There are several ways High Court justices are defined: 1. Conservative or liberal. 2. Strict constructionist or living, breathing Constitution advocates. The latter means alter the Constitution without bothering about amendments. 3. The least accurate definition is Republican or Democrat depending upon the president who nominated them. That silly definition carried to its logical conclusion defines President Eisenhower as a liberal because he appointed Earl Warren and William Brennan. Ditto Bush the Elder who gave us David Souter. I think it is time to add a new definition. Define the justices by Keep the Constitution or Dump the Constitution. To make it simple they would be referred to as Keepers and Dumpers. Obviously, Dumpers are not exactly the same as living, breathing, Constitution justices, although I suspect the two are blood kin. Right now there are two known Dumpers on the Court. Ruth Ginsburg and Elena Kagan. The jury is still out on Sotomayor. Everybody knows Ginsburg is a Dumper because she told us so. But how many know about Kagan? More to the point what the hell is the good of holding confirmation hearings when those morons in the US Senate did not know this?: