Eugenicists & Labor Leaders

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by Flanders, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    The pseudoscience of eugenics has been around for more than a century. Many of the wealthiest Americans, including Teddy Roosevelt, were eugenicists before the beginning of the twentieth century. Twenty-first century eugenicists include:

    The sick belief in eugenics had a century to fester among wealthy true believers. More than enough time to hone and sell the methods they intend to employ.

    One method

    Eugenicists are very careful to say they will not force vaccinations on anyone. They would have the public believe that sterilization will be a voluntary program worldwide. The question is: Are they involved in “humanitarian” vaccinations like this?:

    Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
    Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
    Published: 20 hours ago
    by BOB UNRUH

    The fact is: Vaccinations must be touted as beneficial, while anything can put in the vaccine? Remember the efforts a few years ago to force Americans to take flu vaccinations? Americans rebelled and it was stopped. Ask yourself what chance people in Third World countries have of saying no?

    NOTE: Logically, anyone trying to implement population controls is not going to save lives. That’s why I am convinced that eugenicists are the force behind banning DDT. Malaria claims more than a million children a year because of the DDT ban. If Bill and Melinda were such humanitarians they would use their wealth and influence to lift the DDT ban.

    Now I see a direct link between eugenicists and labor leaders:

    First, let me point out that healthcare professionals give the vaccinations eugenicists claim are voluntary. Even if nurses believe the vaccines they are injecting in patients are beneficial, labor union leaders will see to it that nobody ever investigates.

    Second, if you read the article you’ll see it is about money:

    Book: Obamacare law designed to unionize 21 million health care workers
    Published: 11:32 PM 08/19/2012
    By David Martosko
    Executive Editor

    There is no mention of population controls or eugenics in David Martosko ‘s piece, yet one only has to look at the Culture of Death the ruling class established through the Democrat party to see Affordable Care Act’s true objective. I wondered why such a foul piece of legislation managed to become law. Now I see why. The media was for it, the ruling class drooled over finally getting the machinery they need to implement eugenics, and labor leaders saw billions passing through their organizations.

    Bottom line: Infanticide, death panels, assisted suicides, euthanasia all pale by comparison to full-blown eugenics in the hands of the government and organized labor. The American people will never know what happened. I would say it’s all coming together for wealthy butchers who believe humane selective breeding is not as cruel as slaughtering tens of millions the old-fashioned ways.

    Finally, I am still unsure if wealthy individuals came to believe they have the Right to decide who lives and who dies after they acquired wealth and political influence, or if their disease drove them to acquire wealth and political influence so they could slaughter millions. Whatever the answer the power of life and death over the weak and disfranchised has to be one helluva an ego trip.
  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    You won’t see anything connecting eugenics to government unions in the article I’m quoting; the theme is money and politics. This is more interesting:

    Hussein’s union organizing, his political beliefs, the Democrat party’s Culture of Death, and the ruling class’ plans to implement worldwide population controls all come together in healthcare industry unions:

    Author to Newsmax: Obama Is First ‘Union-Label’ President
    Monday, August 20, 2012 09:04 PM
    By: Todd Beamon and John Bachman

    (Click on the link to the article to watch Mallory Factor interviewed in a 12:38 video.)

    This is the critical factor. The ruling class is solidifying their control under the union label. The SEIU’s organizing efforts are directed towards turning segments of the private sector into government employees. Private sector labor unions have no place in the big picture.

    NOTE: The SEIU controls workers in non-healthcare industries. They are not necessary in the eugenics scheme.

    The reason for turning healthcare workers into government employees is obvious. Government employees work for the government not for the American people; so they will follow orders just as bureaucrats obeyed Hitler. Bureaucrats obeyed Lenin and Stalin. Bureaucrats obeyed the czar.

    Throughout history government employees obeyed the head of state. Throughout history there was never a shortage of government employees willing to do the killing ordered by their leaders. Government employees implementing forced selective breeding on orders from their leaders will be no different when those orders are issued by leaders of a global government.

    Billionaires supporting Hussein’s tax hikes should warn everyone that their motives are more than pure economics. Back in 2009 Bill Gates supported Hussein’s economic policies. An endorsement from Gates was offered as proof that Hussein knew what he was talking about. From the way it turned out one has to think either Gates did not know what the hell he was talking about or he was lying:

    This year Gates says tax hikes for the rich ain’t class warfare:

    With Hussein and his billionaires proved wrong about so much the public must look elsewhere for the reason billionaires continue to support him. To me, that reason is eugenics. Why else would so many wealthy Americans support a union organizer who would raise their taxes? If they don’t have population controls via global government in common their partnership makes no sense.

    Bottom line: No matter what Hussein and Gates say about the economy and tax hikes —— vaccinations will replace ovens.

    Finally, Gates, Buffett, Soros, and the rest of them love to shoot off their mouths about the economy, when they should be explaining how they intend to implement population controls without the use of brute force?

    Know one thing about those people. It is class warfare rooted in pure hate. They hate individuals first. They hate the poor, they hate by race, they hate by religion, they hate personality types, they hate the uneducated and the disabled, they hate everything and everybody they do not control. In their sick minds selective breeding will produce perfect people they cannot find a reason to hate. They are sick and getting sicker with every success that brings them closer to selective breeding because perfect people never existed and never will.

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