Manhattan may not be the country’s premier maximum-security prison, but New Yorkers sure are fleeing the state like their lives depended on it. According to Census Bureau data released this week, no state lost a greater percentage of its population to domestic migration, or 1.5%, than the Empire State. In all, 20 states lost population to other states in the 12-month period between July 2020 and July 2021, most of them controlled by Democrats. The three biggest net losers, California (minus 367,299), New York (minus 352,185), and Illinois (minus 122,460) are all completely controlled by the Democratic Party. And where are all these residents of states run by Democrats escaping to? To states run by Republicans. The big winners from domestic migration gains last year were Florida (plus 220,890), Texas (plus 170,307), and Arizona (plus 93,026), all of which have Republican governors. People fleeing Democratic governance for Republican leadership is not new, but it has accelerated during COVID-19. All the worst aspects of Democratic leadership have been highlighted during the pandemic.… read more at: This Washington Examiner editorial is exactly right. People are fleeing blue state America for red states. Covid regulations, taxes, and crime are the main reason for the Exodus. My state of California lost the most people while New York lost the highest on a percentage of population basis. Illinois list big time too.
It’s easy to see why people are fleeing the urban scum that is bi coastal and Chicago. Crime, lockdowns, mandates, taxes, regulations, housing costs. The good news is that people leaving blue states for red ones are voting red once they get there.
I’d consider it too if I didn’t live in a remote part of the state where we are largely protected from the insanity by distance from major coastal urban centers. We are hoping to create our own state or join greater Idaho up here.
Again...point to me the utopia state that is democratically ran. Doesn't exist. They are all **** holes. Those fleeing the **** they created had better vote red instead of trying to change their new home into the **** hole they just fled. That's all I ask
More fleeing Blue Hell Holes. Here’s Why California Is Losing Population for the First Time. First they deny and lie about it: When no longer undeniable, they minimize: Becoming a State of Old Folks: And as big of a failure as the Blue State model is in CA, they would love to Californicate the rest of the nation if they will stand for it.
One article I read on the subject said that most of those moving out of blue cities as a Californian I can say that you are exactly right. I live in a part of the state that actually is still growing. The Californication is primarily in our coastal urban areas and Sacramento.
I've read about that, as a intermediate step, moving from the Blue West side of the State to the Red Eastside.
My home city and country are actually growing while the rest of the state is losing people. You are exactly right about the east/west divide in Ca. The old northern vs southern divide outside of sports no longer applies here. It’s East vs west now.