I do believe that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus is also known as The Being of Light of near death experience fame and I believe that this young woman has a very serious Queen Hadassah - Esther calling on her life, as well as on the lives of her children and grandchildren and on her entire family. Injeun... ©Dennis Patrick Tate 2025 ©Dennis Patrick Tait 2025 this concept is YOURs for a toonie, [a Canadian two dollar coin... which I will certainly donate to your project when we meet... and I do think that we are going to meet]! Do some research as to who Chief Mel StandingEagle is? Mr. Mel Minitor travelled with near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley for twenty five years assisting Dannion to tell his story to an astonishing number of groups of people who would listen. I have every reason to believe that Dannion Brinkley and Chief Mel Minitor [Chief Mel StandingEagle].... have altered the space time continuum by their service to humanity. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." [Hoses 4:6] Injeun ... Mr. Bill Gates has gotten himself into a squabble with Mr. Elon Musk... and I personally believe that that was a seriously bad idea on the part of Gates...... [remember that saying that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones].... well..... Is Bill Gates the rider on the White Horse of Revelation six? @wgabrie ... your own personal story is going to soon begin to make more sense..... [suggestion... I do believe that you should research driving a Tesla because we have decided that we need to drive one because my wife and my daughter are commuting to work from Paris, Ontario to Mississauga, Ontario and I believe that a Tesla can get us back and forth four or five or even six times per week much more safely that we could do by doing all the driving ourselves. Pray for Elon Musk.. he has huge choices ahead of him... and so do we!? Actually the message from Jesus about Elon Musk is essentially exactly the same message that near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley and Chief Mel Standing Eagle have been telling audiences all over the world for thirty years or more. I believe that Mr. Elon Musk should do a Cyrus style treaty with The State of Utah! [Partly due to the fact that Latter day Saints, The Mormons, can do pretty much whatever they choose to do in Utah]!? A Utah State Dollar and a Utah Volunteerism Hour and Shalom in the Middle East? and of course........ Should Israelis begin discussion of a Class Action Lawsuit against Bill Gates? Here is a summary of the message that near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley has given to audience after audience after audience since his first book was published. The Future and the Near-Death Experience BY KEVIN WILLIAMSPOSTED ON SEPTEMBER 22, 2019
You said that in 2017. Seven years later we can safely conclude the Exodus of Jews from US did not happen.
Dennis, If you get a Tesla don't forget to get a level 2 charger installed at your house. Some people think they can get by with a level 1 charger, aka the standard electrical plug outlet, but it can take days to charge with just level 1. Having a level 2 charger installed will significantly improve charge times.
Thank you for that advice. I did not know about that. My guess is that we will probably own a Tesla by April or May.
You are absolutely correct that it did not happen but I do believe that the stage is still being set up. Near death experiencer and former Atheist Rabbi Alon Anava is the number one voice that I know of telling Jews in the USA that they should get prepared to make Aliyah to Israel. Do all Jews need to live in Israel? YES! - Start making Aliya!!! - Rabbi Alon Anava What is the next move? Are we heading for a bigger war? What should we do??? - Rabbi Alon Anava
Interesting! Wgabrie.... I just woke up with the most unusual concept on how to turn essentially any Christian church into a "stage"........ AND.... any nearby Jewish synagogue can also be turned into a "stage"...... AND.... any Islamic Mosque can also be turned into a stage and this is the kind of concept that I am 99.99999...... 9^nth power certain that I was given this concept by the Ruach ha Kodesh....... by the Holy Spirit..... and by The Being of Light of near death experience fame who I am certain is none other than the historical Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus! ©Dennis Patrick Tate 2025 ©Dennis Patrick Tait 2025 Now YOU are The Wgabrie and I hereby must sell you a PERSONALIZED version of this concept for two dollars Canadian..... and I must sell a personalized version of this concept to my professor near death experiencer Dr. Kevin Zadai for two dollars...... and I must sell a Personalized version of this concept to Pastor Steve Long of Catch the Fire churches....... AND...... once we have found one church...... and one synagogue and one mosque that will be willing to be turned into STAGES then this basic idea can be expanded into Ashrams and any other type of temple or religious building can also be turned into stages of sorts........... .... and the whole idea revolves around OPPOSING the Bill Gates "Innovation to zero" theory hat links the value of human life to our Carbon Footprint.......... but I believe that the gifted Pastor Rick Joyner has a brilliant job of introducing us to the idea that The Being of Light of near death experience fame places essentially infinite value on our lives........ Now here is the concept to unite Jews and Christians........ ONE HALF OF JEWS want Jewish MEN to go by this general idea....... ...... ...... Matthew 5: 27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell. Concerning Divorce 31 “It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’ 32 But I say to you that every one who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, makes her an adulteress; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. .... ..... Oh.... I have to write up a Personalized version of this for essentially ever truly influential MENTOR from any time in my life who I believe really helped me out......... [and there are a lot of them]!? Some of them will get a direct link into this so that I can begin to write their personalized version of this...... because this can be linked to what I term "Theoretically Infinite Financing!" This concept can be used to turn the world economy away from the possibility of "Bear Market 2025 to 2035" and instead can be used to set in motion an idea put forward by my Theology Professor Dr. Kevin Zadai: Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 : I feel that I should begin with the free and personalized version of this to The Dr. Mike Cowan who serves as Dean of Students for Dr. Zadai......... www.KevinZadai.com/ Scroll down this page and you can meet him: https://www.warriornotesschool.com
An interesting shift is coming in the world economy that I have heard predicted in the past. Some might call it "Partial Bear Market." I believe that what was shown to near death experiencer Kevin Zadai Th. D. fits with this and the idea of a Partial Bear Market can certainly fit in with the general idea of an "Exodus USA" where common people are led to "Blame the Jews" for the negative effects on a high percentage of Americans. Pastor Shane Warren was also shown about this. In a way it is as Satan is telling his "Elites" and leaders in "The Eruv Rav" as Rabbi Alon Anava might call it to assist in forcing USA Jews out of the USA so that they feel much safer living in The Holy Land. Shane Warren 1 on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth - Future of America
@GMS Cuban .... I was told several years ago that when I would begin to hang around with prophetic people that I would begin to develop some of those gifts myself. I believe that YOU Sir are going to be able to do something significant both toward the predicted "Exodus USA" that will connect Israel and America in a huge way but it will also involve you being given a specific answer to: Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 : For starters, is the event that was shown to Pastor David Herzog back in 2011 or 2012 likely to involve merely tens of millions of dollars worth or real estate or are we more likely into hundreds of billions of dollars in real estate that could well be dumped on the USA real estate market by Jews who feel that they must leave the USA rapidly, [or else]?! http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/exodus-usa.520741/#post-1068368513 The Mark Taylor predictions from 2011 are soon going to make sense to most of us.
Shalom Mr. Max Barry: My strong suspicion is that the sheer volume of real estate that may be dumped on the USA market by American Jews when the time of the predicted "Exodus USA" actually takes place could be in the hundreds of billions of dollars worth........ possibly even more than one trillion?! On that note I believe that at minimum I should put a mathematical challenge in front of You Sir because you are obviously well informed and you are able to think outside of the book better than 999 / 1000 of the rest of us. So this challenge is based on the creation of a theoretical and artistic micro-nation that attempts to put a "Cyrus" style TREATY in front of ten million Israelis based on the idea that the 1932 Worgl Austria Local Money Experiment sets the stage for a whole new way of viewing money over the coming years and decades. https://maxbarry.com/2023/07/17/news.html So here is the specific challenge written up in as succinct a manner as I can manage, [which is a bit difficult for me], but: http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/exodus-usa.520741/#post-1068368513 "Exodus USA." So... this micro nation Currency Note is patterned after the 1932 Worgl Austria Local Money Experiment: The probable MOTIVES for the F. D. R. NEW DEAL?????
Dennis P. Tait [or Tate] N3L0M9, Canada February 8, 2025 His Honourable Minister Mr. President Donald J. Trump: Sir, it is my firm belief that YOU have been set up by The Being of Light of near death experience fame to become the most famous FILM PRODUCER in the history of this earth. I firmly believe that many of the Palestinians who leave Gaza are going to end up living in Real Estate that will soon be vacated and put on the market by USA Jews who decide that they need to leave the USA and go further North to Canada before they make their full fledged Aliyah to "The Holy Land." In a way you could term this "God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land" but near death experiencer Robert Mendelson already has that title so I will go with "The Being of Light of near death experience fame Peace Plan for the Holy Land." ©Dennis Patrick Tate 2025 ©Dennis Patrick Tait 2025 This is yours for two dollars Canadian Sir if you will accept this and this offer includes this entire discussion on all of these pages entitled "Exodus USA" by DennisTate on politicalforum .com! So this is an answer to where the Palestinians of Gaza are going. They are going to the real estate made vacant as The Being of Light of near death experience fame pressures USA Jews to leave the USA and "flee" to Canada before they make Aliyah to Israel! Shalom, Dennis Tate p.s. Mr. President Donald J. Trump when you are in Israel next would you be willing to say Hi to Jerusalem Sanhedrin Rabbi Yeshayahu Julius Hollander? You might want to offer him and whoever he chooses to work with him to become the members of something along the line of "Exodus USA film production Kibbutz Ltd." Re: Rabbi Hollander, linking Jerusalem Third Temple with Grand Unified Theory of Modern World Problems. Rabbi Hollander replied to my e-mail in less than twenty four hours.