You are correct in that we can't ask science to "prove" life after death, but there's abundant testimonial evidence from thousands of people who have died & been resuscitated, lending a high level of credence that consciousness continues after physical death, and returns to the place of its origin to review its past life & prepare for the next. This is what the evidence I've found in over two decades of personal research seems to support. I didn't believe in an afterlife when I started my research. The evidence convinced me over time. Sorry to disappoint you, but NDEs are NOT DREAMS. They are actual short-term death experiences.
Dreams prove that brains have the power to create lasting memories that are heavly affected by what the person has experieced and believes. NDE's are dreams created under serious duress. First, there is the possibility that the person knows they are dying. Next, we have the brain receiving the inputs of depricated sensory organs and nervous sytem. Next, we have a brain that is clearly deprived and thus depricated. Next, we know that brains are active in creating fabulous "memories" even when we're not conscious. Next, we know that even eyewitness testimony of a totally awake person is highly questionable, and we have NO way to question these memories or to verify the person is not enhancing the story for effect. The idea that we should all take as "truth" the anecdotes of those remembering(!) the stories told by these dying brains is NOT EVEN SLIGHTLY improved by claiming there are lots of them. As they say, the plural of "anecdote" is not "data".
Sorry to inform you that your post is entirely wrong. Actually, you should be happy, for the evidence supports the idea that you don't die when your body does. Forget the dreams excuse. It doesn't hold water. And, there have been actual "proofs" that NDEs are real, in ways that can't be set aside as coincidence or dreams. The story of Maria & the tennis shoe comes to mind as an example. Maria died of a heart attack & had a NDE while in the hospital. Her soul traveled from her dead body, up thru the ceiling & out the side of the hospital building wall near the roof of that building. As she (her soul) exited the upper wall, it passed thru a small ledge surrounding the roof. While exiting that ledge, it passed close to a tennis shoe & remembered the details of that shoe, including color, strings & damaged areas on the shoe. Later, Maria told a hospital social worker about the NDE & described that shoe in detail. The social worker was curious enough to follow up with a little personal research & found that shoe on the roof line ledge. It was exactly as Maria had described it. But Maria had been in her hospital bed several floors below the roof all the time, & no patients were allowed on the roof. The tennis shoe was exactly like she described it in detail, & exactly at the location on the ledge she described as well. Her NDE was no dream. It was real. There are many such stories out there similar to this & with details that could be & were checked later by neutral sources. That's why NDEs are regarded as more than just dreams.
That proves nothing. It is anecdotal that she didn't know where the shoe was. She could have remembered that kids were throwing shoes onto roofs or onto telephone lines, thus making her guess likely. She could have gotten other clues that she hadn't put together. She could be looking for her 15 of fame, fully knowing what had happened. She could have seen the show as it passed her window. She could have been told part or all the story when staff were't around - or heard someone outside her room searching for such a shoe. There is no indication that all sources were neutral. In fact, the nurse who "believed" could have been involved. Proof does not look like an anecdote.
None of your comments are accurate. Maria described the shoe in great detail before anyone thought of looking for it. The social worker did not believe Maria's NDE & went to see if the shoe existed partly so she could disregard the whole thing. The shoe was exactly as described, down to the finest detail, including tears in the shoe material in the exact position on the shoe. No one could have seen the shoe from the street because the ledge blocked that perspective. There was no guesswork involved. Maria said her soul went within 2-5 inches of the shoe as she left the hospital, and she saw everything very close up. The social worker was in no way involved with a gag story. She was stunned when it all turned out to be true. In fact, she admitted later, it changed her life. I can guide you to the truth, but I can't force you to partake.