Pay attention to the extreme overreaction. A 24 year old student had brought three rifles with him in his car to a community college where he attended classes. The guns remained in the trunk of his car, the car parked in the parking lot. Because of this, the student was treated as a potential mass murderer. Police arrested him. The judge set bail at $750,000, an enormous amount. And on top of that, the college locked the student out from access to all his student accounts (through the internet). Someone had initially reported a man acting erratically in a parking lot near the back of campus. Some time later, officers then located the student, who was in class, and detained him, putting him in handcuffs. Then they searched his vehicle and found the rifles, ammunition, and supposed "hate group" material. Tarboro police: Man with rifles linked to hate group arrested at Edgecombe Community College, Dave Jordan, Jacyn Abbot, WITN, October 17, 2022 This happened in North Carolina. (suspect's name Jason Messenbrink) For those who are not aware, the parking lots at a community college are huge, and the car was pretty far away from the building. It would be a long walk to get from the building to the car. If he had just parked the car a little further away, outside the parking lot owned by the community college, it would not have been illegal. I don't know about your opinions, but I think this is pretty insane. And yet, this is also representative of the "new normal" in America. It's like a form of paranoia. Anyone with guns is seen as a "threat". Why else would this man have guns in the trunk of his car unless he was planning to commit a mass murder? There was a time in most parts of America when keeping guns in the trunk of one's car would not have been the least bit unusual or suspicious.
I would be concerned about what sort of probable cause they had to search his vehicle. There was a Time in America or plenty of kids went to school and had rifles in the gun rack in the back of their pickup truck.
I put guns in the trunk of my car going to and from a rifle range about two out of every weekends a month. My guns have never threatened anyone.
Even if the judge eventually determines the police lacked probable cause, the suspect could still be sitting in prison for a year, with no recourse, even if the charges are dropped. (It's very normal for court hearings to drag on for a very long time, even in a case like this) I also think it's very probable that community college will never let the student come back and reenroll in classes again. If you read the article, the college's president said they were in the process of disabling the suspect's access to campus buildings (key card). This despite the suspect already having been arrested and being held in the county detention center.
Come to think of it it is private property so they probably make you sign a paper to the effect that your vehicle is subject to search
That's not how it works. The state probably passed a special law making bringing guns to a public school illegal. If not that, there's also the federal "Gun Free School Zones" Act which was passed into law in 1990. As for "probable cause", the prosecutor will probably try to make the claim that, because there was a report of a student acting "erratically", they had reason to believe he might have been under the influence of drugs and so therefore had a reason to search the student's car. It will be a convoluted claim, of course, but that will not prevent the judge from being able to use it as an excuse, if not to refuse to have the case dismissed, then to drag the case on for as long as possible. For those who are not familiar with how law enforcement actually works, "probable cause" reasons can often be extremely flimsy.
I'm saying, you all need to be aware that this is the direction society is headed. This type of stuff, the type of stuff in the story, is becoming more common. It is close to becoming normal. There needs to be pushback against it. It seems like many conservatives and gun owners are living in an imaginary fantasy world, in denial and unable to see everything that's happening around them. The society is being fundamentally changed, and people like you can't see it.
Texas is now a "sanctuary state" for the 2d amendment. We're following California's lead. California is a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants, i.e., California won't enforce federal immigration laws... now Texas won't enforce federal gun laws... although we do background checks of course. Blue states are becoming like foreign countries in so many ways. Sitting here in safe, sane Texas watching what's going on in blue states is like watching television from Mars.