OK let’s start with how cute these little Aussie marsupials are View attachment 241907 Cute as….. as our Kiwi neighbours would say. Unfortunately introduced predators like cats and foxes have decimated numbers of these little critters but a couple of blokes out in a town called Charleville decided to build a predator free enclosure to bring this cutie back from the verge of extinction Well, as part of the fund raising “Easter Bilbies” are sold throughout Australia with a small donation going to the save the bilbies foundation https://www.savethebilbyfund.org.au/about-bilbies/ As one of the founders said “Why on earth are we spending money on buying chocolate in the shape of one of the worst feral nuisances in the country (the rabbit). “. I have to agree but my question to you all is - should this idea also fund other wildlife support initiatives with “Easter Pandas” and “Easter Tigers” etc. or should we just forgo all chocolate at Easter in the interest of good health?
If you think that is weird try explaining the Platypus!! I have seen them in the wild - wow! But they are cute! https://australian.museum/learn/animals/mammals/platypus/ A combo of beaver and duck with added reptilian features like a poison spur! When it comes to weird Aus does it best !!!