This is the name of my new form of magic... yes! It is based on harnessing forces outside your body, instead of from within it, to manifest your desires, of course. This would be where you invoke elements through the power of your mind by relaying subsonic waves from you to them, activating by means of less results in more energy, of course. ~ This would follow from an oscillator, where you put so little energy in and the result is hundred fold, yes? Those little balls on strings you see on doctor's desks sometimes... So, we send a message to the element, and, then invoke it with our minds. Our minds would be like the switch board connecting various tendrils of energy from sources, activating like a fire would spread, of course - It is like a network. For our first spell, we are going to try to make it rain. This will be done by 'using our fire' on clouds. For this we will need clouds, to compress or heat up, I am not sure which yet... If we have our clouds, let' try to compress them first? This could be done by observing electrons suck, and, protons push. This means that protons push the electrons from the nucleus, and, give it mass because of the pushing out and taking up space, okay? Now, we want to get rid of all the protons and be left with electrons sucking the cloud into itself and compressing it, like wringing out a wet blanket, of course. This would be possible by making the cloud heavier by using the air around the cloud, which is lighter, to 'absorb the protons.' This would mean that we would add mass to the air around the cloud by having it electrified - like during lightning storms, of course. To do that, we need to electrify the air by friction. This would be where we need heat from some other source, maybe the sun? So, we would send a message to the sun to send a lot of rays to the cloud to electrify it, of course. This would be where we imagine the sun in our minds, and, then imagine the sun shining into the clouds, and, then imagine the clouds too 'raining.' This message will be understood if in pictures, as, the focus you want to make is friction, basically, and, that will be more possible by understanding your 'emotions.' ~ Actually, stuff the sun! We will be using emotional energy! This would be where we would use our emotions to heat up the clouds directly by amplifying our emotions beyond the clouds, so they are caught in the middle. This would be easier by imagining a erupting volcano, or, hill - keep that in your mind, on one side of you, above your head. Then, imagine the clouds being electrified by this heat build up, and, opening up to let forth rain, of course. Seeing as how this is still experimental, it might take a while to work, but, let me initiate you first? Imagine the elements of the world. Imagine them all flowing through you, you breathing them in ad out. Imagine them in your body, bonding with each part of your body. Then, release them. Some will bond with you, others will be lost - basically, air is good, and, earth is evil, being the north and south points of the watch towers, of course. North or air would be for gentle soothing effects, fire or east would be for rapid volatile effects, earth or south would be for matter, and west or water is mainly healing if you ask me. The sicker you feel... the more corrupt you are! Have a shower to clean your body of this.
Now, let us try to make the second simplest of attacks with the elements, a 'fire bolt?' Don't forget, you can pray to the malevolent gods for protection spells to keep you safe from all forms of magic, okay? First, what goes into a fire? A fire is a loose lot of free electrons that are trying to find peace somewhere else in matter. This is where they need to stabilize and then spread to find this peace, of course. Then, we need to find a way to spark the fire bolt. This would be possible by friction, where you would use friction to ignite the sparks that travel. Then, we would want to make them travel a certain way, of course... So, we need to make this fire by using the element of fire, a kinetic form of energy, where it will be unleashed from the mass that surrounds us. This is possible by copying and pasting the mass from one point to another. That is made easier by imagining the mass losing protons, or, if we were to observe sparks, they come from the matter losing protons of mass by friction, yes? When you smack a pole with another pole, and a spark flies off, then it is mass it is losing, leaving a free electron to fly around until it is spent, or, finds a new proton, maybe even following it, yes? This would follow that the fire would follow the magnetic proton, yes? The weak force would follow the strong force, of course. Then, the best way to throw a fire bolt would be to imagine a lot of mass coming off the matter, at great speeds, as if through a bullet, to the target. This would be made easier by imagining the earth separating and being attracted to the new matter with a element of earth, so imagine the planets of "Earth" and Venus coming together over your head, in your imagination. Then, simply run a line from the to the target. This will give fuel to the fire, naturally using the planet 'Uranus' to further fuel the fire.
There would be a further strategy to guiding the spells, that you are high up on a mountain for air spells, low down in the valleys for earth spells, that you are near the ocean for water spells and that you are near a fire or candle for fire spells. Now, I am going to try to make a love spell. This is my first attempt at this, so please be patient. If we were to observe the workings of the mind, someone stands out for us because of their qualities, be it strength of character, or, strength of beauty, or even strength of wealth or status, yes? These strengths are what draw us to them, so, why not make ourselves seem strong in their eyes? But there is another way - that we reflect their strength. If you were to observe the workings of a mother's love, it is the strength she has over the child that makes her feel powerful that makes her love the child, yes? So, it follows that a man that has a women smitten with him will look on her more favourably, than before, even if it is to laugh, obviously. So... If we were to light a candle and pray to it, that the fae inside will travel tot he mind of the other and make them see themselves strong in our eyes, or, take it as a asset to have us, then they may love us, yes? This could be incanted as follows, rhyming will help, as, it is melodious; "Please love and take me, don't ignore and fore sake me, I am yours and you are mine, all the way to the end of time." That should do the trick. If you are mentally active, you will be able to carry your message to them, and, sing them to loving you. This would rely on your ability to focus your message from your mind to your mouth, to be carried from your mouth to the tip of your 'heat aura,' to travel to the ears of theirs.