Does it mean that with The Kazakhstan famine , + well planed destruction of Kazakh language, Soviet Muscovites wanted to eliminate Kazakh nation (much like Belarusian , Ukrainian, Chechen, Crimean tatar, etc. ) the second question is it case for The Hague? " It was a nuclear disaster four times worse than Chernobyl in terms of the number of cases of acute radiation sickness, but Moscow’s complicity in covering up its effects on people’s health has remained secret until now. We knew that in August 1956, fallout from a Soviet nuclear weapons test at Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan engulfed the Kazakh industrial city of Ust-Kamenogorsk and put more than 600 people in hospital with radiation sickness, but the details have been sketchy. After seeing a newly uncovered report, New Scientist can now reveal that a scientific expedition from Moscow in the aftermath of the hushed-up disaster uncovered widespread radioactive contamination and radiation sickness across the Kazakh steppes. The scientists then tracked the consequences as nuclear bomb tests continued — without telling the people affected or the outside world. The report by scientists from the Institute of Biophysics in Moscow was found in the archive of the Institute of Radiation Medicine and Ecology (IRME) in Semey, Kazakhstan. “For many years, this has been a secret,” says the institute’s director Kazbek Apsalikov, who found the report and passed it on to New Scientist. More nuclear bomb tests were conducted at Semipalatinsk than anywhere else in the world during the 1950s and early 1960s. Western journalists have reported since the breakup of the Soviet Union on the apparent health effects on villagers downwind of the tests. And some recent studies have estimated radiation doses using proxies such as radioactivity in tooth enamel. The newly revealed report, which outlines “the results of a radiological study of Semipalatinsk region” and is marked “top secret”, shows for the first time just how much Soviet scientists knew at the time about the human-health disaster and the extent of the cover-up. It details how Moscow researchers on three expeditions to Ust-Kamenogorsk found widespread and persistent radioactive contamination of soil and food both there and across the towns and villages of eastern Kazakhstan. In the path of fallout clouds In mid-September 1956, a month after the fallout cloud hit, dose rates in Ust-Kamenogorsk were still up to 1.6 millirems per hour, a hundred times what the report deems the “permissible rate”, and what is recommended as safe by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The following month, the expedition moved on to a number of villages. “Near Znamenka, radioactive substances that affected the people and the environment fell out repeatedly for years,” the report says. "|NSNS|2017-Echobox#link_time=1490090578 + " The Kazakhstan famine of 1932–1933, described as Kazakh catastrophe by Robert Conquest,[1] was part of the Soviet famine of 1932–33. While Ukraine was worst affected, the famine also spread to the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic's autonomous republic, Kazakhstan and other areas.[2] Kazakhs were most severely affected by the Soviet famine in terms of percentage of people who died (approximately 38%).[3] Around 1.5 million (or possibly as many as 2.0–2.3 million) people died in Kazakhstan of whom 1.3 million were ethnic Kazakhs.[4] It is known in Kazakshan as "Goloshchekin genocide" (Kazakh: Голощекиндік геноцид),[5] in reference to Filipp Goloshchyokin, who carried out the Sovietization of Kazakhstan at the time. Taking into an account the Kazakh famine of 1919–1922, in 10–15 years Kazakh lands lost more than half of its population due to the actions of the Soviet power.[6]"
Interesting....seems there were more nuclear"accidents" by the Soviets than they care to admit, I'm guessing some here may try to dismiss it as propaganda!
Thank you for this sad but from what I see a truth filled piece about the Kazakhstan Chornobyl and the fact that Soviets committed a genocide by radiation there.
Yes, the last genocide , commie Muscovites have commuted against Belarusian nation , Gobi did it...terrible story , Homle is second in size Belarusian city ... " Russian military pilots have described how they created rain clouds to protect Moscow from radioactive fallout after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986. Major Aleksei Grushin repeatedly took to the skies above Chernobyl and Belarus and used artillery shells filled with silver iodide to make rain clouds that would "wash out" radioactive particles drifting towards densely populated cities. More than 4,000 square miles of Belarus were sacrificed to save the Russian capital from the toxic radioactive material. "The wind direction was moving from west to east and the radioactive clouds were threatening to reach the highly populated areas of Moscow, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl," he told Science of Superstorms, a BBC2 documentary to be broadcast today. "If the rain had fallen on those cities it would've been a catastrophe for millions. The area where my crew was actively influencing the clouds was near Chernobyl, not only in the 30km zone, but out to a distance of 50, 70 and even 100 km." In the wake of the catastrophic meltdown of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, people in Belarus reported heavy, black-coloured rain around the city of Gomel. Shortly beforehand, aircraft had been spotted circling in the sky ejecting coloured material behind them. Moscow has always denied that cloud seeding took place after the accident, but last year on the 20th anniversary of the disaster, Major Grushin was among those honoured for bravery. He claims he received the award for flying cloud seeding missions during the Chernobyl clean-up. A second Soviet pilot, who asked not to be named, also confirmed to the programme makers that cloud seeding operations took place as early as two days after the explosion. Alan Flowers, a British scientist who was one of the first Western scientists allowed into the area to examine the extent of radioactive fallout around Chernobyl, said that the population in Belarus was exposed to radiation doses 20 to 30 times higher than normal as a result of the rainfall, causing intense radiation poisoning in children. Mr Flowers was expelled from Belarus in 2004 after claiming that Russia had seeded the clouds. He said: "The local population say there was no warning before these heavy rains and the radioactive fallout arrived."
yes, everywhere where they must pay they say - Jews, Ukrainians, Poles , Americans did it, or did even worst , we did nothing wrong , even when a case that clear ...
its impossible in USA/EU even in Muscovy heart lands only in rightless colonies under afro - asian Muscovite occupation like Belarus and Kazakhstan
Well the cover up doesn't surprise me, it's typical of the Russians to hide anything that makes them look less than perfect, or perhaps it's their tendency of assassinating anyone who makes a mistake or steps out of line,... the Kursk another good example. Half a nation gone... it's inconceivable.