I think such sources are purely statistical. They are projections without taking the Holocaust into account. Real censuses were almost impossible during WW2. Jews are scattered all over the world. Here's an example of the trickery of HC-denial professionals: http://www.nizkor.com/features/techniques-of-denial/worldalmanac.html
I've already answered that. First, they killed all the Jews they had no use for. The useful Jews had to die later. You can compare this with the men of the "Sonderkommando" of Auschwitz. After several gassings, they were gassed themselves.
The very fact that there are so many "eyewitnesses" allegedly from Treblinka is, itself evidence that only a small number of people died at Treblinka. These same "eyewitnesses" contradict themselves, contradict each other, report things that did not exist and claim things that are physically impossible and are not hard evidence. Additionally: "French historian Germain Tillion, a specialist of the Second World War period, has warned that former camp inmates who lie are, in fact, very much more numerous than people generally suppose, and a subject like that of the concentration camp world -- well designed, alas, to stimulate sado-masochistic imaginations -- offered them an exceptional field of action. We have known numerous mentally damaged persons, half-swindlers and half fools, who exploited an imaginary deportation. We have known others of them -- authentic deportees -- whose sick minds strove to even go beyond the monstrosities that they had seen or that people said happened to them."(1) I have looked at the material you posted and nothing explains why there are no mass graves of about 850,000 people at Treblinka yet thousands of innocent Germans have been executed only based on flimsy hearsay. In any legitimate murder or mass murder trial, hard evidence like a body (or bodies) and a murder weapon is necessary before a person can be declared guilty yet no hard evidence has ever been produced. Where is the hard evidence that about 850,000 people were killed, buried, dug up, burned with an enormous amount of fuel and reburied by 50 guards and a single Russian tank engine over a period of about 16 months? (1) "The Nuremberg Trials and the Holocaust" https://www.ihr.org/jhr/v12/v12p167_Webera.html
the Holocaust did happen, yes the numbers may be exaggerated some, but it did happen, many died horrible deaths, we should all condemn it and hope it never happens again to any other group of people
Re: If you'll note the date, February 22, 1948, you'll see that these Jewish supplied sources account for the approximate number of Jews in the world after WW 2. They had more than enough time to include actual Jewish losses during WW 2 and are not projections. Why would Jewish sources omit Jewish casualties of WW 2? By the way, "Nizkor" is a terrible source that relies exclusively on slander, evasion and deception. There are no "techniques of denial". There is only accurate history or the fraudulent holocaust narrative and residual Allied propaganda. "Was there Really a Holocaust?" https://www.biblebelievers.org.au/wasthere.htm EXCERPT "The World Almanac for 1947 states that back in 1939 the world Jewish population was 15,688,259. The Almanac's figures were supplied by the American Jewish Committee. Next the Jewish-owned New York Times of February 22, 1948 stated the world Jewish population for that year amounted "to 15,600,000 to 18,700,000 in addition to the 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine." How could the Jewish population increase so rapidly over the war years if they had lost 6,000,000 people?"CONTINUED
I don't remember that you answered this revealing question before. It is an irrefutable fact that Jews were members of the Nazi Party(*) as well as Hitler's military(1). If there were a Nazi genocidal agenda against all Jews, then Jews would not have been high ranking Nazi Party members, high ranking military officers and highly decorated German soldiers(2) with the full knowledge and approval of Hitler and the German High Command. Additionally, there is no hard evidence that homicidal steam, electrocution(3) or gas chambers(4) existed in any of the German run camps. (*) "List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nazis_of_non-Germanic_descent EXCERPT "Notably, there were several high-ranking Nazis of full and partial Jewish descent."CONTINUED (1) “Hitler’s Jewish Army” http://counterpsyops.com/2013/02/14/...-hitlers-army/ EXCERPT “Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded(*)Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police(Ordnungdienst)(*)and concentration camp guards(*)(kapos). So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism? “If the Jews were permitted to serve in Hitler’s armed forces then there could not have been a Holocaust.”CONTINUED (2) ‘JEWISH’ SENIOR OFFICERS IN HITLER’S ARMY: ERHARD MILCH, WILHELM KEITEL, WALTHER VON BRAUCHITSCH, ERICH RAEDER, AND MAXIMILIAN VON WEICHS. https://rafzen.wordpress.com/2013/02/16/jewish-senior-officers-in-hitlers-army-erhard-milch-wilhelm-keitel-walther-von-brauchitsch-erich-raeder-and-maximilian-von-weichs/ EXCERPT "Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval."CONTINUED (3) "Auschwitz Electrical Conveyor belt of Death" https://disjecta.wordpress.com/2018/01/26/auschwitz-electrical-conveyor-belt-of-death/ EXCERPT "It’s a little known fact that running alongside the scientifically implausible gas chambers at Auschwitz ran the electrified conveyor belts of death. These industrialised slaughter belts, we can assume took the passive cargo directly from the “cattle cars” and electrocuted the hapless victims without struggle then disposed of the evidence in Nazi furnaces. One can only guess at the “special devices” for killing children. Somehow visions of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate/extermination factory spring to mind."CONTINUED (4) “The Problems of Mass Gassing” http://truedemocracyparty.net/2012/05/was-there-really-a-judaic-holocaust/ EXCERPT “In 1945 it was announced that gas death chambers existed in all concentration camps in Poland, Germany, Austria and Alsace. Some 15 years later, in 1960, this was revised to the new claim that gas chambers existed only in camps located in Soviet held Poland. Simon Weisenthal of the Los Angeles Holocaust Center states in the paper, "Books and Bookmen", April 1975, page 5, "No gassing took place in any camp on German soil." The pressure had been growing since The Vatican, Red Cross, English Intelligence and German Intelligence chiefs Canaris and Oster (who collaborated with the British) either did not know or did not believe in rumors of gassings. This brings up the following questions: • 1). Germans are meticulous record keepers but there is not one order for the construction of any gas chamber, no blueprint, no photo of any gas chamber or gassed victims. • 2). There have been thousands of investigations of alleged Nazi war criminals, hundreds of trials, yet not one person was ever accused of being involved with actual gassings! No reliable witness on either side has ever come forward who saw a single person gassed—AND THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN OVER 10,000 MASS GASSINGS! • 3). Photos of bodies at Dachau and Belsen camps are of prisoners who died of typhus and malnutrition. Many Germans also died from typhus. • 4). The Vatican and Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the War about alleged gas chambers. The response was always the same, "The detainees themselves have not spoken of them" (Red Cross document No. 9925, June 1946)." CONTINUED
Nobody I know believes that what was relatively recently named "the holocaust" did not happen and you're right in that many people died horrible deaths even after the war was over. It's just that most people around the world(1) reject the outrageous lies generated by a profit hungry & fraudulent, multi-billion dollar Holocaust Industry(2). A good place to begin to learn the truth about the holocaust is: "HOLOCAUST DEPROGRAMMING COURSE" https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ Thanks, (1) ”THE WORLD IS FULL OF HOLOCAUST DENIERS” https://www.theatlantic.com/interna...he-world-is-full-of-holocaust-deniers/370870/ EXCERPT “ Only a third of the world's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical accounts. Some said they thought the number of people who died has been exaggerated; others said they believe it's a myth. Thirty percent of respondents said it's probably true that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust." - Hindus were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths has been exaggerated. - people younger than 65 were much more likely to say they believe that facts about the Holocaust have been distorted”CONTINUED (2) "17 CHARGED IN $42 MILLION HOLOCAUST FRAUD CASE" http://www.nbcnews.com/id/40093058/...ed-million-holocaust-fraud-case/#.XU62pSMwi_U EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED
Among the most grotesque exaggerations concerning the holocaust is the myth that there was a genocidal agenda for the killing of all Jews. I have just recently written and supported in my Post #556 the facts that Jews were among Germany's high ranking National Socialists as well as members of Germany's WW 2 military. Many German Jews reached the highest ranks and received Germany's highest military honors with the full knowledge and approval of Hitler and the German High Command. None of these realities would have existed if there were truly a WW 2 era German genocidal agenda. Since the most professionally deceived individuals have learned about the Holocaust via Hollywood and MSM, few people know that not only was there no genocidal agenda, countless individuals in positions of authority were executed or otherwise severely punished for killing, beating or robbing Jews. Probably the most famous case is Judge Konrad Morgen's execution of camp commander Karl Koch in 1943. The following is yet another example: EXCERPT “The German army severely punished its own soldiers for crimes committed against the civilian population, including Jews. Examples are given, such as a case in the spring of 1944 occurring when a German anti-aircraft battery on its way to Budapest was held over and the soldiers stayed in a house belonging to Jews. Permission was granted to the men by the commander of the battery, a young sub-lieutenant, to confiscate various items from the house, including jewellery and radio sets. A Jewish woman who wanted to report this crime was killed. The sub-lieutenant was sentenced to death and executed for this crime, and several NCOs and service personnel received long prison terms.” CONTINUED(1) For a more extensive list of examples, please see (1) below. (1). “Punishment of Germans, by Third Reich authorities, for mistreatment of Jews (1939-1945)” https://robertfaurisson.blogspot.com/2002/06/punishment-of-germans-by-third-reich.html
Re: This, too is an unfounded myth used by Allied propagandists to slander and demoralize the Germans during and after WW 2. As I have shown in my previous Post # 558, individuals who killed innocent civilians or POWs were, themselves, frequently executed for their cruelty. The following excerpt shows what really happened to Jews and others who were unable to work: "Many Jewish Inmates Unable to Work" EXCERPT "Many thousands of secret German wartime documents dealing with Auschwitz were confiscated after the war by the Allies. But not a single one refers to a policy or program of extermination. In fact, the familiar Auschwitz extermination story cannot be reconciled with the documentary evidence. It is often claimed that all Jews at Auschwitz who were unable to work were immediately killed. Jews who were too old, young, sick, or weak were supposedly gassed on arrival, and only those who could be worked to death were temporarily kept alive. But the evidence shows otherwise. In fact, a very high percentage of the Jewish inmates were not able to work, and were nevertheless not killed. For example, an internal German telex message dated Sept. 4, 1943, from the chief of the Labor Allocation department of the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office (WVHA), reported that of 25,000 Jews held in Auschwitz, only 3,581 were able to work, and that all of the remaining Jewish inmates — some 21,500, or about 86 percent — were unable to work. This is also confirmed in a secret report dated April 5, 1944, on “security measures in Auschwitz” by Oswald Pohl, head of the SS concentration camp system, to SS chief Heinrich Himmler. Pohl reported that there was a total of 67,000 inmates in the entire Auschwitz camp complex, of whom 18,000 were hospitalized or disabled. In the Auschwitz II camp (Birkenau), supposedly the main extermination center, there were 36,000 inmates, mostly female, of whom “approximately 15,000 are unable to work.” The evidence shows that Auschwitz-Birkenau was established primarily as a camp for Jews who were not able to work, including the sick and elderly, as well as for those who were temporarily awaiting assignment to other camps. That is the considered view of Dr. Arthur Butz of Northwestern University, who also says that this was an important reason for the unusually high death rate there. Jewish scholar Arno Mayer, a professor of history at Princeton University, acknowledges in his 1988 book about the “final solution” that more Jews perished at Auschwitz as a result of typhus and other “natural” causes than were executed." CONTINUED (1) In addition to the fact that there was no order for a genocide of anyone issued by Hitler(2), there is no hard evidence of a genocidal German agenda anywhere. Thanks, (1) "HOLOCAUST DEPROGRAMMING COURSE" https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ (2) “To the present day a written order by Hitler regarding the destruction of the European Jewish community has not been found, and, in all probability, this order was never given.” - Walter Laqueur, Was niemand wissen wollte: Die Unterdruckung der Nachrichten uber Hitlers Endlösung (What Nobody Wanted to Know: The Suppression of News About Hitler’s “Final Solution”), (Berlin-Vienna, 1981), p.190
That's true. The murder of the Jews only and strictly took place under state legitimation. If an SA thug killed a Jew in the streets, it could be theoretically seen as a crime and he could be punished for that. Nazis were bloodthirsty, crazy barbarians, but they always tried to uphold the illusion of the rule of law. This did help them to kill more Jews since they saw Jews a dangerous anti-race.
That is one of your fallacies. Nazis exploited the Jews as long as they could. When they didn't need them anymore, they just killed them. Please remember that Nazis don't see Jews as full human beings.
I'm afraid that you've been professionally deceived about what really happened in Germany during the WW 2 era. The very profitable holocaust story is possible the greatest fraudulent conspiracy theory that has ever been perpetrated on the Western world. For example, the Jewish German Generals: ERHARD MILCH, WILHELM KEITEL, WALTHER VON BRAUCHITSCH, ERICH RAEDER, AND MAXIMILIAN VON WEICHS either died of natural causes long after the war or were murdered by the Allies in their Soviet style, revenge show "trials". Not one of these Jewish Generals was killed by the Germans as you claimed. I realize that Germany's National Socialists verbally condemned Jews and persecuted many Jews who had Communist, Bolshevik, resistance connections and etc but the Jews who remained loyal to Germany and/or the Nazi Party were given high positions of power over thousands of non Jewish soldiers and lower ranking Nazi Party members. I even used the Hasbara influenced, anti German Wikipedia to show that many full and partial Jews were high ranking Nazi Party members. There's still the issue of missing mass graves not just at Treblinka but at all of Germany's work / internment camps. There is absolutely no hard evidence that the Germans murdered about 11 million people ( 6 million Jews and 5 million others). It is physically impossible to gas millions of people in the manner claimed just as it is physically impossible to have made 1.1 million people at Auschwitz disappear using only 2,188 tons of coal/coke which is only enough for 60,000 or 70,000 bodies. Since the human body is about 75% water, large piles of bodies are just large piles of water and do not burn on their own like dry firewood. I am not trying to torment you via a "Holocaust Denial Playbook" and am not using "Holocaust Denial Techniques", I have simply cited numerous facts and hard evidence to show that the standard holocaust narrative is almost completely fraudulent. I really don't understand how any independent thinking individual with even a cursory knowledge of the WW 2 era could believe some of the physically impossible lies generated by the same propagandists who have been caught perpetrating so many frauds and telling so many lies. Thanks, again, for your time...
If by "disgusting work", you mean a German genocidal agenda, why is there no hard evidence of a genocidal agenda? The British cracked Germany's Enigma code and out of all secret radio transmissions(1), there is not one mention of "mass executions". There are mentions of individual executions by hanging and shooting and small scale atrocities but not one single mention of a genocidal agenda. Even Holocaust Industry historian, Arno Mayer, admits that more people died of disease and natural causes than were executed and American Dr. Charles P. Larson preformed at least 1,000 autopsies and not one death was a result of "gassing". Finally, Auschwitz had some of the most sophisticated medical equipment and best qualified medical personnel in the world to save the lives of its inmates(2). Stalin's and Eisenhower's real Death Camps rarely had even basic shelter. EXCERPT "The Auschwitz Camp had sickbays and hospitals where thousands of inmates were cured. Since late 1942, the camp authorities, foremost the garrison physician Dr. Wirths, tried with all conceivable means to keep the Auschwitz inmates alive and healthy." CONTINUED(3) As you know, the Germans were vastly outnumbered and fighting a war on 3 fronts. They didn't have the time, resources or manpower to shuttle inmates thousands of miles away only to torture, beat and eventually kill them by the most impractical means possible (homicidal gas chambers) and, somehow, make the bodies disappear. They needed skilled, healthy and productive workers to keep the war effort going so the holocaust myths simply are not credible on many levels. Finally, eyewitnesses who do not recite the Holocaust Industry script are shunned, ignored and even locked up in many countries but there are still many that tell the truth(4). (1) “THE HOLOCAUST NARRATIVE” https://archive.org/stream/BreakingTheSpell_48/BreakingTheSpell-Kollerstrom_djvu.txt EXCERPT “In 1941, British Intelligence analysts cracked the German “Enigma” code. This undermined the German war effort—but also threw new light on day-by-day events in the Nazi concentration camp system. Between January 1942 and January 1943, encrypted radio communications between those camps and the Berlin headquarters were intercepted and decrypted. Oddly enough, historians have largely ignored the information furnished in these intercepts relating to “arrivals,” “departures,” recorded deaths and other events at these camps.The only reasonable explanation is that the intercepted data contra-dicts, even refutes, the orthodox “Holocaust” narrative. The information does not expose a program of mass murder and racial genocide. Quite the opposite: it reveals that the Germans were determined, desperate even, to reduce the death rate in their work camps, which was caused by catastrophic typhus epidemics.”CONTINUED (2) "Healthcare in Auschwitz" http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/33-hia.pdf (3) "HOLOCAUST DEPROGRAMMING COURSE" https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ (4) "Auschwitz Was NOT a 'Death Camp' - Holocaust Survivor Testimony" https://archive.org/details/AuschwitzWasNotAdeathCamp-HolocaustSurvivorTestimony EXCERPT "Investigations of physical evidence and original documentation, however, have cast doubts on the Holocaust narrative that has been formed. For example, areas claimed to be mass graves, have been found with modern investigative technology to contain no human remains. Testimonies of accused perpetrators show evidence of outright fabrication, or were obtained through torture. Many of the supposed eyewitnesses have provided stories riddled by inconsistencies, describe physically impossible events, or were even total frauds who were never actually in the camps." CONTINUED
There's a lot of evidence. For example this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost The nazis didn't just limit themselves to the murder of Jews.
A vague claim of "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" from Wikipedia is not hard evidence. It's just more regurgitated holocaustian mythology and residual Allied propaganda that proves nothing other than the fact that the victors fabricate fraudulent history. Hard evidence of a genocidal agenda would be an actual intercepted, secret German radio transmission specifically ordering mass murder or a written order from Hitler demanding the destruction of a group of people. We both know that nothing like that exists or existed or else it would be held up as ironclad proof of a German genocidal agenda.
Wikipedia is a documentation platform. Links to the real evidence can be found in the footnotes. But as a hardcore Holocaust denier (that's not an insult, it's the truth), you don't want to know the evidence.
What is truly stupid is believing absolutely anything and everything that the fraudulent Holocaust Industry(*) tells you after it has already been proven to be blatantly dishonest. Do you normally believe proven liars or just ones who lie about the holocaust? At least 2 groups of researchers looked all over the area at Treblinka where the mass graves of about 850,000 people are supposed to be and found nothing but a few marked Christian graves. Even the MSM BBC admitted that C.S. Colls with the Smithsonian "...had discovered no mass graves."(1) Before that, the frequently slandered Richard Krege and his team searched the entire area where mass graves are supposed to be and they, too, found no mass graves.(2) It's not just that the fraudulent Holocaust Industry engaged in a long running scam with phony "holocaust survivors" to cheat the German government but thousands of innocent German POWs were murdered based only on their lies (aka "eyewitness testimony"). So, where are the missing 850,000 (+,-) bodies? (*). "17 CHARGED IN $42 MILLION HOLOCAUST FRAUD CASE" http://www.nbcnews.com/id/40093058/...ed-million-holocaust-fraud-case/#.XU62pSMwi_U EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED (1)“Treblinka: Revealing the hidden graves of the Holocaust” https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-16657363 EXCERPT “Despite this, in a later statement they said they had discovered no mass graves." CONTINUED (2)"Treblinka Ground Radar Examination Finds No Trace of Mass Graves" https://www.historiography-project.com/jhrchives/v19/v19n3p20_radar.php EXCERPT "The team carefully examined the entire Treblinka II site, especially the alleged “mass graves” portion, and carried out control examinations of the surrounding area. They found no soil disturbance consistent with the burial of hundreds of thousands of bodies, or even evidence that the ground had ever been disturbed. In addition, Krege and his team found no evidence of individual graves, bone remains, human ashes, or wood ashes." CONTINUED
Pitbull Here's some info on the American media that you should check out. (post #50) http://www.politicalforum.com/index...germany-in-1933.401955/page-2#post-1066548138
Of course, the problem still remains that Holocaust deniers still can't explain what happened to the millions of jews who were in Europe before the Holocaust but then suddenly weren't there any more. There are lots of records of Jews who existed before WW2 & then just magically disappeared. They didn't contact family after the war. No record of them migrating anywhere. No evidence they were killed in the fighting. Just gone. The thread below is educational for anyone here who hasn't read it because it exposes the lies at the heart of this endeavour. The deniers don't have any answers so they just resort to making stuff up....then stop engaging. It would be funny if it wasn't so serious. http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/where-are-the-missing-jews.558565/
Once again we see that brainwashed holocaustians have only simple minded slurs, evasions and deceptions in their tiny rhetorical toolbox. Isn't it time to dust off your collection of "genuine human far soap", "genuine human skin pocketbooks" & "genuine shrunken heads"? “To the present day a written order by Hitler regarding the destruction of the European Jewish community has not been found, and, in all probability, this order was never given.” - Walter Laqueur, Was niemand wissen wollte: Die Unterdruckung der Nachrichten uber Hitlers Endlösung (What Nobody Wanted to Know: The Suppression of News About Hitler’s “Final Solution”), (Berlin-Vienna, 1981), p.190