal what happened. :angered: No one in the Federal Government or will the Clinton Foundation say where this money went to. The money given to the Clinton's is HUNDRES OF MILLIONS of Dollars. There is a hole in the Federal Law that allows this to happen. But HELL RAISER asks "DO YOU WANT SOMEONE AS PRESIDENT THAT TAKES MONEY FROM FOREIGN NATIONS THEN DECIDES IF THE U.S. SHOULD DEAL WITH or GIVE TRADE DEALS, OR MILITARY HELP. " Do you TRUST someone like that? DO YOU? HELL RAISER doesn't. You decide for yourselves.
  12. Tahuyaman

    Tahuyaman Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
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    And that means that Putin can do what ever he wants and the U.S. Will do nothing at all. No one takes Obama seriously.
  13. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    New report, D.H.S. Jeh Johnson could not say which Federal Law gives B.H.O. the right to issue Social Security Numbers to ILLEGALS!!!!! Because any thinking person knows that there is NO Federal Law, or part in the Constitution that gives BHO that right. BHO is trying to break the CONSTITUTION, to get more voters for the LIBERALS. Do any of you really think that BHO would do all this if these same ILLEGALS would vote REPUBLICIAN?

    Also the LIBERAL PROPAGANDA machine is working over time to get the voter in FEAR of a Shutdown of DHS. Well HELL RAISER knows as well as any thinking person knows that yes there will be circa 30,000 DHS workers laid off. But! out of 200,000, that is nothing, for these will be OFFICE PERSONAL. NOT the Boarder Patrol, or TSA, or other Security personal. The LIBERAL media is just trying to garner lots and lots, of PANIC in the voters minds. And to BLAME the REPUBLICIANS for this NOT (so serious) shutdown. The LIBERAL PRESS forgets that it was the LIBERALS in the Senate that voted against the DHS funding bill that the HOUSE passed. and that McConnell (bent over and presented himself) to BHO and DINGY HARRY, in the Senate. Because McConnell doesn't have a BRASS PAIR, just a YELLOW line down his leg.

    We did suffer a very great loss with the passing of Lenard Nemoy . RIP. That is what HELL RASISER thinks, you decide for yourselves.
  14. Wehrwolfen

    Wehrwolfen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2013
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    According to Progressive Marxists on another post it was Bush's fault...
  15. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well the HELL RAISER thinks you have heard the reports on Netanyahu's speech. :clapping: The LIBERALS are soooooooo upset about Bibi being able to speak to Congress (WITH OUT) BHO's (permission). :roflol: Do the LIBERALS think that BHO is the EMPERIOR or something? Congress doesn't need BHO's (permission) to invite anyone to speak to them.

    Another think that the LIBERALS where and are AFRAID of. Is that Netanyahu told the TRUTH about the (so called) Nuk deal that BHO is trying to get (AT ANY COST). BHO is giving away EVERYTHING just so he can say BHO (got) a Nuk deal with Iran. As Netanyahu said, "NO DEAL IS BETTER THAN A BAD DEAL" If you watched the Speech you would have seen PELOSI (squirming) :roflol: in her seat, as the TRUTH was being spoken by Bibi. LIBERALS just HATE the TRUTH.

    Keep this in your minds, HELL RAISER is saying that if BHO gets a BAD Nuk deal with Iran, You will see a ARMS RACE for NUK's in the Mid East that will BLOW your MINDS. All because BHO is hiding his head in the sand. Trying to ignor the Nuk problem and hoping that the problem will go away.:roll: Remember what H.R. has just posted. And we will see if HELL RAISER is right.

    The problem with E-mails for Hillary is just NOT going away. Infact it is getting worse. We now have found out that the DOJ investigating Benghazi and other problems in the State Dept. under Hillary DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT HER "PRIVITE" E-MAIL ACCOUNT. And in their report clearing Hillary, DIDN'T scan them so the DOJ's investigation was INCOMPLETE and unreliable. And the new investigation into the Clinton Fund that got BILLIONS of dollars during Hillary's time as Sec. of State will have to look into these E-mails. But the Clinton Org. is saying "We gave you all relivent E-mail." Do you think that when Hillary was on the investigating group looking into WATERGATE, would Hillary have taken Nixon's word on anything?

    Again a LIBERAL DOUBLE STANDARD raises it's UGLY HEAD. Don't you think? Well that is what HELL RAISER thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  16. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Have you read the HUFF POST on Google? They are whinning about how the Supreme Court might Rule on BHO CARE. :applause: It's NOT about how the LIBERAL DEMS wrote the law. :roll: It's about how many people will LOOSE the free money from the government. REALLY!!!!!!! The LIBERALS PASSED this law, with DINGY HARRY REID using the NUK option to pass it, when NO ONE had even read the bill. :blankstare: Now that the LIBERALS (SCREWED) up the law. They are now asking the S.C. to change their SCREW UP. FORGET WHAT THE LAW SAYS. Just FIX the LIBERAL SCREW UP by ignoring the law that the LIBERALS FORCED FEED THE VOTERS.

    That is what HELL RAISER thinks, You decide for yourselves
  17. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well BHO is now standing by his crony HOLDER, on the DOJ racial bias report on Ferguson P.D. But who is filing a RACIAL BIAS REPORT on the head of the DOJ-----HOLDER, and the DOJ itself. The DOJ is only going by the number of TICKETS, WARENTS, and ARREST, by the Ferguson P.D.. That to any thinking person is just plane STUPID. If you want to find RACIAL BIAS you need to go CASE by CASE to see (IF) the TICKET, WARENT, or ARREST is legal. Common sense tells a THINKING person that. One thing that HOLDER and the DOJ don't mention is that FERGUSON is 67% BLACK, and the surrounding City's are circa 90% -----BLACK. So that tells a THINKING person that the VAST MAJORITY of people being given TICKETS, and WARENTS put out on, and ARRESTS made -----WILL BE BLACK. The number of WHITES coming from other parts of the St. Louis area, will ------NOT----- be going into FERGUSON or the surrounding cities. So-------------- the number of TICKETS, ARREST, and WARENTS put out on WHITES will be VERY -------VERY--------LOW------compared to the BLACK community. But the RACIST HOLDER, and BHO will not bring out these FACTS, because that will show the FALSE LIES that they are SPEWING OUT. That is what HELL RAISER THINKS. You decide for Yourselves.
  18. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Now the RACIST HOLDER is threating to take over the Ferguson P.D. so the RACIST HOLDER can make the Ferguson P.D. into his own image. Just where in the Constitution does it give that kind of power to the RACIST DOJ or to the RACIST HOLDER? PLEASE show HELL RAISER (if) you can find it. Yes, the RACIST HOLDER did find a couple of RACIST comments on the E-mails of several Ferguson P.D. officers. SOOOOOOOO WHAT? Can the RACIST HOLDER prove that ANY -------TICKETS----------FAILURE TO APPEAR WARRENTS---------- or ARREST where done ILLEGALY?---------ANSWER is NO. The RACIST HOLDER can't prove any of his CHARGES. NOT ONE!!!!! Because he can't find any case in the records that back up his statements. To the RACIST HOLDER------you are GUILTY TILL PROVEN INNOCENT. Well that is what HELL RAISER thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  19. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well, have you heard the new today?

    BHO has been saying that he didn't know about Hillary's (PERSONAL) E-mail account, and thought she was using the State Dept. E-mail like she told all her employed personal. :roll: Well (NOW) we find out that BHO was using Hillary's (PERSONAL) E-mail account to E-mail her. ANOTHER LIE FROM BHO. :frown:
    Now BHO is trying to say that "yes, he did know about it, but still thought she was using the State Dept. E-mail for work. -------REALLY? -------Now who is SILLY enough to believe that one?-------ANY OF YOU?------ There is more but HELL RAISER must sign off for a short time. You decide for yourselves.
  20. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well that was a very short time. HELL RAISER is back. The other news is that again the SUPREME COURT, handed BHO another DEFEAT. :clapping::eekeyes:
    The S.C. just ruled that the Contraception part of BHO care (DOESN'T) apply to N.Dame. :clapping::clapping: Another STEAK into the heart of BHO care.

    All because the LIBERAL Dems, (who passed BHO care all alone) DIDN'T READ THE BILL. :steamed::icon_jawdrop: Now they are paying the consequences for their STUPID actions.

    Well that is what HELL RAISER thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  21. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    New News, Now the Liberals are saying that the G.O.P. states that filed a law suite against BHO care, where shopping around for a CONSERVITIVE JUDGE to help get a ruling against BHO care.------ REALLY?----- That seems like H.R. has heard that before. Could it be because most LIBERAL Law suites begin in Ca. or D.C. Federal Courts, that are FILLED with LIBERAL JUDGES. This seems like a DOUBLE STANDARD on the LIBERAL side again. They can shop around for LIBERAL COURTS to file in. But-----But----if Conservative's shop around for CONSERVATIVE JUDGES-------OH NO, says the LIBERALS, that is WRONG. Called TIT FOR TAT. HELL RAISER thinks.

    Now this, The LIBERAL PROPAGANDA MACHINE, (CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, THE TIMES THE WASHINGTON POST, HUFF--HUFF POST) are going CRAZY over the 47 Repubican Senators who wrote a letter to the Iran Government saying they would NOT support a BAD NUK deal with Iran. :wink::roflol: Realy? Now there is a patition on line to charge these same 47 Senators with TREASON!!!!!! Because the Liberals say these 47 violated the Logan Act of 1799. :roflol: Which bans U.S.Citizens from engaging without Authority of the U.S. Government in Corresponence, or intercourse with any foreign Gov. with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign Gov.

    Hello---------- Senators ARE the U.S. Government!!!!!!!! And to top it all off. When Bush was President, Pelosi went to Saudi Arabia for talks with their King. And to LIBERALS that was just fine.----NO PROBLEM------ But when Republicans do the same thing, that old DOUBLE STANDARD raises it's UGLY HEAD AGAIN.

    Another problem for BHO is that the Fed. Judge is calling the Lawyers for BHO care back into his court, to EXPLANE why they LIED by NOT telling him that behind his back they were issuing 100,000 ILLEGALS Temp. relief from Deportation which Administration Layers said would NOT happen till the Judge ruled in the Suite. MORE LIBERALS CAUGHT IN LIES AGAIN.

    Now E-mail gate, :omg: Hillary went before the Press to tell WHY she used a private E-mail account and Private Server instead of the Gov. E-mail which Hillary was telling all the staff to use which the State Dept. rules says they have to.
    She came up the LIMP reason that it was more a Convenience to use ONE phone instead of two. -------REALY?---------- HELL RAISER has found out that you can use MORE than one E-mail account on a phone. So that was a LIE, ONE. Then she said that she and her staff turned over all the E-mails THAT SHE THOUGHT TO BE REVELENT to the State Dept. The KEY WORDS are SHE THOUGHT. Then she said "TRUST ME ON THIS" :omg::roll:------ Realy? We already cought her in ONE LIE. Now we should trust her? Also in the E-mails that where turned over there where LARGE GAPS of months in these E-MAILS. So just where are the E-mails in these GAPS? What were in them?

    HELL RAISER will NOT take HILLARYS WORD in this matter. Also when asked if she would turn over her private Server to be gone over. She Strongly said NO!!!! Maybe those E-mails could be recovered. She again STRONGLY said NO. WHAT IS HILLARY HIDING? Are any of you SILLY enough to take HILLARY'S word for this? Not the HELL RAISER. Well that is what H.R. thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  22. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Did you see or hear the LIBERAL MEDIA this morning? :steamed: HELL RAISER did. On Morning Joe they were "CRYING IN THEIR BEER" about the news. Also ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN were beside themselves, in GLOOM, because against all their PIE IN THE SKY, predictions, and EXIT POLLS on the Israeli election, BIBI NETANYAHU won a LANDSLIDE VICTORY!!!!!!!!:clapping::cheerleader:--------This was NOT supposed to happen, BHO wanted to defeat Netanyahu. And the LIBERAL MEDIA went for it HOOK, LINE, and SINKER. :eekeyes: BHO's REGIME even gave TAX PAYER MONEY to "ONE VOICE" a (so called) Non Profit org. :omfg: Which in turn gave that TAX PAYER MONEY to a political group in ISREAL called V-15, a group with the moto of "ANYONE BUT NETANYAHU". BHO interfered in the ISREALI election!!!!!!:omfg::eekeyes: But what can you expect from a "COMMUNITY ORGANIZER/CLOWN now sitting in the White House.
    The only reasons that the LIBERAL MEDIA could come up with is that NETANYAHU is a (RACIST) and the Isreali's who voted for him are also (RACIST) or the election was (RIGGED) or (STOLEN) in some way. :roflol: This is ONE BIG LOSS FOR BHO, and none of the LIBERALS can figure out why they lost. They are so angry because this will make making a DEAL AT ANY COST with Iran on NUKS a whole lot harder to (SELL) or push down THINKING PEOPLES THROAT.

    Just like the loss in the U.S.'s last election, LIBERALS said that it was a (RACIST) vote against BHO, showing just how (RACIST) the U.S. really is. Every thinking person knows that is a BUNCH OF *&%^ PROPAGANDA, that the LIBERALS use to justify everything WRONG with their idea's.

    Well that is what HELL RAISER thinks, You decide for yourselves.
  23. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well here we go again! A Black Student from UVA was not let into a bar, and the Police were called, to see if said Student was Intoxicated. On arriving the Police tried to determine what the situation was. The Student became belligerent (according to Police) and when the Police tired to take the Student into custody the Student resisted arrest, and the Police put him on the ground to cuff him. The Student started YELLING "I GO TO UVA. I GO TO UVA". :roll: Like that (explained every thing)!!!!! While holding the Student down the Student kept turning his head causing lacerations on his head from the sidewalk. As you can see from the video the Student is resisting arrest by fighting not to be handcuffed. Then other Students starting YELLING "He's Bleeding MAN, He's Bleeding" Then started calling the Cops "RACIST" Like the Cops should STOP trying to handcuff him so as to treat the Lacerations? :omg: That is to HELL RAISER just plain STUPID!

    Now the LIBERAL MEDIA, Tv, Radio, and News Print, are jumping on the band wagon, before the investigation is complete, calling the COPS RACIST, again just like in the Furgeson shooting. :roll: With the "HANDS UP, DON'T SHOOT" PROPAGANDA, which was PROVED WRONG!!!!!!!!!

    Was the Student Intoxicated? Was the Student RESISTING ARREST? What are the FACTS? That will come out in the State Investigation. But the LIBERAL MEDIA don't follow the Constitution in which all Americans are INOCENT until PROVEN GULITY. The LIBERAL MEDIA and the BLACK MOVEMENT-----condemn the COPS before all the FACTS are presented. In ANY case involving the Police and BLACKS.

    This is NOT the last case this year in which you will see the LIBERAL MEDIA, and the BLACK MOVEMENT, going after the Police when they are doing their job that WE pay them to do.

    This is what HELL RAISER thinks. You decide for yourselves.
  24. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well there is big News. BHO is now with LITTLE time left to negotiate with Iran. BEGGING :eekeyes: Iran to come to SOME KIND OF DEAL on Nuks. BHO is giving away EVERYTHING :wall: just to get some kind of DEAL. :steamed: That is ONE reason why BHO has sooooooooo much HATRED of Netanyahu who is NOT trying to leave a legacy. Where BHO is trying to leave any kind of LEGACY. Even a Incompetent one.

    Proof you ask. Well it was just last year that BHO was TOUTING that YEMEN is a sign on just how well BHO is handling TERRORIST around the world, and that we need to follow him BLINDLY no matter what he wants to do. Well OK, lets look at YEMEN now. :roflol: It has been taken over by TERRORIST and falling into a CIVIL WAR. YEAH, BHO's plan for YEMEN really worked well DIDN'T IT. And remember BHO also called ISIS a J.V. outfit. Was BHO right about that? It now has ops. around the world. :confusion:

    Well these are the FACTS. So you think for yourselves, and decide for yourself.
  25. Hell Raiser

    Hell Raiser Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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    Well, good news yesterday. Finale the General ruled what all the G.I.'s knew, that Bowe Bergdahl DESERITED his post in A-stan. And that the CLOWN released 5 TERRORIST GENERALS for a DAMNED DESERITER. Just to get the news media off his back because of POLITICAL SCANDALS in Washington that BHO caused. And you should remember that BHO and Susan Rice went before the LIBERAL MEDIA, and called BERGDAHL. a Hero, and served with HONOR, for his nation. And now we all know for sure that this INCOMPETENT CLOWN didn't even check into, HOW and WHY Bergdahl was captured by the TALIBAN.

    After this do ANY of you TRUST -----BHO or SOS KERRY to get a GOOD Nuk deal with Iran? From the reports from the Press BHO is telling SOS KERRY to give up EVERYTHING just to get any kind of deal. Even to the point of Iran wants NOTHING in writing, just a "TRUST US" DEAL. What a CLOWN, well that is what HELL RAISER thinks, You decide for yourself.
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