Economic Models Debate

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by itlivesinthere, Sep 7, 2011.


Which model do you believe is best for our current economic situation

Poll closed Sep 12, 2011.
  1. Capitalist-libertarian economy; semi-laissez faire.

    1 vote(s)
  2. Capitalist-socialist economy; government mandating salary caps and mandating usage of funds.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Neither or a combination of both.

    1 vote(s)
  1. itlivesinthere

    itlivesinthere New Member

    Sep 7, 2011
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    First off to the mods: Sorry if this thread needs to be in the Economics forum. If it does, by all means move it if you like.

    My brother (27 yrs.) and myself (22 yrs.) agree on one thing. Greed and corruption exist in some big corporations, federal government, and even state government. That's where the agreement ends. He and I have our own economic models that we are pitting against each other. Neither of us are economists and only have a rudimentary understanding of how it works. Also, neither of our economic models fully exists right now. For the record, he is more or less a slightly liberal-centrist, while I am a conservative-libertarian.

    My model is a capitalist-libertarian economy; semi-laissez faire. I understand that some regulation does need to exist, hence the Commerce Clause. I believe that the following would help this economy more:
    1. Eliminate capital gains tax.
    2. Use reducing corporate taxes as incentives to expand business.
    3. Reduce or eliminate burdensome regulations on businesses.
    4. Reduce globalism (not eliminate it) by enticing businesses to return to the States by doing one or any combination of the above.

    My brother's model is a capitalist-socialist economy; the government mandating that there be a salary cap in the United States to prevent greedy CEOs from getting grossly overpaid, but instead taking the difference made in their salaries from such legislation to expand business or to give their employees raises. He argues similar legislation exists in the European nations; he specified Germany and how they are apparently flourishing. He also used China as an example, who are at the core communists but are using a capitalist model with heavy governmental regulation to keep greed and corruption in check.

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