Exposing Things

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by RoanokeIllinois, Aug 26, 2022.

  1. RoanokeIllinois

    RoanokeIllinois Banned Donor

    Jun 24, 2022
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    ~1. Democracy - Wikipedia "is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation ("direct democracy"), or to choose governing officials to do so ("representative democracy"). "

    What the Democrat Politicians pretend to be, but aren't. Because, they know that Americans want this. This of this also include Freedom of Religion, Property Rights and Freedom of Speech.
    How Democrat Politicians contradict such things, here are just some examples: Hindering Freedom of Religion by closing down Churches during the pandemic, and then when they re-opened, making them stand 6 feet apart, when masks don't work, and neither do the vaccine or boosters. Hindering Freedom of speech and banning many Conservative speech on Liberal Forums, and other Liberal Platforms, such as Facebook, and Google. I wonder how many property rights Democrat Politicians care about, when they've allowed China to steal our farm land and food(and "eat our lunch", "common man"), and other property rights.

    DEMOCRACY INCLUDES- THE RIGHT TO LIFE. THAT MEANS DEMOCRACY IS AGAINST ABORTION!!!!!!! Democrat Politicians throw around that they represent Democracy a lot though?

    2. elite - definition and meaning (wordnik.com)
    • "noun The best or most skilled members of a group.
    • noun A group or class of persons considered to be superior to others because of their intelligence, social standing, or wealth."
    Now adays Democrat Politicians consider the most skilled members of society, or best, the Rich elites, the ones with college degrees. That is a huge reason why they control colleges and the education system in General.

    Of high wealth, because of birth. Now that would be many of Democrat Politicians, and their contributors, that are simply born into their wealth, and then act, like they're just like you, the average middle class person, and pretend like they dislike the elites. But wait, if they're born into wealth, then how can they be middle class?

    Being superior to others, sounds pretty biased to me. Things like Democrat Politicians not following their own rules when it came to covid. Cuomo from cnn out in New York when he had covid, without a mask. or Obama having a party, with friends with no masks, and not distancing, or Gavin Newsom out with his friends at dinner without a mask, and no social distancing, Or Nancy Pelosi having a Salon open up just for her, so she can get her hair done. All while the rest of us have to stay indoors, 6 feet apart, wearing masks. Democrat Politicians buying million dollar houses, having expensive items on the American tax payers dollar.

    3. Middle class - Wikipedia
    ~"The middle class refers to a class of people in the middle of a social hierarchy, often defined by occupation, income, education, or social status. The term has historically been associated with modernity,[1] capitalism and political debate."

    Notice that the definition says associated with Capitalism. Not Socialism, but Capitalism.
    Income and Education. Well, we the middle class aint rich, and we aint poor. Which means, we're not the rich elite Democrat Politicians, but not the poor people they want us to be like, because they want everyone to count on Big Government, and them for everything. For money, and to make all of their decisions. Education, in which they run, and have done so for many years. Now adays, it's a lot harder to get a job without a higher education of some sort, and the Democrat Politicians intentionally made it that way for a specific reason. A reason of brainwashing, and destroying small businesses, and more.

    such include small businesses of America. Small businesses that were crushed by the Chinese Wuhan Virus(covid-19), and will be crushed even more, by Democrat Politicians hiring 80 thousand plus more IRS agents. Democrat Politicians know that if they crush small business, that they can achieve their Socialist America, because Small Businesses are the Backbone of America.

    4. Capitalism - Wikipedia
    "Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit."

    It also talks about property rights, things in which the American Democrat Politicians care nothing about, when it comes to China coming in and destroying us in so many ways, and violating our rights in so many ways.

    Private ownership, not public. So opposite of Socialism. Of course, I'm still waiting for all of these Capitalist Democrat Politicians in America to share their wealth, when they say that they're for Socialism, such as the King of Socialism- Bernie Sanders.

    Since capitalism has worked for America, then why do Democrat Politicians wish to try and continuously "change" America so much? Isn't there such a thing as trying to evolve to far, to the point where it hurts America, and will destroy it? Other nations have tried doing it, only to fall. What makes America any different?

    5. Socialism - Wikipedia
    "Socialism is a left-wing[1]economic philosophy and movement encompassing a range of economic systems characterized by the dominance of social ownership[2] of the means of production[3][4] as opposed to private ownership."

    The fact, that a liberal owned and operated ran website, even mentions that Socialism itself is related to far Left Wing politics in America(American Democrat Politicians)astounds me.
    Socialism at its core, as a whole, has never worked for any Country. yes, bits and pieces have here and there, but in most cases it doesn't come any where close.

    For example, since obamacre kicked it, has healthcare's quality in America gotten better or worse? I'm sure the vast majority would say worse. It's more about quantity at this point, and less about quality. Well, ya can thank Socialism for that! The rich elite Democrat Politicians in America get the finest doctors and anything else they want, whilst the rest of us get mere "crumbs" as pelosi would say it. When Democrat Politicians talk about "sharing the wealth" in America, they of course are talking about hard working men and women sharing the wealth with the poor of this country. Ultimately, sooner than later, making the middle class poor, because you can sure as bet, that the Democrat Politicians are paying their fair share, but simply psychologically projecting thee rich elitists, and saying how bad they're when they're part of that category themselves, and actually make up most of that category. They can destroy small businesses threw covid, and the IRS(they're going to double the IRS), and tax the middle class more, to achieve their Socialist Utopia. Does anyone agree the way California is run in America? Well, that is the way they want the rest of America to look, and they will get their way, sooner than later. If not, they'll simply impose and force their ways upon us, like they already have been.

    6. poor - definition and meaning (wordnik.com)
    • "adjective Having insufficient wealth to meet the necessities or comforts of life or to live in a manner considered acceptable in a society.
    • adjective Relating to or characterized by poverty.
    • adjective Deficient or lacking in a specified resource or quality.
    • adjective Not adequate in quality or quantity; inferior."
    You're/We the American People, are inferior to Democrat politicians. At least in their minds we are. Look at Venezuela, and other countries that have tried Socialism. The majority of them are now third World Countries, where people do things like eat out of Garbage trucks.
    This is what will happen to Americans, if we don't stop the American Democrat politicians. Not just some of them either, but All of them! They're for the rich, and the poor for a reason. Their policies are for the rich and the poor for a reason. Because if they were for the middle class supposedly, then they wouldn't have Bernie Sanders(a admitted Socialist), that almost won their Primary vote for the Democrat Party, just incase we have any doubters, that that isn't what the Democrat party stands for in America now.

    California Punishes the Poor by Banning Gas-Powered Cars (freebeacon.com)
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022

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