Haven't heard much from Louie The Lip lately, but he's still out there giving the world an insight into his mania.
Except there's no evidence they killed Bin Laden. All the evidence was destroyed (thrown into the ocean by their own claims). And any other possible evidence has to accepted on faith, from a pathological lying US government. But yeah, many of the SEALS associated with the alleged Bin Laden "assassination" were set up to be massacred shortly afterward. And that's the claim from some of the SEAL Team 6 families, not from "Louie The Lip".
Bin Laden died in December 2001. Obama used this false story to deflect criticism regarding his treatment of Manning. The American public is so very well indoctrinated.
What sources do you want? The EVIDENCE was destroyed, by their own claims. Or if you mean some of the families claims of SEAL Team 6, you can use Google for both searches. You need help with Google?;
Some of the family members don't see it that way and they have much more information and much more at stake than you do.
And yet in the 10 years between 9/11 and his death he never tried to come forward with this so called "truth". Kinda puts a hole in the logic of moronic 9/11 conspiracy nut jobs.
What does Farrakhan have to do with and how does he "put a hole in the logic of moronic 9/11 conspiracy nut jobs"? Which conspiracy nut jobs are you referring to anyway, those who bought the moronic official conspiracy theory or a different bunch?
Who knows? It could have been drugs for all we know. It's amazing how the standards of evidence fall when it comes to evidence to support the contentions of 9/11 truth.
So you have no idea but you're insinuating the families of the dead SEALS only believe they were setup because they are on drugs? All of them? That's the best guess you can come up with? Did you even research anything or are you just spouting nonsense for the sake of antagonism? What do the families of the dead SEALS have to do with the "contentions of 9/11 truth" whatever that's supposed to be?
No, you COMPLETELY misunderstood, so before you reach for the report button, comprehend the following. The implication of that sentence was subtle, that is, it satirised your position by exposing the fact that you don't really know. Now you're up to speed. Ok? I'll leave linguistic nuance alone in future engagements if it will aid your comprehension. You missed the point. It is a comment on how the standards of evidence are slack when it comes to those on anti-government rants, but those same individuals expect amazingly high standards from those who question their position. I hope that explains my position although the initial post was clear enough.