If there was ever a person you might want to pay attention to about what took place on 9/11, this is probably your guy. Colleagues of his in the intelligence world, have spoken about him as the smartest guy they know, and someone who would never make these statements without knowing what he is talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT1AzrKuEtM More about Sabrosky: Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs. In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. He is listed in WHO'S WHO IN THE EAST (23rd ed.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabrosky's teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr. Sabrosky has lectured widely on defense and foreign affairs in the United States and abroad. You can email Dr. Alan Sabrosky at: docbrosk@comcast.net
I've seen this interview of Sabrosky before, I thought it was quite good. Due to the title of the video you put up [Israel Did 9/11 (Israeli Mossad)...], I'd like to point out that Sabrosky doesn't actually say that Israel was wholly responsible for 9/11- he also points to the Project for a New American Century think tank, which had members such as Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. And while I may have missed something, I don't think he precludes the possibility that arabs were involved as well, in particular certain Saudi officials, which is something that even the 9/11 Commission was aware of and sparks a bit of debate from time to time.