Does anyone here believe in false flag operations? I've read several different items on YouTube recently that assert the shooting at the Colorado movie house, the massacre at Sandy Hook Elelmentary School and the Charleston, SC church shooting among others were all false flag operations. These YouTube videos say that these shootings are all a pretext to take away our guns. Now, I do believe in some conspiracies. For instance, I don't think Oswald acted alone in the JFK assassination. But this seems way out there. What do you all think?
Can you explain why a community organizer is sitting in the White House ? Can that many Americans be that stupid or uniformed to vote for a community organizer who has a hidden past ?
I think these beliefs in the mentioned false flags are wrong, and perhaps driven by a deep mistrust in our own gov't. Some of the people who create those you tube videos on these subjects are a bit too paranoid, IMO. Yet we know that false flag operations have at least been planned. Like the plan to blow up an airliner and the blame it on Cuba, so we could justify taking out Castro. And some say that the Defense Sec under LBJ reported that the Gulf of Tonkin incident that provided the justification of escalating our involvement in the Vietnam war, never happened. Yet I have heard others reject this, so not sure if there is more evidence for this other than rumor. Somewhat related to this, is that we do know that demonstrations like the occupy wall street movement put on, were infiltrated by agitators, who's purpose is easy to see.
False flag operations in a political world and two opposite camps can start to appear and thus can one day lead to a situation of one strong camp of believers or one strong camp of disbelievers. If there wasn't politics you could safely become a false flag believer (or thinker) or a false flag disbeliever (because than nobody could take advantage of a pro or anti believe) And nobody could stick a label ('conspiracy theorist' or 'birther') to your mind, because it wouldn't matter (because a majority with the same thoughts or believes over an event in a free / non-political world wouldn't harm a society/nation) So if you take the position 'I do believe in flase flag operations', you could be attacked (a political fight starts and the false flag event would never be solved)
Well, after he was one of those, he worked for a law firm, served in the state legislature then the US Senate for a bit. Not sure why anyone would only define the man as a community organizer unless of course a propaganda tactic is being used, to invalidly prove some point. LOL So, his later experience brought him into contact with the big money boys, corporations, and especially wall street and banksters and such. The amount of money he raised shows he is basically owned, when it comes to the issues the oligarchs are concerned with. The same ones own much of the GOP, as well as many of the Democrats, in congress, corporate democrats and republicans. The only leeway they have involves the more superficial issues, the issues that do not hurt corporate and bankster profits. So gay marriage, abortion, taxes on the rich(which will not be touched, except to bring rates down). You know, those issues that will inflame liberals and conservatives, helped along by the big media, which also keeps voters distracted from the moves of the oligarchy. A great example is TPP, which the People are against, but the GOP and corporate owned democrats, do not represent the People, just the folks I mentioned. As was evidenced in the Princeton Study, that showed we either are an oligarchy or we are in the process of morphing into on. Given the evidence presented in that study, it appears we are already an Oligarchy. The point being, Obama is perceived totally falsely by the Right, which is a very extreme Right.
You will always have people who see a boogieman, usually the U.S. Government raising a false flag behind almost anything that happens. Just look at this site and see how many people post about 9-11 being an inside job that our government pulled over on us so our government could go to war or something close. On JFK, I think it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Oswalt was the trigger man. Did someone or some organization put him up to it, I suppose we will never know the answer to that. I think not, but it is possible, so I never closed my mind's door to that possibility. Sure government wants to take our guns, easier to control the population that way. But using false flag operations like you mention is really push the envelopes of a person's mind and maybe sanity. Those folks will always see boogie men. These ideas come from lack of trust in our own government. Only somewhere between 20 to 25% of Americans trust their own government. Here is a chart for you to look at to see how trust in our own government had faded over the years. Lack of trust is what leads to all these conspiracy theories and what you refereed to as false flag operations.
Why On Earth would a President as Very First EO { Executive Order } EO 13489 which commands the National Archivist to Seal all Obama's personals and deny access to anything deemed personal { any school records his travel logs and Passports }.Why during the 2008 Presidential Campaign did David Axelrod deem Things OFF LIMITS.Meaning they were never to be allowed in print or on the campaign trail. as in : Mention of Obama' Big ears Use of the word Liberal Any talk of Obama's Religion growing up as a kid Obama was advertised widely as a MODERATE. Bill Ayers's connection to Obama were not allowed. When Interviewed by Bill Ayers back a few months ago on Alex Jones Bill Ayers insisted this is Obama ... : " He is a Moderate,Middle of the Road, pragmatic,compromising politician. That is who Obama said he was and that's who he is. " Sounds like something someone would say in a Movie remake of - The Manchurian Candidate -.
I think false flag accusations are generally thrown out by people who are incredibly bored with their lives and reality in general and are looking for something exciting. Some people like risk taking for excitement, some people like games for excitement, and some people like using their imagination to invent that excitement, which isn't a problem in the context of writing fiction or doing a play or something, but which is terribly stupid when it's applied to reality. I'm sorry that your lives are boring conspiracy theorists, but the rest of the sane population is not responsible for propping up your boredom relief.
The entire way it went down. Just like Sandy Hook. Or the way McVeigh was used as a patsy. I don't think 9/11 was an inside job.But the Saudi's do have blood on their hands.Notice how a Saudi higher up who was taken to a hospital after the Boston Bombing for questioning was never allowed to be seen by anyone in his hospital room.Word had it,on orders from the First Lady.That guy { some kind of title like junior Prince } was allowed to sneak out of that hospital and fly back to Saudi Arabia without any questions.
They voted for a C student that also happened to be a bumbling buffoon who embroiled this nation in a needless war for generations. And then they reelected him. So anything is possible.
So the person who set the bomb and killed hundreds of innocent people including children is a patsy? You're honestly defending Timothy McVeigh? The First Lady has no power to order government employees outside of maybe her security detail to do anything. At all. Your contribution here has defined a whole new never-before-seen level of worthless bull(*)(*)(*)(*).
Actually getting into a False Flag takes a lot of homework.Look how big the J.F.K. assassination book by Vincent Bugliosi { author of - Helter Skelter }. And Bugliosi came to basically the same conclusion as the Warren Commission. And we Know how pathetically flawed the Warren Report was. It came out Digictally on the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination { 2013 }. All 888 pages and 26 volumns of hearings. Notice how odd that just last year { 2014 } there was Not a Word in the entire MSM about J.F.K. during the entire week of Nov. 22nd.I started a Thread about it.How unbelievably Surreal.Just the year before was the 5oth Anniversity and last fall in November a couldn't find a single article by the media on it. Right there is a Conspiracy. Tell me that isn't a conspiracy.
Yes, we saw it happen. To be fair though his competition was just awful. I suspect similar results this next cycle; Republicans run a social conservative and the Democrats run Hilldog. Long story short we end up with a horrible (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) as the first woman president.
Arranged, no. Manipulated and incredibly influenced by media forces, lies and cover ups. (*)(*)(*)(*) yeah it was.
Taking the word of McVeigh over the power mad control freak nature of Bill Clinton isn't exactly hard work. Bill Clinton used the Bombing as a diversion a Wag the Dog.Unless you think Clinton acted honorably by letting Janet Reno and General Wesley Clark handle the operation that torched those women & children at Waco.Clinton clearly passed the buck.
Getting into Dungeon's and Dragon's take a lot of homework too but that doesn't make it real. - - - Updated - - - The people at Waco had over a month to make a proper choice. They didn't. I didn't really feel sorry for them, just the kids.
They have video evidence of the attack... you are going to have to do better than " the way it went down ".
...because the number of uneducated morons (especially the ones who actually WENT to school) is increasing at an alarming rate, and they have reached voting age. ... could that be part of it?